The sun gradually sank on the western horizon.

The prevailing abdominal pain came again.

Seeing this, everyone felt inexplicably heavy.

"I have taken detoxification pills in the afternoon, and now it hurts again, which proves that Fengxing was poisoned again at night." Xiaoer said, looking at Fengxing's black and purple lips.

"But no one here will poison him again!" Shangguan Xuanhao said.

"Master, Feng Xing is not an ordinary poisoner, he was poisoned." Tian Tian's voice sounded in Xiao'er's mind.

"A cup? What cup?" Xiaoer replied in her heart.

No wonder the detoxifying pills can't detoxify it. The spiritual fluid produced by the worry-free tree can detoxify it, but it can't kill the creatures that produce the toxin.

"Night Elf Cup, this cup worm will wake up and move around every night. When it moves, it will produce a toxin, which will make the person in the cup unbearable abdominal pain. The deeper the night, the more excited it will be and the more frequent its activities will be, producing The more toxins there are, the more painful it will be for the person who is hit by it. This cup also has a characteristic that it likes heat, and rising body temperature can wake it up, so it will become active again when people use their internal energy or have a fever. . As for the person who is in the cup, if the daily toxins are not removed with antidotes, the toxins will accumulate day by day. After the toxins have accumulated for 7749 days, the person in the cup will suffer from intestinal piercing and rotting to death." Bai Tianwei Xiaoer explained.

Xiaoer told everyone what she had told her during the day.

After hearing this, Feng Xing reluctantly replied: "Zhao Feng'er also said that without an antidote, he will die from intestinal piercing and rotting in the forty-nine days!"

"Night Elf Cup? What kind of cup is this?" Di Shaowei was confused. He had never heard of such a strange cup.

Shangguan Xuanyi saw an introduction to the Night Elf Cup in the book he got from Yaoxian.

"The Night Elf Cup is a cup that was used by the Miao Kingdom more than 200 years ago. As the Miao Kingdom disappeared from the long history, this cup has also disappeared for more than a hundred years. I never expected that it would appear again now." Shangguan Xuanyi told some information mentioned in the book.

"That is to say, if the cup worm is not drawn out, the toxins it produces when it moves will be resolved today. After the sun goes down, it will move out and new toxins will be produced." Di Shaowei was speechless. This cup worm is too overbearing!

"Then how to draw out the cup worm?" Shangguan Xuanhao was coming into contact with the cup for the first time. For a person who devoted himself to studying medical skills, the new field was too attractive.

"I don't know." He has not finished reading the book left by Yaoxian, and has only read the tip of the iceberg. He just opened a book at random and happened to see this cup mentioned in that book.

"What about Feng Xing? Do you take antidote pills every day?" Shangguan Xuanjun looked at Xiaoer after hearing this.

County Lord Rui'an's detoxification pill can detoxify hundreds of poisons, so it's not that easy to refine.

Take detoxification pills every day? Xiaoer was silent. Even if she had space, the pool of spiritual fluid was not small, but the detoxification pills couldn't keep Feng Xing old!

"Is there any way to prevent the night elves from coming out during the day?"

"Yes, all cup worms have their favorite things. Night elves like darkness and feed on blood essence. So as long as the environment is dark enough and good enough blood essence is found, it will not be able to resist the temptation and run out. . The night elf is extremely afraid of light. After it came out, I immediately shined a strong light on it and it died!"

Xiaoer also repeated what she said during the day.

"It has to be in a dark enough environment to come out, and it has to be shined with strong light to kill it! It's such a contradiction, how can it be done?" Shangguan Xuanhao couldn't help but muttered after hearing this.

And the blood essence is good enough? What is good enough? How does this compare?

"Strong light is not a problem, I have a solution!" Xiaoer said after listening to his words.

"But, what is good blood essence? Does it mean that the higher the martial arts and the healthier the body, the better the blood essence? Doctor Halfway, please explain." Di Shaowei looked at Shangguan Xuanhao.

"What a half-way miracle doctor! I am a miracle doctor! Looking at the entire Minze Dynasty, whose medical skills..."

"Self-proclaimed miracle doctor, please explain! Don't you see that Feng Xing is in unbearable pain?"

"Of course, the healthier and stronger the body, the better the essence and blood will be!"

"Try it first with my blood essence!" Shangguan Xuanyi said.

Taking detoxification pills every day is not the answer. Only by drawing out the cup worm can we get rid of it once and for all.

"Master, no! You can go to Feng Yang and the others to ask for blood essence." How can you use your master's blood essence to attract the worms out for yourself! That's disrespectful.

"Try mine first, if it doesn't work then forget about it." Shangguan Xuanyi said without any doubt.

"Master, please don't hurt your subordinates."

"Fengxing's blood essence and blood are good. Even if yours is better than Fengxing's, it won't attract the night elves. One of the characteristics of this cup is that it's lazy. If you live in peace and quiet, and the environment is not too bad, you won't change it." During the day. Started talking again.

Xiaoer looked at the sky speechlessly, what a unique cup!

Xiao'er added in her heart: "Whose essence and blood is it?"

"Use Xiao Huang's! Xiao Huang has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the snake has matured into a spirit. It has absorbed the essence of the sun and moon for tens of thousands of years. Every drop of its blood is the essence of time. It will definitely attract the night elves. ." During the day, he sold his friend without hesitation.

"Master, use the blood during the day! I have been living in space during the day. The space is full of aura, and its blood is even more precious! A mere worm in the cup smelled the blood essence during the day and ran out without hesitation. ?I have golden skin and silver bones, and it is difficult and painful to get a drop of blood essence!"

"You also know that my blood is extremely precious, so of course I have to use yours! It looks so big and powerful, but you can't bear the little pain! It's really useless! And it hurts for you to take the essence and blood, so why should I take it? Doesn’t it hurt? Didn’t your sensible master teach you to do to others what you don’t want others to do to you?”

Who pushed him out? It also dares to say, don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you!

"You old goose, get over here and I promise not to beat you to death!"

"I have wings and can fly, why should I get out of here! You are so round and disgusting, so just get out of here! Get out of here!"

So a snake and a goose stared at each other and cursed each other in the space, and then started fighting.

The animals in the space were so frightened that they hid one after another.

The snake's tail swept away, and all the fruits on the fruit trees fell.

With a flap of white wings, all the crops in the field are up!

Xiao'er saw her temples twitching and couldn't help shouting:


Several people present turned their surprised eyes to her.

Only then did Xiaoer realize that she was so angry that she spoke out everything on her mind.

Xiaoer smiled awkwardly: "Stop, you don't have to argue! That brother Shangguan's blood essence is not good, nor is anyone else's. The quality of your blood essence and blood is too close. One of the characteristics of night elves is that they are lazy! Not too Good essence and blood, it is too lazy to change its environment, so use Xiao Huang’s essence and blood!"

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