Xiaoer slept very deeply, and when she woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

The surroundings were so quiet that she always felt that something was missing, but she couldn't figure it out.

Xiao Fuzi was guarding the door. Hearing the movement inside, he asked quickly: "Is the girl awake?"

"Yeah." Xiaoer responded absentmindedly. She was still thinking about what made her feel wrong.

After hearing this, Xiao Fuzi outside the door hurriedly waved to the palace maids who were standing by with washbasins and other things, and asked them to go in and help Xiaoer wash up.

He still had to go to the kitchen to order some food and go to the study to tell the master that the girl was awake.

Shangguan Xuanyi has returned from the palace and is meeting guests in the study. He told Xiao Fuzi to tell him when the girl wakes up.

"County Lord Ruian, we are coming in." The leading maid knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Xiaoer responded.

The door opened in response, and several palace maids filed in. Some were carrying copper basins, while others were holding clothes, jewelry, etc.

The leading maid bowed her knees and said, "This servant is Zi Ning, the maid sent by the Queen Mother to serve the Sixth Prince personally. Zi Ning has met the Lord of Rui'an County, and the Lord of Rui'an County is auspicious."

The maid sent by the Queen Mother to serve the Sixth Prince personally? This self-introduction is not only long but also has a profound meaning!

Xiao'er glanced at Zi Ning with a half-smile. She successfully made herself look at her differently, but she really didn't care. For someone like this who thought she had someone behind her to act, she would treat her like this. He committed suicide.

Xiaoer withdrew her gaze and said to everyone: "Put down your things, and you all should step aside."

After hearing this, the other maids put down the things in their hands, bowed and quietly retreated. Only Zi Ning put down the things and still stood aside respectfully.

Seeing this, Xiaoer spoke again: "Zi Ning, right? Please step aside! I don't need anyone to serve me."

Xiaoer picked up a coat given by the palace maid and put it on.

"It's better to let the slave serve you. The Sixth Prince told the slave to serve the Lord Rui'an well." Zi Ning did not withdraw, but stepped forward to help Xiaoer get dressed.

"Presumptuous!" Xiaoer avoided the hand she extended, and her eyes became colder as she saw her fingers! There's itchy powder under her fingernails! And it’s a rather special kind of itchy powder! It won't happen when it first comes on the skin. It will only happen if you eat seafood or other hairy things!

Therefore, the attack time is irregular. Some people eat seafood a month or two after being exposed to itching powder, and the attack occurs at that time, so they cannot remember when they were exposed to this ghost thing.

But once an attack occurs, it will be so unbearable that no part of the skin on the body is intact before stopping! That is tantamount to disfigurement! In short, it won’t kill you, it’s worse than killing you!

Although there is an antidote, it is difficult to find.

Xiaoer thought in her heart that she had an impression of Zi Ning. She had seen her with Chang Guiren in the palace.

Is this from the Queen Mother or Chang Guiren?

Xiao'er thought about it in her mind and decided not to expose her, but only gave her small punishments and big warnings, leaving her to carry out counter-intentional plots.

It's better than having her exposed and not knowing who will replace her.

"The Sixth Prince told you to serve me well, but didn't I say you don't need it? I don't think the Sixth Prince would tell you to disobey me!" Xiaoer walked unhurriedly to the golden nanmu inlaid with white marble. He sat down at the round table, raised his head, looked up at her, and said coldly.

Although he was looking up, the aura exuding from Xiaoer's body seemed to be that she was the one who was condescending and looking down on everything in the world.

"I don't dare, I just do things according to the rules. Besides, how can a master wash his hands by himself? Lord Rui'an, please don't embarrass me, this is against the rules of the palace." Zi Ning was attracted by the aura exuded by Xiaoer. He was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly curtsied and saluted.

This County Master of Rui'an is very impressive at a young age. No wonder the master said that she should not be underestimated.

"The rules in the palace? It turns out that the rules in the palace are that slaves can disobey their masters? This is really the first time for this county master to learn this! But Zi Ning, this is the Sixth Prince's Mansion, not the palace. You mention the rules in the palace? , do you want to use your status as a slave from the palace to deceive the master? Or do you think that I am from a peasant family and do not understand the rules, so you plan to teach me what the rules are? Or the Queen Mother gave you the right to come here on purpose Give me some power!"

Is the slave bullying his master? What are the rules for the palace maid to teach the county lord? Deliberately showing off? These accusations are too big! Zi Ning's face turned pale after hearing this, and she hurriedly knelt down: "I don't dare, I just want to serve Lord Rui'an to wash up. I don't know where I offended Lord Rui'an, so that Lord Rui'an accused me like this! As the saying goes, I want to inflict punishment on you. There is no excuse for the crime! How could County Lord Rui'an wrongly accuse this slave?"

The moment Zi Ning knelt down, she saw Shangguan Xuanyi striding over from the corner of her eye. She raised her hand to wipe her tears, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"I wronged you? Are you accusing me?" Xiaoer slapped the table with a stern expression.

"I don't dare!"

At this time, Shangguan Xuanyi walked in, and Xiaoer stood up and saluted.

Shangguan Xuanyi stopped him, then glanced at the maid kneeling on the ground, pulled Xiaoer and sat down again: "What's wrong?"

"Brother Shangguan, the maid who served you personally didn't listen to me. She even accused me of wrongly accusing her!..." Xiaoer briefly told the story. She watched Zi Ning deliberately bite the word "personal service" very hard.

Xiaoer deliberately said it as if she was jealous and deliberately made things difficult for Zi Ning.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned when he heard what he said: "I never let my maid come even half a step closer to where I am, so how can I serve the palace maid personally? There is no use keeping a servant who has many thoughts and is disobedient, so I'll give him a few slaps. Just sell it casually!"

"Master, please forgive me. I just obeyed my master's instructions and wanted to serve County Master Rui'an to groom myself. I thought County Master Rui'an said polite words, so I insisted on serving County Master Rui'an. I won't dare to do it next time. Master Rui'an, you Please forgive me, slave, and don't sell me. I beg you, slave!" Zi Ning quickly kowtowed and admitted her mistake.

She had just arrived at the Sixth Prince's Mansion and was betrayed like this. Did she still have a chance to survive? Thinking of this, she regretted being too impulsive just now.

"Brother Shangguan, this is the maid given to you by the Queen Mother to serve you personally. As the saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, you can't defeat the Queen Mother's good intentions. If you offend the Queen Mother, it's better to give her a small punishment but a big warning."

The maid who serves you personally! Girl, can you please stop reminding me too much? He feels disgusted!

Shangguan Xuanyi's hand kept holding Xiaoer's hand under the table. Xiaoer broke away and wrote a word on Shangguan Xuanyi's palm: stay.

The itching sensation on the palm of his hand made Shangguan Xuanyi feel a strange feeling in his heart.

He calmly held Xiaoer's hand again and glanced coldly at the people on the ground: "Go and get the twenty big boards yourself! Get out!"

"Wait a minute!" Xiaoer saw a bird flying past the window. She finally understood why she felt something was wrong after waking up!

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