Shengpinghou Mansion

On this day, Zhongyong Houfu and Di Shaowei's mother Lu came to visit.

Di Shaowei has already greeted Xiaoer.

Mrs. Liu also knew their purpose of coming, but Ming Jingya's situation was a bit complicated. She was the concubine of a county magistrate. Although her brother was now serving in the Hanlin Academy, he was only a compiler.

The most important thing is that Ming Jingya escaped from marriage and came to the capital. This reputation, well, to put it bluntly, it means that if you meet someone you don't mind, it doesn't matter. If you meet someone who does, it is a capital crime.

And Di Shaowei is the only male of this generation in the Di family! He will be the future successor of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and the General Mansion, and is the Queen's only nephew.

With such a prominent family background, a princess is qualified enough to marry a princess.

Mrs. Liu treats Shen Nirui as her own niece. Ming Jingya is Shen Nirui's sister-in-law and her daughter's close friend. She naturally hopes that she can find a good home.

Mrs. Liu was even more satisfied with Di Shaowei's child. If Xiao'er hadn't already been engaged, Yun'er had Brother Ri, and Xi'er was too young, she wouldn't have mentioned it! She wanted to recruit such a good young man to be her son-in-law.

Mrs. Liu has always treated people sincerely, and the Di family can definitely find out the truth even if they want to investigate a person, so after she praised Ming Jingya, she told her actual situation, and finally said with regret: "It's so good How come God didn’t give her a better background for a woman, and to have such a narrow-minded aunt, she simply wanted to push her into a sea of ​​misery."

Then Liu said something about how the county magistrate's wife treated Mei Zhijie and Shen Nirui.

"Mrs. Ming's treatment of a concubine and concubine is too much! How could she escape from this marriage! How could such a bastard marry?" Fortunately, she is not married. If she is married, she will not have a grandson-in-law. Her grandson had already told her about Miss Ming's situation, but he didn't mention Mrs. Ming's matter.

Now it seems that we have to find a way to propose a marriage in order to succeed! Otherwise, Mrs. Ming would have stopped her!

As for reputation? Their family was originally from a family of military commanders, and they didn't care that much about reputation, women's talents and other frivolous things.

In her opinion, as long as the wife she gets back has a good relationship with her grandson and has a loyal character! In the future, it will be fine if I can withstand the loneliness of my husband who has been away at war for many years.

As for whether she is a legitimate daughter or a concubine, that doesn’t matter! The escaped marriage is not a second marriage, she is still an innocent woman, so what does it matter. Dare to make the right choice for your own happiness, even if you are alone, you can see that you are a person with ideas!

The future mistress of the Di family must not be a person who has no ideas and follows what others say! Otherwise, if the man is out there protecting his family and the country, and there is no hostess at home who can take charge, the backyard will catch fire sooner or later!

Mrs. Lu was silent. Li Mingfang was not satisfied. After her son came back from the battlefield, she took the initiative to break off the engagement. If the situation hadn't been wrong, she would have been so happy that she wanted to set off firecrackers!

She originally wanted to marry her natal niece, who was also beautiful and charming, but it was a pity that her son did not want her. If she asked him to marry his cousin, he went to Xushou in the south, married a wife there and gave birth to a grandson, and then came back. .

Her son usually seemed easy to talk to, but his temper was as stubborn as his father's. She had no choice but to give up and continue to help him find a wife.

I found it for him, but he doesn’t like it! What he was looking for was not only a concubine, but also someone who had run away from marriage! She felt a little heartbroken that such a good son deserved such a wife!

Another reason why she was heartbroken was that she went to Yue Lao Temple to ask for a fortune a while ago, and got a good fortune. The eminent monk who interpreted the fortune said that her son's Hongluan star moved, and Yue Lao personally pulled the strings. It was a beautiful marriage, but it was a fateful marriage that was forcibly broken up. The result is that one party dies and the other party ends up alone.

She also promised at that time that she would never break up the good marriage brokered by Yue Lao himself. In order to thank Yue Lao, she also donated 10,000 taels of sesame oil! I just don’t know if I can get that banknote back now! It’s so deceptive!

Woohoo...Why is her son so miserable! He is always favored by Yue Lao, who just throws a red line at him without being picky!

It's either death or loneliness, and I won't let anyone violate it! This is a swindler who gave her 10,000 taels of silver. She is not allowed to go back on her word!

No one knew the inner collapse of the general's wife.

Mrs. Liu saw that she was silent and said:

"No, who would want to marry a good girl like that? Jingya has a good temperament and good looks. If Rui'er hadn't been more than three years younger than her, I would have wanted her to be my daughter-in-law. Alas, how about a person's birth? It’s not something she can choose. It’s probably destiny. Miss Ming was in danger as soon as she escaped from marriage and came outside the imperial capital, and was rescued by Shao Wei. It shows that the two of them are destined.”

"When did Miss Ming come to the imperial capital?" Mrs. Lu asked after hearing this.

Mrs. Liu thought for a while and came up with a date.

The general’s wife said she was even more heartbroken!

She decided never to go to Yuelao Temple in this life! The day she went to Yuelao Temple happened to be the day her son met Miss Ming. She deeply suspected that it was her 10,000 taels of sesame oil money that moved Yuelao, and they immediately connected her!

The son has divorced, and Miss Ming is running away from the marriage! Yue Lao must have paired them together to save trouble!

Alas, just be innocent!

She could see that her son really liked that girl, not even towards Li Mingfang.

Accepting the reality, she asked: "Marriage depends on the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. Did Miss Ming cancel the marriage?"

"Ming Gongzi has written a letter back to ask his father to cancel the engagement. I heard that he has withdrawn." After hearing this, Mrs. Liu knew that the matter was most likely done, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The child Shaovina even begged her personally, asking her to convince her mother.

"In this case, let's find a matchmaker to go to Shengping County to propose marriage. I'm old and I'm afraid I won't live for a few more years. I still want to hug my great-grandson before stepping into the coffin, otherwise I will die in peace. Finally, my grandson is attracted to her. Man, how about we take care of Xian'er's matter as soon as possible?"

"Daughter-in-law, listen to the old lady." Can she say no? That’s it for all the words! The son came out from the novel "The sun comes out at night, and the moon is in the sky during the day." The old lady smiled and said, "Yes, she never disobeys him. She never taught her son a lesson."

The son told the old lady that he had someone he liked, but his family background was a bit poor. The old lady smiled and said that it didn't matter what the family background was. Even if her grandson liked a sow, she would help him marry him back, as long as he really liked it!

Now that Yue Lao is not allowed to break it up, and I agree, what else can she do?

"Okay! It finally puts an end to my worries!"

"I'll also send a letter back and ask my natal sister-in-law to help."

"This is really troublesome for you." The old lady said happily after hearing this.

"this is necessary."

"Then let's say goodbye. I have to go back and find a better life so that they can get married quickly. Only then can I have my grandson as soon as possible." The old lady stood up.

Mrs. Liu quickly stood up and left the meal.

But the old lady was not in the mood to eat. She was anxious to drink tea from her granddaughter-in-law and hug her grandson. She couldn't eat until the day was fixed.

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