Mrs. Liu almost jumped up when she heard this: "What? You want to go too, no! Rui'er, if you want to go south, mother won't stop you, but not this time, let's do it next time!"

What is going on in the minds of today’s children! How come the two children she gave birth to ran away wherever there was danger!

Isn’t it good for An Ansheng to live a good life? It always makes people fearful and worried.

She was so worried that her hair was about to turn white!

Shen Chengyao had no problem going by himself and took Jingrui with him. He didn't want his son to take risks, so he advised: "Rui'er, listen to your mother, there will be more opportunities when going south, don't rush for a while. , there is chaos over there, and dad has an official position and has no time to take care of you."

"I have thought carefully about it. I will be an official in the future. I don't know where I will be sent. Now I can follow my father and see how to control floods and seek disaster relief. I have some practical experience in advance. I think this is more valuable than anything else. Important." Jingrui said firmly.

In short, he made a reservation for this trip south.

"I support eldest brother's decision! Our family will rely on eldest brother and Hao'er to shine in the future. It will never go wrong to learn more about how to deal with natural and man-made disasters. In fact, the epidemic is not that terrible. I have a prescription for treating the epidemic. , I’ll copy it down and give it to dad later.”

"Girl, do you have a prescription for treating febrile disease? Haha, that's great! I knew it was right to come to you." At this time, Dr. Luo's energetic voice sounded from outside the door, and then he strode Stepped in.

Several people greeted each other and then sat down. (Mr. Luo often comes here to have a meal, so he can come in without having to pass the call.)

"Girl Xiaoer, the emperor sent me south to treat the people suffering from febrile disease. I had no choice, so I thought of you. Sure enough, if I have any difficult and complicated diseases, I should just come to you! You must help me this time !”

Another imperial physician almost burst into tears after receiving the emperor's order! There is no research on how to treat febrile epidemics, so how to treat it!

But he wasn't worried at all. He didn't think it was a big problem. He heard that Shen Chengyao was also going south this time, so even if there were any problems, it wouldn't be a problem! He decisively ran over to hug his thigh before dinner time!

"Mr. Luo, you really praise me so much." Xiaoer couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this.

She just has one more space than others, an extra study room in the space, and more books in the study room.

"Stop talking nonsense, girl, I'm in a hurry. Write down the prescription quickly. I have to prepare the medicine after dinner!" Dr. Luo said without any politeness.

Mrs. Liu treated Dr. Luo as Xiaoer's savior. After hearing this, she quickly asked Zi Jing to go to the kitchen to see if the food was ready.

Xiaoer asked someone to take out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and write out the prescriptions for three elixirs known as the three treasures for treating the plague.

The medicinal materials in these prescriptions are some expensive, such as musk, rhinoceros horn, amber and other expensive medicinal materials. One prescription even contains 50 pieces of gold and silver foil.

Doctor Luo was a little dumbfounded when he looked at these three prescriptions. Each one was more expensive than the last!

"Girl? Are there any other recipes that are more civilian-friendly? Isn't this too expensive? Only rich people can afford this!"

"This is what I saw by chance. I don't know if it works. Dr. Luo, let's think about it! The medicinal materials are expensive and wealthy people will be willing to use them. Those who can afford them will use the dregs after boiling the medicine. You can boil some and drink it until all the medicinal flavor comes out, then just throw it away!" Xiaoer naturally knew that the medicinal materials in it were expensive, and she was not a professional, so it was good to remember these.

After hearing this, Dr. Luo thought it was feasible. The medicinal materials would not be completely flavored after being boiled once. They could be boiled at least three times!

Xiaoer thought of the modern artemisinin and said, "Physician Luo can try it with fresh artemisinin leaves. There is a kind of artemisinin in the leaves, which can also treat febrile diseases. But the artemisinin needs to be extracted. , I don’t know if it’s okay to drink it directly by boiling it in water. Or you can boil it in water with Ophiopogon japonicus, Scutellaria baicalensis and Artemisia vulgaris. Doctor Luo can think about adding or subtracting some herbs to make a prescription.”

Dr. Luo thought about it and felt that it was all right: "Okay, I'll think about it again and see what to add to it, and come up with a prescription that's more civilian-friendly."

On the second day, as expected, many aristocratic families set up tents outside the city to provide porridge.

Who wouldn't be happy to do good things like this under the emperor's nose?

According to the prescription re-researched by Dr. Luo, Xiaoer took out the space water and the medicinal materials in the space and ordered her servants to boil more than ten large pots of medicine, and gave them to the fleeing people for free in the name of Shengping Marquis Mansion and their pharmacy.

In addition to being truly homeless, some of these displaced people also chose to leave their homes because they were afraid of contracting the epidemic.

Now that they heard that there was a free decoction that could prevent febrile disease, they all came to queue up to get it. The queue was so long that there was no end in sight.

Everyone praised Mrs. Shengpinghou and County Lord Rui'an for their kindness. They are simply great benevolent people who are willing to give charity!

Everyone got the medicine first and then went to get the porridge. After all, if you are hungry, you won't die for the time being, but if you contract the epidemic, you will die at any time!

Many ladies and ladies will do such good deeds. This is an opportunity to gain a good reputation.

The First Prince's Mansion made a big investment today, thick minced meat porridge and white flour steamed buns!

The Prime Minister's Mansion uses big bones to make porridge and adds white flour steamed buns.

Other aristocratic families also serve white porridge with cornmeal or mixed-noodle steamed buns.

But even so, it's not as good as someone else's bowl of medicine, and the compliments just kept coming!

Liang Yanli knew that today was the first day of charity, and it was a very important day for the people to remember and gain a good reputation among the people, so she advised the eldest prince to spend more money and cook minced meat porridge and white flour steamed buns.

Unexpectedly, the expected scene of everyone rushing forward to grab it was not there. Instead, I could hear the compliments one after another, but none of them were praising myself.

Her face was twisted with anger! It looked so scary that people who were queuing up to get porridge and steamed buns after receiving the medicine were so frightened that they decided to change stalls!

Li Yunning watched Xiaoer smiling brightly as she told the refugees when to eat again and what not to eat after drinking the medicine. She wanted to go up and reward the barrels of soup for overthrowing.

Why is it that she is always the one who is admired by all the stars! She gets all the good things!

Shen Baoer looked at Liu and Xiaoer's happy faces, and her face was full of jealousy and hatred. She could have turned around with her eldest brother, but everything was ruined! The people in the third room are all white-eyed wolves, and they don't help when they see their own brothers and their family in trouble!

This family is so fake. They help outsiders but not their own people!

She couldn't help but said: "Can you drink medicine casually? Who knows if this is really medicine that can treat febrile diseases!"

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