Shangguan Xuanyi quickly ran to Xiaoer and picked her up! He walked over to Taozi and sat down.

Xiaoer struggled hard to stand up. If someone bumped into her again, she would really get bumped into trouble!

"Don't move, let me look at your feet."

"My feet are fine, but the eggplant is almost mushy!"

"Never mind it!" Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand to take off Xiaoer's embroidered shoes.

Xiaoer held Shangguan Xuanyi's hand: "Brother Shangguan, my feet are fine! Let's put the eggplant in a bowl first! I paid a big price for this plate of braised eggplant. If it burns again, I will suffer a big loss. !”

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this, so he could only put her on the spoon and pick up the expensive braised eggplant himself.

After scooping up the eggplants, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to pull Xiaoer back into his arms, who was the best in the thirty-sixth stratagem, and picked her up horizontally, then put her back on the pedestal.

"Don't run! Let me look at your feet!"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, and the plate didn't break." Xiaoer couldn't help but wince.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't say anything, he held her ankle slightly to prevent her from struggling, carefully took off her shoes, and then prepared to take off her socks.

"Well, I'll do it myself!" It's just a foot, there's nothing to be pretentious about, Xiaoer comforted herself.

"Girl, there's no need to be shy. It's not the first time I've seen your feet. I've already remembered what they look like. Now let's see them again to deepen my impression!" Shangguan Xuanyi raised his head and glanced at Xiaoer's face. Seriously.

After hearing this, Xiaoer was dumbfounded. Her serious brother Shangguan also learned how to flirt with girls?

Shangguan Xuanyi saw her stunned moment and gently took off her socks.

He was relieved when he saw a red spot on the white and tender instep and no bruises.

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand, held the sole of her small foot, and rubbed the red area with his thumb: "Does it hurt?"

Xiaoer shook her head: "Only a little bit, it doesn't hurt much. It's just itchy when you hold it like this!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi deliberately scratched the soles of her feet with his index finger.

Xiaoer couldn't help but shrink back: "Haha... don't! Otherwise I, haha... kick you in the face!"

It turns out that she is ticklish. If she disobeys me in the future, I can use this method to punish her! Shangguan Xuanyi thought.

Xiaoer didn't know that her weakness was exposed like this.

Shangguan Xuanyi was worried that she would fall backward, so he took the initiative to let her go, helped her put on her shoes and socks again, then picked her up, sat on the stool, and placed her on his lap: "Girl, let's continue. "

After saying this, Shangguan Xuanyi hugged the person tightly, stretched out his hand to lift her pointed chin, and pressed his lips to hers.

Before Xiaoer could realize what he meant by continuing, someone kissed her lips again. Xiaoer was worried about being caught again. She really didn't have the face to see Jiang Dong and his father, so she struggled slightly and opened her mouth to refuse. .

People who have experienced such a wonderful taste would never want to stop at it. Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand to support the back of her head, and tightened his hand around her slender waist. He took the opportunity to penetrate her mouth with his tongue, deepening the feeling. His passionate kiss.

The two hearts were so close, so close that each could feel the other's heartbeat. Shangguan Xuanyi closed his eyes, entangled her tongue, and started sucking seriously.

The first love was touching. After two lifetimes, Xiaoer fell in love for the first time and kissed for the first time. She was kissed so hard that she slowly closed her eyes and quietly put her hands around the other person's waist.

Feeling the response of the girl in his arms, the sweetness and fragrance in his mouth made him kiss harder, and his arms around the other person tightened, as if he wanted to rub the girl in his arms into his bones, he just wanted more , more sweetness...

Everything in the world seems to have stopped at this moment.

"Bang!" The penis under Shangguan Xuanyi's butt finally couldn't bear the weight of the two of them and fell apart.

Shangguan Xuanyi came to his senses as soon as Xiao Zhuzi made any movement.

He quickly stood up with Xiaoer in his arms.

Xiaoer, who had stopped for no reason, came back to his senses and glanced down at the small wooden stool. She was really dumbfounded and didn't know whether to praise it for falling apart in time.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned and looked at those broken pieces of wood, damn it! Interrupted midway again! He is not satisfied yet!

If eyes could turn into flames, his eyes would definitely burn those pieces of wood to ashes!

"It seems that the little ones in the kitchen need to be replaced with stronger ones." He had not yet come out of his confusion and infatuation, his voice was hoarse, a bit deeper than usual.

After hearing this, Xiaoer came back to her senses completely. Well, it's none of her business whether the dish in the kitchen is changed or not. Anyway, she won't call him to come to the kitchen with him next time!

She struggled to get off the ground, Shangguan Xuanyi put her down smoothly, and then pulled her back into his arms.

Xiaoer thought he wanted to continue kissing her, so she was so frightened that she pushed him away: "No, Brother Di and the others have been waiting for a long time."

"Don't move. I'm just going to hold you for a while. It'll be fine in a while." Xiaoer stopped struggling after hearing this.

Shangguan Xuanyi buried his head in her shoulder, smelling her unique fragrance. He let her go after the restlessness calmed down, and helped her straighten her hair that was messed up by him.

"Let's go! Let's go eat!" Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer's hand and walked out.

"Aren't those dishes going to be taken out?" Xiaoer turned around and glanced at the remaining pots of vegetables.

"Someone will take care of it." He said without looking back.

Shangguan Xuanyi brought Xiaoer to his study, "Girl, let's have dinner here."

"Why? This is not good!" As the host, it would be too rude for him to leave a few guests to eat by himself!

"There's nothing wrong with her. We're all our own. They won't mind. And I can't bear to let others see you like you are now." Shangguan Xuanyi reached out and stroked her pink cheeks and said honestly.

What does she look like now? Xiao'er felt very bad after hearing this.

She quickly took out a small mirror from the space and took a look: the girl in the mirror had spring-like brows and a pair of red lips that were slightly swollen from being kissed, but she was even more delicate and attractive.

Is this person in the mirror myself? ! Xiaoer's face turned even redder!

"Shangguan Xuanyi, get out of here!" Xiaoer roared angrily.

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi laughed lowly and agreed in a good-tempered manner. Well, he has to ask someone to bring some food in. He can't starve this girl! Feed her, then she can feed herself.

It was the first time that this girl called him by his first name. Someone thought it felt good, and it made him want to kiss her again!

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head and tried to wave away the thoughts in his heart.

Now I can't kiss her again. If it offends her, what should I do if she won't be allowed to kiss her again in the future?

Thinking of this, Shangguan Xuanyi walked out quickly.

Well, first love is moving and first kiss is charming.

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