Zi Ning was shocked when she heard this, why did she regret it again?

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Xiaoer, waiting for her to speak.

"Brother Shangguan, why are there no cicadas, crickets and other insects chirping?"

In the summer, she could hear these insects chirping every morning, but they were gone for a while, and she was not used to it.

Zi Ning: Why did the topic come to insects?

"I was worried that they would disturb your sleep, so I had them captured."

This was really unexpectedly touching. Forget it, she didn't deliberately stab him with the maid who was serving him.

Thinking that some insects are delicious in modern times, I don’t know what to do here. Well, I’ll just give this palace lady a try and let her try the dishes!

"Only playing twenty big boards is a bit light punishment. If I hit thirty more boards, I'd be afraid of her death! How about this, Brother Shangguan, where are the cicadas and crickets we caught?"

"Xiao Fuzi, bring those cicadas and crickets." Shangguan Xuanyi ordered Xiao Fuzi who was guarding the door.

"Yes." Xiao Fuzi left in response.

Zi Ning had a bad feeling in her heart after hearing this.

Are twenty big punishments or small punishments and big warnings? Twenty big shots would almost kill her! There was once a maid in the palace who was punished with twenty broad strokes. Her buttocks were torn and bruised, and the wound became suppurated after a few days. Later, she had a high fever that wouldn't go away for three days, and she almost lost her life! I stayed in bed for more than a month before I could get out of bed.

However, what are the main cicadas and crickets in Ruian County? You don't want to throw it at yourself.

Zi Ning thought of this, and the cold air on her body started to stand up one by one.

Soon Xiao Fuzi walked in with a big bag of insects.

Xiaoer stood up and walked to Xiao Fuzi: "Xiao Fuzi, open the mouth of the bag and let me see if it is fresh."

Is it new? So what if it’s fresh? So what if it's not fresh?

Zi Ning, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't help but rub her arms with both hands.

Is the Lord of Ruian County really a girl? It can't be a woman disguised as a man! Which girl dares to look at these disgusting things!

"Girl, aren't you afraid?" Xiao Fuzi hesitated, worried that he would scare Xiaoer.

"Don't be afraid, how can you be afraid of such a cute thing."

cute? Xiao Fuzi blinked. The person his master was interested in really had a unique vision.

There’s nothing cute about him anyway!

Xiao Fuzi opened the bag, and Xiaoer took a look. There were densely packed cicadas and crickets crawling around inside.

Xiao Fuzi felt a little numb after just one glance.

"Zi Ning, come here and take a look."

After hearing this, Zi Ning was so frightened that her whole body trembled, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

"Lord Rui'an, please spare your life. I don't dare to listen to you anymore. I don't dare to disobey you anymore."

"Don't be nervous, I just want you to come over and take a look! This thing doesn't bite, and it's not poisonous, so what are you afraid of! I want to take a bite just looking at it!"

The Lord of Ruian County is not a human being, right? Want to eat insects! After hearing this, Zi Ning stood up with shaking legs and walked over slowly, taking ten steps at a time.

Then she turned one eye and took a look. The dense black bugs were crawling and crawling! Her body felt like it was covered with black bugs. She couldn't help but sweep her hands over her body to drive away the bugs.

Xiaoer is satisfied with her performance!

"Okay, Xiao Fuzi, seal the bag. Put all the things in the bag into the kitchen, boil them and cook them for Zi Ning. Just one dish for each meal, until you finish eating! This It reminds her not to heal the scar and forget about the pain! This thing is actually quite delicious. As soon as she bites it, there is a click! The outer shell will break, and the juice in her stomach will flow to her mouth..."

evil! Zi Ning covered her mouth after hearing this! I couldn't help but ran out quickly!

If she dared to vomit in the sixth prince's room, her head would definitely not be on her neck tomorrow.

"Haha..." Xiaoer couldn't help but laugh when she saw Zi Ning's face turned green with fear.

Let’s see if she dares to sprinkle itching powder on herself in the future!

In fact, fried cicada chrysalis is really delicious! But these ancient people probably didn’t dare to eat it! She'll get some to eat later!

Or in the future, she should eat some scorpions, cicada pupae, wasp pupae, etc. in front of the Queen Mother. As soon as she stuffed the palace maids who were waiting for her in Shangguan's eldest brother's house, she would go into the palace and have a plate in front of her, and invite her to join her. eat!

She disgusts herself, so just use this method to disgust her!

Well, what a great idea!

"Is it funny?" Shangguan Xuanyi asked, looking at the smiling girl in front of him.

"Well, I thought of a way to stop the Queen Mother from inserting personal maids into your palace!"

"What method?" This girl took the initiative to find a way to help him stop these troubles, and he felt very happy.

"Every time she stuffed her, I would eat a plate of poisonous scorpions, cicada pupae, wasp pupae and other insects in front of her! It's disgusting and disgusting to her!"

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi's face darkened: "There is no need to eat such disgusting things. You are the only woman in the world who can get close to me! You don't have to care about this. If you mind, the Queen Mother will give it to you and I will turn around." Just send those people out! I will also send that maid out just now!"

"What a disgusting thing! Those things are delicious. I'll cook them for you another day!"

evil! Shangguan Xuanyi felt a little turbulent in his stomach.

Could this girl be punishing him for accepting the maid given by the Queen Mother?

Xiaoer took one look at his stiff expression and couldn't help but laugh.

If this person dares to bully me in the future, then he will eat a scorpion!

Shangguan Xuanyi saw her cunning expression and guessed what she was thinking. He endured the discomfort and said, "Then why does Zi Ning stay?"

After hearing this, the smile on Xiaoer's face disappeared.

"There was itching powder between Zi Ning's fingernails. And I once accidentally bumped into her and Chang Guiren talking together in the palace. They were a bit far apart at the time, so I didn't know what they were talking about. I thought she was Chang Guiren's maid, so I didn't I care. Do you still remember that Cook Gu that the Queen Mother brought back?"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

"I saw a plum blossom tattoo on Chef Gu's arm. When Zi Ning had already exposed a little of her arm just now, even though it was only for a moment and could not be seen clearly, I can still guarantee that the tattoo on her hand is the same as Chef Gu's. The ones on my mother’s arms are the same.”

"I understand, let's just leave it alone and wait until I come back. I will leave the Imperial Capital for a while tomorrow. Please be careful, don't run around, and stay at home, you know!"

Of course she didn't know, she never ran around! As for staying at home, it’s so hard!

She still has to continue to buy more properties for her family. In a few years, Jingrui will enter an official career, which will require a lot of money!

Now that the brothers and sisters are getting older, there are more and more places where they need to spend money. Now that Jingrui has begun to spend his energy in this area, he must use the past three years to expand her family's industrial chain.

At this time, Xiao Fuzi, who had returned, was leading several palace maids to bring food over.

Xiaoer then remembered that she hadn't washed up yet, so she hurriedly went to wash up.

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