After solving the night elf cup, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a hole in Feng Xing's chest. He took out the detoxification pills and healing pills he had prepared in advance and ate them. The pain disappeared little by little and the wound healed little by little.

Xiaoer's face was in burning pain. In addition to a relatively deep cut, she also had several small pieces of glass stuck in her face. She raised her head, with blood all over her face, and looked pitifully towards her face. Shangguan Xuanyi in front said: "Brother Shangguan, my face hurts! It hurts so much!"

Shangguan Xuanyi was heartbroken when he saw her face covered in blood.

It was because he didn't think carefully and didn't expect that the Gu insect would break through the glass and fly out. If he had thought of it earlier, he would not have let her do this operation.

"Good boy, I'll help you pinch out the glass shards on your face. After taking the medicine, it won't hurt anymore." Shangguan Xuanyi's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid that if he spoke louder, the glass shards on her face would frighten her and penetrate her deeper. Same.

Feng Xing felt very guilty when he saw that the face of his future mistress had become like this in order to save him, and secretly made up his mind: His life was saved by his master for the first time, and his life was saved by the Lord of Rui'an County for the second time. Before I breathed my last breath, I swore to serve them to the death, no matter how hard it was!

"Girl, it's so late at night, you're so scary with this face on your face! If you don't know, I thought it was..." Shangguan Xuanhao said with a twitch in his mouth.

Shangguan Xuanyi kicked the Eight Immortals Table toward him: "Get out!"

Shangguan Xuanhao narrowly dodged: "Why are you like this!"

Di Shaowei was heartbroken when he saw Xiaoer like this, so he quickly stepped forward and pulled Shangguan Xuanhao away so that Xiaoer could heal his injuries as soon as possible.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. I just want to help the girl heal her face, and I promise not to leave any scars! You think it would be a pity if her flowery face leaves hideous scars!" Shangguan said. Xuan Hao struggled.

"Come on, you are a half-way miracle doctor. Your medical skills are not as good as a pill. What can you cure?" Shangguan Xuanjun dropped these words and walked out first.

Feng Xing and Xiao Fuzi also retreated wisely.

The second prince, who had been demoted to nothing, was forced out by Di Shaowei.

Dishaowei also has his own selfish motives! During the day, he accidentally interrupted someone's good deeds, and someone still didn't have a good look to show him. If he didn't gain some favor, he would be worried that he would not be able to marry a wife in the future or that he would be interrupted when he was intimate with his wife in the future. , then he really wants to cry without tears!

Shangguan Xuanyi reached out to help Xiaoer pull out the small glass fragments from her face.

But his fingers were too big and there were too few pieces. Instead of holding it, he inserted the pieces deeper.

Xiaoer really wanted to cry to him, but unfortunately the tears wouldn't come out.

Alas, I haven’t cried for so long that I have forgotten how tears flow out!

But the way she was neither crying nor fussing, raising her head slightly and trusting herself to him made Shangguan Xuanyi feel even more heartbroken.

"Brother Shangguan, take out the tweezers. You don't have to be so careful, and it doesn't hurt so much. I can still bear it." Seeing that he couldn't do anything, Xiaoer took out a tweezer from the space and gave it to him.

Silly girl, his silly girl, Shangguan Xuanyi felt heartbroken.

He took the tweezers and carefully picked out the glass fragments from her face.

Although there were only three pieces, Shangguan Xuanyi's forehead was covered with cold sweat after finishing clipping.

After picking out the fragments, Xiaoer immediately took out a pill and took it.

It hurts the baby to death!

After the pill is taken, the effect of the medicine takes effect quickly. First it relieves pain, and then the wound slowly heals.

Seeing Shangguan Xuanyi sweating profusely, Xiaoer couldn't help but joke: "Brother Shangguan, are you sweating because of fright? People who don't know about it would think you were the one who was injured!"

"I'd rather it was me who got hurt." That way he wouldn't have to sweat so much, Shangguan Xuanyi replied silently.

There was blood on Xiaoer's face and clothes, so he picked her up and strode out of the practice room.

Xiaoer struggled slightly: "Brother Shangguan, my feet are not injured and I can walk on my own."

"I know, but I like hugging you. Do you have any objection?"

"..." Wasn't what she just said an opinion? Faced with someone's tyranny, Xiaoer was speechless.

"Xiao Fuzi, prepare hot water!" Shangguan Xuanyi said as he passed Xiao Fuzi who was guarding the door.

Xiao Fuzi quickly took the order and left.

After Shangguan Xuanyi carried Xiaoer back to his dormitory, a basin of hot water was brought in by a palace maid.

Xiaoer, who had been busy for most of the night, fell asleep in Shangguan Xuanyi's arms as early as halfway.

Shangguan Xuanyi carefully placed Xiaoer on the bed and then helped her take off her shoes.

"Master, let me do it." The palace maid placed the wooden basin on the shelf, wrung out the water from the cloth in the wooden basin, turned around and saw the situation, and said in a low voice.

"No need." Shangguan Xuanyi took the cloth in her hand and carefully wiped the blood on Xiaoer's face.

The palace maid glanced at Xiaoer and hesitated.

The master has a noble status, and personally wiping the face of County Lord Rui'an is already a step down from his dignity. There are blood stains on her clothes. Does the master still have to wait for her to change out of the dirty clothes? How does she deserve it?

I didn’t expect County Lord Rui’an to be such a shameless person, but her face bled so much and she must have been disfigured, so she wouldn’t be able to see anyone in public in the future!

No matter whether the Sixth Prince wiped her face in person, after he wiped it clean, he would definitely be frightened by the ugliness of County Lord Ruian and stop coming near her.

Shangguan Xuanyi felt that the palace maid had not left, and without looking back, he uttered one word coldly in a small voice: "Get out!"

Hearing this cold voice, the palace maid came back to her senses, her heart trembled, and she quickly bowed and left.

Shangguan Xuanyi gently wiped the blood off Xiaoer's face, and then helped take off her blood-stained coat.

Then he took off his coat, lay on the bed, hugged her, and fell asleep contentedly.

Although Di Shaowei could marry a wife earlier than himself. But kissing his wife and sleeping with his wife in his arms, he can do it now! All earlier than him!

Shangguan Xuanyi got up after sleeping for an hour, and he had to go to the palace to meet the saint.

Before leaving, he asked Xiao Fuzi to guard the door and not let anyone disturb Xiaoer's sleep.

In summer, the sound of cicadas is endless. Shangguan Xuanyi paused, "Let Feng Xing lead the people to catch all the cicadas on the trees that keep chirping and the crickets on the ground, so as not to disturb the girl's sleep."

Xiao Fuzi quickly responded respectfully.

After Shangguan Xuanyi left, Xiao Fuzi sighed in his heart: He never thought that his master would love someone like a servant!

After hearing this, Feng Xing pulled Feng Qing, Feng Yang and others to catch cicadas without saying a word!

Disturbing the mistress-to-be while she's sleeping is worse than the sky falling!

Feng Qing and Feng Yang didn't know why they wanted to catch cicadas at first. After hearing this explanation, they were so frightened that they fell from the tree.

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