"I don't want to be a concubine, I want to be a side concubine!" After Ling'er said this, she realized that she had admitted it! She was so angry that her face turned green! How did this bitch know this? How dare she say it in public! How could she have the nerve to go out and meet people in the future?

She glanced at the people around her. As expected, the ladies and girls had disdain on their faces, and they all whispered: "Except for the main wife, everyone else is a concubine! Are you rushing to be someone's concubine? This person is too mean!"

"Whose family did such a shameless girl come from? She's so shameless!"

"It brings shame to her family? Whose girl is this?"

After listening to everyone's words, Ling'er was so angry that she almost cried, wuwu... This is simply impossible to live! She covered her face and ran out, almost bumping into Di Shaowei who came in holding two glasses of orange juice and twisting a bag of cakes.

Dishaowei reacted very quickly and dodged.

Seeing everyone pointing at them, Chu Die couldn't help but said, "What nonsense are you talking about! Why is your heart so vicious? What good does it do you to ruin other people's reputations like this?"

"Miss Chu, have you forgotten something? It seems that you spoke evilly first! Miss Chu heard that you are also engaged, why are you still showing your face here? Didn't you say that serious women hide at home and embroider dowries? Are you? Aren’t you just ruining the reputation of others and your own reputation, saying that you are not a decent woman? "

Why did I meet such an unlucky person on the day I opened my shop? Xiaoer mourned silently in her heart! She really didn't want to start a quarrel in the shop!

Chu Die became even more angry after hearing this: "Did I say something wrong? Who in the entire imperial capital doesn't know that Mr. Di is guarding the door of Ming Mansion every morning, taking her to your house! He also brings flowers and food every day ! How could a serious woman do such a shameless thing!"

"How can I be so shameless? Why didn't I know how shameless it would be to take a carriage driven by Mr. Di to Shengpinghou Mansion and accept a gift? You are engaged, haven't you ever received a gift from the man? Or are you engaged? The person you’re kissing didn’t even give you a gift? Also, if you don’t understand, girl, don’t talk nonsense! Is this what shame means? Who taught you this? If you don’t understand, just go back and ask your mother to hire one for you. Master, study again!" Ming Jingya replied unceremoniously after hearing this.

She can't just hide behind Xiao'er and let her help her stand out. Xiao'er is younger than herself, and it's not good for her reputation.

"If she understood, she wouldn't be here now accusing others of being shameless." Di Shaowei's voice sounded from behind.

"Brother Di." Ming Jingya shouted softly. She was a little embarrassed when her future husband-in-law saw her arguing with others in public like this.

"Is someone bullying you? Don't be afraid, I'll bully you back!" Di Shaowei smiled at her and comforted her.

Ming shook her head quietly, "No, I'm not a person who can be easily bullied."

"Shaowei, this is just a misunderstanding. They just don't know the actual situation and want to help me vent my anger. Please look at my face and don't blame them." Li Mingfang explained after listening to Di Shaowei's words.

Xiaoer sneered in her heart after hearing this. Since it was a misunderstanding, why didn't she explain it clearly and wanted to help her vent her anger? She has nothing to be angry about.

Many people now think that Di Shaowei broke off the engagement with Li Mingfang because of Ming Jingya, and they secretly explain that Jingya is a vixen who seduced Mr. Di's soul! Even so, Li Mingfang never explained anything!

"They insulted my unmarried wife. Don't you blame me if you don't blame me? You don't have such a big face." Di Shaowei said in a cold tone.

When Li Mingfang heard this, his face was full of disbelief. Although Di Shaowei would quarrel with him in the past, he would always protect him and never embarrass himself.

Although she and he have broken off their engagement now, no matter what, the friendship they grew up with is still there!

She just stopped Chu Die and the others out of consideration for his face, not letting them talk nonsense, but how could Shao Wei not give him any face?

Di Shaowei ignored what Li Mingfang was thinking at the moment. He turned to Chu Die and said: "Miss Chu, if you still have any sense of courtesy and integrity, please apologize, otherwise I will have to seek justice from your father! I believe in your future My husband’s family also doesn’t want to hear about what you did today.!”

Chu Die turned pale after hearing this. If Di Shaowei came to talk about this, her marriage would probably be ruined!

She bit her lower lip and spoke with difficulty: "I was wrong just now, I'm really sorry."

After saying that, she ran out, she was too embarrassed to see anyone!

Li Mingfang glanced at Di Shaowei and saw that he had turned back and smiled at the other woman.

She couldn't describe the feeling in her heart. She felt as if something that originally belonged to her had been robbed by someone else.

Shao Wei really went too far this time! Not caring about the friendship we grew up with!

She stamped her foot and hurriedly chased after him.

"Didn't you say you were thirsty? Let's go to the backyard and find a place to sit and drink!" Di Shaowei pointed to the thing in his hand with his chin towards Ming Jingya and Xiaoer.

Xiaoer took the two of them to the backyard and sat down in the tent.

While drinking juice, Xiaoer explained to Ming Jingya who the three girls were.

"The tallest girl is Li Mingfang, who is Brother Di's childhood sweetheart. The two of them were engaged for many years, but they just broke off the engagement recently. Brother Di once rushed to the battlefield sleeplessly for her..."

Ahem... After hearing this, Di Shaowei was so frightened that he almost choked on the cake.

How did this girl Xiaoer talk? Did she want Jingya to misunderstand?

"Jingya, don't listen to this girl's nonsense. I have absolutely no idea about Miss Li right now!"

"Brother Di, why are you so anxious to explain? I haven't even finished yet! Aren't you afraid that Sister Ming will think you don't have three hundred taels of silver here?"

Why is there no three hundred taels of silver here? For the first time, Di Shaowei had the urge to strangle Xiaoer to death!

Ming Jingya looked at him with searching eyes.

It’s over!

Di Shaowei looked at Xiao'er: Girl, you've done me a disservice!

"Sister Ming, what I want to say is that although Brother Di once did something to Miss Li, Brother Di didn't know what love was at that time. He just got engaged to her and the two of them grew up together. Just like a brother and sister, he just feels the responsibility to take care of her. As a bystander, I can see clearly that Brother Di has true love for you. In the past, his feelings for Miss Ming were just brother and sister. So no matter who you hear from in the future Don’t misunderstand what Miss Ming said before Brother Di.”

Xiaoer's words made both of them blush.

It’s so embarrassing to say things like true love directly!

But Di Shaowei still nodded: "Yes, if you have any questions, you can ask me. Don't just believe it."

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