"Then how did Brother Di treat Miss Li before?" Ming Jingya asked curiously, looking at the two of them.

I hope that there will be time to look back and grow old together with deep love. Isn't it the same poem written for Miss Li?

Thinking of this, Ming Jingya glanced at Di Shaowei again.

Dishaowei immediately understood the meaning of her glance.

"No, it's definitely not what you think!" Di Shaowei waved his hand and shook his head.

Xiaoer felt that her 100,000-watt light bulb needed to be extinguished, so she stood up and let them solve their own problems.

"I have something to do and go to the beauty salon. Let's talk among yourselves!"

Di Shaowei wanted to keep Xiaoer and let her speak for him, but Xiaoer gave him a look that asked for blessings and left.

The relationship between two people may need help from others to set up the relationship at first, but once they join hands, in the world of love, only two people are enough, and there is no need for a third person to intervene.

Xiaoer walked out, and the street was bustling with people coming and going.

As soon as Xiaoer left the shop, Zhao Yong drove a carriage in front of her: "Is the girl going home?"

"First take a look at the decoration of the beauty salon, and then go to the flower fields and medicinal fields on the outskirts of the city."

"Okay." Zhao Yong was even more happy when he heard that he was going to the flower field. His two sons were in the flower field.

Xiaoer is planning to open a beauty salon in the Imperial City. It is currently being renovated. The shop originally belonged to General Dingyuan's mansion. Later, General Dingyuan's family was confiscated and his family was exterminated. All the family property was confiscated and then sold off. Xiaoer bought two of his family members. Two shops, the beauty salon was rebuilt after demolishing these two shops.

It’s time to make use of the water of the Space Colorful Fairy Lotus and the Colorful Fairy Lake.

She found several teenage girls from Zhixin College who were both good in character and academics, and asked them if they would like to work in her beauty salon, and they all happily agreed.

Every day she takes time to teach the dozen or so students recruited from Zhixin College the techniques and knowledge of skin care and beauty, massage, makeup, and massage.

Xiaoer asked the housekeeper to buy a dozen maids and Xiaoer taught them how to make cosmetics.

We have also recruited several experienced female workers, all of whom have worked at Huarong Yuemao before and are familiar with how to make cosmetics and skin care products.

These people have all taken Loyalty Powder, and Xiaoer can safely teach them everything without worrying that they will leak the recipe and production method.

The raw materials of cosmetics are produced in flower fields and medicinal fields, some are taken out from space, and of course some are purchased from other places.

Once these people have learned and become proficient, the decoration of the beauty salon will be ready.

The decoration of the beauty salon was being completed step by step. When Xiaoer saw that there were no problems, she set out for the city.

She had to ask florists and herbalists to plant a variety of plants: roses, aloe vera, centella asiatica, knotweed, skullcap, licorice, rosemary leaves and other plants. The extracts of these are very good for the skin, and plant extracts Safe and secure.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the streets of Imperial City today, and carriages stopped and went.

Xiaoer opened the curtain and looked outside: "Zhao Yong, why do there seem to be so many refugees in the city today? Where did they flee from?"

"This year there have been floods in many places in the south. I heard that there is a village where the epidemic is rampant and the infection has spread. Many people are afraid of being infected and are fleeing everywhere. I guess these people are coming from the south. If they are really coming from the south Refugees, girl, we can't leave the city. In order to prevent the epidemic from spreading to the people in the city, I guess the city gate has been sealed now."

"There's another flood!" Xiaoer frowned. It rained too much in this dynasty.

"Every rainy season, some areas will be flooded. This happens almost every year, but not every year there will be epidemics and major floods that require evacuations. In many cases, the water level recedes in one or two nights. , This will have no impact. The situation this year is somewhat similar to that of several years ago, and it is somewhat serious." Zhao Yong once traveled all over the country to perform tasks, so he knew better.

Floods will occur in modern times, but due to the management of rivers and the construction of water conservancy projects, the disasters will not be so serious. Generally, only major floods that occur once in ten or eight years will cause huge losses of people's lives and property.

"Then take me back to my hometown first. Zhao Yong, you go to the flower fields to keep watch over the next few days. I'm worried that the fleeing people will destroy the flower fields."

Zhao Yong felt warm after hearing this. Those refugees generally would not destroy other people's things casually, but they did not rule out riots. The girl asked him to protect her children, so she felt at ease.

"There are so many flower farmers in the flower field, and many of them are not vegetarians. Girl, don't worry. My subordinate's duty is to be the girl's coachman and protect her safety."

"The city is so chaotic, I won't go out these days, and there are willows, bayberries, and secret guards. What are you worried about? You are here to help me protect the flowers in the flower field. My flowers are important. Every tree is worth money! If you lose one tree, I will ask you to compensate according to the price." Xiaoer joked.

Zhao Yong thought for a while and agreed.

Xiaoer returned to the mansion, and Shen Chengyao had returned. This time there was a flood in the south. Because he was the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the emperor sent him and another official from the Ministry of Industry to go south to assist local officials in disaster relief and on-site inspections to develop a thorough set of plans. A practical water control plan.

The family was sitting in the main room discussing the matter.

"Dad, I heard that a febrile epidemic is rampant in the south. Please bring more medicinal materials there."

Mrs. Liu became even more worried after hearing this: "Is there a warm epidemic in the south? What if I get infected with the epidemic when I go there at this time! Ah! Bah, bah, bah, what did I say? No! No!"

After Mrs. Liu realized what she had said, she quickly pouted a few times and even slapped herself in the mouth a few times.

Xiaoer couldn't laugh or cry when she saw this: "Mom, don't worry, I will prepare the necessary medicine for your father to travel at home, and he will never be infected with the epidemic."

"Yes, I will also take care of myself, don't worry!" Shen Chengyao remembered that there were many refugees outside the city and continued: "My dear, there are many people fleeing outside the city. Starting tomorrow, we will also set up tents to provide porridge. Come on! The yamen will also give out porridge, but there are too many monks and not enough porridge, so let’s do our little bit as a family!”

Xiao'er also thought of this on the way back. She thought for a while and said, "There will be a lot of people setting up tents to provide porridge tomorrow. Let's wait for a few days. In case those people come back and have nothing to eat."

Shen Chengyao thought about it and felt that this was the case. It would be better for the people to stagger the porridge-giving time, so he nodded.

Jingrui thought about it again and again and said, "Dad, I will go south with you tomorrow!"

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