After Di Shaowei's grandmother and mother left, Liu and Xiaoer went to the Ming Mansion to tell Shen Nirui and Ming Jingya about the matter.

Ming Jingya was surprised when she heard that the old lady of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and the general's wife personally went to Mrs. Shengping Hou to tell them about it.

"Jingya, what do you think of Mr. Di?" Shen Nirui asked while holding her chubby son.

"Master Di is very good." But why did he do this? Is it because I am responsible for what happened last time? Ming Jingya thought to herself.

"Then you agreed to this? That's great. I'll write a letter back to tell dad about this happy event. Dad just happened to write back and said about your marriage. Your eldest brother can just make the decision. Mr. Di is a good character. When he finds out, he will definitely help you. You are happy." Shen Nirui said happily after hearing this.

Recently, the two of them were worried about finding a match for their sister-in-law. They compared and compared, but neither one was satisfied.

After hearing this, Xiaoer felt that this was just right, otherwise the county magistrate's wife wouldn't even know what would happen. I guess knowing that Ming Jingya could marry into the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, she would have tried every means to obstruct her!

From the time she poisoned Ming Zhijie to marrying Ming Jingya to such a scumbag, she knew that she wished the two siblings would be worse off than dead.

"No, I don't agree." Ming Jingya shook her head gently.




I've spent all my time looking for him, so why doesn't Jingya agree?

Mrs. Liu looked at Xiaoer: Didn't you say that their husband is in love and their sister is in love?

How should she explain this to Mrs. Di and the general's wife?

Xiaoer gave Mrs. Liu a calm look.

"Sister Ming, I have something to say to you. Let's go out and talk!"

Ming Jingya nodded.

Xiaoer took Ming Jingya's hand and walked to the garden before asking, "Why doesn't Sister Ming agree?"

"Too high."

"This is no reason. Since ancient times, people have been paying attention to marrying high and marrying low. Besides, my eldest brother is now working as an errand in the Hanlin Academy. The Hanlin Academy is the springboard for joining the cabinet. I don't know what level I will reach in the future!"

"I don't want to embarrass Mr. Di." Ming Jingya said.

She didn't want to marry the son of Qian Mansion as her stepmother because she didn't want to wrong herself.

Likewise, I don’t want to wrong others because of myself.

A kind-hearted man like Mr. Di deserves better.

Xiao'er couldn't help but rolled her eyes, Di Shaowei was in trouble, Di Shaowei just wanted it!

In order to be able to help him win the beauty back, he almost gave up the land as compensation and gave out half of the dividends from the toy shop.

"Brother Di asked me to give this to you." Xiaoer handed a letter to Ming Jingya.

(One of Xiaoer’s strategies for helping Di Shaowei pursue his wife: the love letter is touching!)

Ming Jingya took the envelope with a little doubt, folded it, took out a piece of letter paper inside, and opened it: I hope we can look back in time and grow old together with deep love.

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, smart and elegant, with a combination of strength and softness, just like the person he is.

Ming Jingya's heart was deeply touched, and her face turned red again without realizing it.

Having said that, Xiaoer borrowed a verse from the modern Internet for Di Shaowei to use.

Otherwise, how could he compose love poems? He can only rely on Xiaoer to help him come up with ideas.

I hope there will be time to look back and grow old together with deep love.

Dishaowei was shocked when he heard this. This was simply the best portrayal of his eagerness to seek a wife!

When Di Shaowei returned to the house, he locked himself in the study and began to write this verse with a blushing face. As he wrote, his blushing turned into frowning, and he became irritable! He wrote down no less than a hundred pieces of paper, but he felt dissatisfied with all of them. It wasn't until the eastern sky turned as white as a fish belly that he took out the one he thought was more satisfactory.

Then he hurriedly put it in the envelope and ran to find Xiaoer.

Xiaoer saw Ming Jingya blushing and knew she was touched.

Generally, women will have two reactions when seeing such a statement of love: they will show disgust or embarrassment to someone who has no feelings.

For those who feel it: Blushing, heartbeat, and full of emotion.

Seeing Ming Jingya like this, Xiaoer immediately hit the snake on the stick and said, "Brother Di's servant secretly told me that Brother Di spent the whole night in the study to write this letter last night. Thousands of pieces of letter paper have been lost, Sister Ming, do you still think it will be difficult for him to marry you now? No matter how I look at it, I feel like he can’t wait!"

After hearing this, Ming Jingya's face turned redder and her eyes became moist. Of course, she was moved.

"Sister Ming doesn't know. I didn't want to help him at first. I don't know if Sister Ming likes him. But in order for me to help, he actually gave up half of the toy shop's dividends. I didn't know you had I’m not moved. Anyway, I’m very moved. I feel that for a man who has such deep affection for you, if you have any interest in him, you should grasp it and he will make you happy.”

Ming Jingya was a little shaken. She hesitated and said: "But I escaped from my marriage and came to the imperial capital. Although the engagement has been broken off now, the paper can't cover up the anger. When the world knows about it, everyone will make fun of him."

Xiaoer continued to say: "Do you think Brother Di doesn't know about this? Don't Mrs. Di and the general's wife know about this? Which family doesn't inquire about each other's character and family when discussing marriage? They know it, but You still asked my mother to come over to test your tone. What does this mean? It means that they don't mind! Moreover, Mrs. Di and the general's wife even came to my mother's door to talk about it in person. What does that mean? It means that they both take it seriously. You, I sincerely accept you. If you really don't like Brother Di, then naturally you can't force yourself, but if you are interested in Brother Di, are you willing to let down the hearts of three people because of your inferiority complex? At the same time, Did you also miss the opportunity for happiness?"

Ming Jingya shed tears. She was indeed a little inferior, so she didn't dare to agree.

But if Mr. Di is really interested in her, is she willing to give up the chance of happiness for each other?

The answer is of course no!

She clearly understood what kind of life she wanted, so she ran away from marriage without hesitation, regardless of the damage to her reputation!

"Sister Ming, do you need some time to think about it? Brother Di is still waiting for my reply at the Four Seasons Restaurant. He stayed up all night last night!" This is a rhythm that inspires sympathy.

Ming Jingya shook her head, but she was so moved that her eyes filled with tears, and she was worried that she would burst into tears as soon as she spoke.

"Sister Ming, are you shaking your head to mean that you don't need to think about it anymore? Have you agreed to marry Brother Di?"

Although she was a little embarrassed, Ming Jingya nodded.

Happiness must always be controlled by oneself, otherwise it will run away.

He reached out willingly and was not afraid of rumors, so she was willing to hold on tightly. As for reputation, it was not as important as living happily and freely. If she cared about reputation, she would not have done such a shocking thing as running away from marriage.

She was reluctant at first because she didn't want him to embarrass her by taking responsibility. Now that she knew his intentions, how could she be unwilling.

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