After Xiaoer obtained the essence and blood of the golden python, he also found several large mirrors.

"Let's go to the practice room and arrange it. Feng Xing, please be patient a little longer, and you'll be fine soon." Xiaoer said to Feng Xing, who was enduring extreme pain.

Feng Xing nodded. Although he was in severe pain, his face was pale, his lips and nails were black, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, but his expression was calm and he did not hum.

Shangguan Xuanyi's personal soldiers, whose names begin with the word "Feng", are ranked in the top ten. They are all talented people with a force worth one against a hundred. Fengxing is ranked fourth. He and his master once experienced the hardships of training in martial arts, such as going up a mountain of swords and going down a pan of oil. He was born on a cliff, and the slight pain was not enough to break his waist.

Xiaoer glanced at Fengxing,

If you want to lure the Night Elf out more easily, you can't take antidote pills to detoxify the poison it releases, which will frighten the timid bird into retreating. You can only do things as usual and let it slowly get excited.

The most appropriate time to lure the night elves out is in the darkest hour before dawn. At that time, Fengxing has to eat ice powder to quickly put the body into a freezing state, and the temperature outside needs to be kept relatively high. In short, it is everything. It needs to be arranged according to the preferences of the night elves.

"Brother Shangguan, please arrange for four more people to respond quickly."

Shangguan Xuanyi whistled, and four secret guards came to them.

Shangguan Xuanyi once took Xiaoer to visit the Sixth Prince's Mansion, so she knew where the practice room was, so she took the lead and walked there.

When they arrived at the practice room, Xiaoer asked someone to close all the curtains, and all of a sudden the room was completely invisible.

Xiaoer took out eight luminous pearls the size of melons and gave them to Shangguan Xuanyi, Shangguan Xuanhao, Shangguan Xuanjun, Di Shaowei and four secret guards respectively.

As soon as the night pearl comes out, the room is filled with brilliance.

Xiaoer had an Eight Immortals table moved to the middle of the practice room, and then directed the eight of them to stand in the eight corners of the room: "You guys try to use a mirror to reflect the light of the night pearl onto the Eight Immortals table."

After hearing this, the four people began to adjust the positions of the mirrors and night beads in their hands, and soon the light was reflected onto the Eight Immortals table.

"Using the light reflected by the second prince as a reference, the light emitted by the other seven people should try to overlap with the light reflected by him."

So Shangguan Xuanhao didn't move, and the other seven people immediately adjusted the direction of the mirror slightly, but Di Shaowei was dissatisfied: "Girl Xiaoer, why do you use the light reflected by him as a reference? You are too biased!"

As long as Shangguan Xuanhao could sit there, Di Shaowei protested.

"Young girl Xiao'er is still thoughtful and knows what it means to respect your brother. I'm the best here, okay?" Shangguan Xuanhao's face was full of embarrassment.

"You all think too much. I just think that the second prince uses all his brains in medicine. He doesn't use his brain very much in other areas. I'm worried that if he wants to accommodate one of you, he will have to practice for a long time. This is too much. What a waste of time.”

puff! Deshawe couldn't help laughing. If he hadn't been holding something in both hands, he would have laughed.

Still a pretty girl! This is really hurtful without any bad words!

"Don't worry, I will do my best to cooperate with the second prince!" Di Shaowei no longer had any complaints or grievances. At this moment, he felt like a spring breeze, feeling physically and mentally comfortable.

"My prince seconded the proposal!" Shangguan Xuanjun said with a smile.

County Lord Ruian really hit the nail on the head!

"Additional suggestion!" Shangguan Xuanyi also said.

His speaking style was learned from Xiaoer.

"You will bully me for my poor martial arts skills!" Shangguan Xuanhao's face turned completely dark, and his tail that was originally raised fell down again.

Don't bully him for his poor martial arts skills, but he has a bright head! This is because he is stupid and slow to react!

Discrimination, naked discrimination!

He was so angry!

He decided to stand here and never answer them again!

"Stop talking nonsense and practice quickly. Once the night elf cup comes out, you must move the light together in unison."

Xiaoer took out a magnifying glass. The magnifying glass can condense the light hitting its surface into a beam. When the night elf comes out, she will immediately shine this beam of light on it. This light should be strong enough, Xiaoer thought. Not sure either.

They are all people with quick eyesight and quick hands. After practicing a few times, the eight of them were able to hit the light to the same position in one step when Xiaoer's whistle sounded.

The night gradually became darker.

Xiaoer had several carbon basins placed in the room to raise the room temperature to a certain level.

Several people in the room were so hot that they were sweating. On such a hot day, burning charcoal was really impressive!

When the night was about to get darkest, Shangguan Xuanyi sent Xiao Fuzi to call Feng Xing over.

The charcoal stove was removed, and the room was extremely dark.

Xiaoer took out the bottle that collected the blood essence of the golden python and pulled out the stopper. A strange medicinal fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood filled the dark space.

She poured the drop of blood from the golden python in the bottle into a black bowl and placed it in the middle of the table.

In the darkness, the drop of blood glowed with a fleeting golden light.

At this time, the medicinal fragrance in the air spread faster, making people feel energetic after smelling it.

The night elf worm in Feng Xing's body moved faster, and the poisonous juice spurted out! Fengxing was so painful that he sat at the Eight Immortals Table and gritted his teeth. He grasped the edge of the table with both hands, his nails were dark black and his fingertips were white.

Xiaoer took out a pack of ice powder and gave it to Feng Xing.

Feng Xing reluctantly took it, raised his head, opened his mouth wide, poured all the ice powder into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp. He felt as if he was instantly frozen from his mouth to his abdomen, and he couldn't even shake the cold! Soon a thin layer of ice formed on the surface of his entire body.

A layer of ice formed on the surface of the Gu worm in its body. It shook its body and dropped countless ice particles, but another layer formed on it in an instant.

Finally it couldn't stand it anymore, broke out of its body, shook off the ice, jumped into the black bowl, and began to suck the essence and blood of the golden python.

The whistle sounded, and the eight people in the corner uniformly lifted up the black cloth covering the luminous pearl. When the mirror moved, a piece of light and shadow hit the Eight Immortals table.

At the same time, Xiaoer took out a magnifying glass, quickly covered the mouth of the bowl, and quickly focused the concentrated beam of light on the night elf cup.

The light shone on the night elf's cup, and a pain in his body quickly broke through the magnifying glass and flew towards the darkest corner.

"Xiao Fuzi, hurry up!"

The flying glass shards almost flew into Xiaoer's eyes. She quickly tilted her head, but the shards still scratched her face.

After listening to Xiaoer's words, the Ganita people quickly covered the luminous pearl in their hands.

His eyes instantly went dark!

Xiao Fuzi quickly opened the lid.

In less than a second, the dazzling light blinded everyone present.

The night elf bug just landed in the center of the light, and in the blink of an eye it was shot into a sieve, then turned into slag and gray.

Xiao Fuzi blew out a breath from his mouth, and the pile of small black ash covering the luminous pearl dispersed!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they had made preparations! Prepared a large wooden box of luminous pearls!

Thank you to Mo Shang M Huakai for the reward.

Thank you to those who voted~~~~

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