After hearing this, Li Yuning quickly agreed: "That's right! Why didn't I know that there was medicine in this world that could cure febrile epidemics? Even the doctors at the imperial hospital were helpless against the epidemic! I didn't know what the medicine was. What if someone drinks it bad? "

"County Master Rui'an, you are not just grabbing some medicinal materials to fool the people, trying to gain fame and reputation, so that you can take this opportunity to gain a good reputation!" Liang Yanli gently stroked her round pregnant belly and stood leisurely. There, fan yourself coolly and light a fire.

The people who were fleeing paused after hearing this: Yes, it is a medicine that is three parts poisonous, but you should not take it randomly, and I have never heard of any medicine for treating febrile diseases.

Those who contracted the febrile disease were isolated and left to fend for themselves. When they died, they were directly set on fire.

If everyone in a village is infected with the epidemic, the government will directly order the village to be burned down!

Many people hold the medicine and don’t know whether it is better to drink it or not to drink it!


What should I do if drinking it fails to cure a febrile disease but damages my own body?

Don't want to drink?

If you don’t drink it, if it can really cure febrile disease, you will come from an epidemic area and you won’t know if you are infected with febrile disease. If you are infected and you don’t drink it, then you will be doomed!

The people in the team were extremely confused.

"Whether the medicine is good or not, whether it is useful or harmful, is not up to me. Just because there was no medicine that could cure febrile epidemics before does not mean that there is no medicine now." Xiaoer said as she took out a clean bowl and filled a bowl of the decoction herself. She drank as she went. She didn't show the empty bowl to everyone until it reached the bottom: "The prescriptions for these decoctions were prescribed by Dr. Luo of the Imperial Hospital. They can clear away heat and detoxify, cure illnesses when you are sick, and strengthen your body when you are not sick. They will definitely not It is poisonous or harmful to everyone's health. You can drink it with confidence. If you want to drink it, drink it. If you don't want to drink it, don't drink it. We will not force you to do it. People who don't know whether they should drink it or not can also ask if they have already taken the medicine. How do people feel.”

The products produced by the space are absolutely extraordinary. If she were not worried that these fleeing people would really bring the epidemic to the imperial capital, she would not use the medicinal materials and water from the space to boil this soup and give it to her.

Even drinking simple space water will make people feel much better, not to mention the medicinal materials.

These people must be very tired after being homeless for so long. In this case, the effect of drinking the decoction is even more obvious.

Real gold is not afraid of fire, so Xiaoer is not worried at all. Those with evil intentions will change their family from doing good things to doing bad things with just a few words.

"If these decoctions are really harmful to people, and the emperor is still in the Forbidden City, everyone can file a complaint! Why should I use the medicine to harm everyone, in full view of everyone, can I escape this guilt? This is not good for our family. A little benefit!" Liu added.

After hearing these words, the fleeing people felt that they made sense. Some people who had received the medicine but had not yet drank it asked those who had already taken the medicine: "How do you feel after taking this medicine? Do you have any stomachache, nausea, dizziness, etc." How does it feel?"

People who took the medicine were originally worried that they had taken the wrong medicine, but now they felt it and shook their heads: "No, I feel very comfortable."

"I didn't feel any discomfort. After taking the medicine, I felt less tired and felt much more relaxed."

"Yes, after taking the medicine, I also feel that all the strength I lost has returned! I feel so comfortable as I have never felt before!"

"I had a little headache just now, but after taking the medicine, my head doesn't hurt that much anymore!"

"Headache?" After hearing this, everyone who was standing around him just now ran away.

"Did you have a headache just now? Did you have a fever? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Could it be that you had a fever, so you didn't dare to tell me? God, I have to stay away from you! If you don't say anything about your headache, you are trying to kill people! "

"Yes, I stood in front of him just now and queued for so long. Oh my God, can I get infected if I am so close? What should I do? Can I drink an extra bowl of this medicine? Is it enough to drink just one bowl? ?”

Is the medicine so effective? Everyone who drank it said yes?

What kind of panacea is this? Can it really strengthen your body?

"Is this medicine so amazing? It should really be able to cure febrile diseases, so I'll drink it quickly. Drink the medicine while it's hot. It won't be as effective when it's cold."

After hearing this, those who had already received the medicine lowered their heads and drank heavily.

At this time, Chuan Ranhui walked up to Xiaoer and said, "Master Rui'an County, please give me a bowl too. I heard that febrile epidemics can lie dormant in the human body for a period of time before attacking. With so many people gathered together today, I wonder if anyone is infected." If you are suffering from the epidemic without knowing it, I'd better drink a bowl as soon as possible to prevent it."

Some ladies and ladies heard Fu Ranhui's words and felt that they made sense. They all walked over to Xiao'er to ask for medicine.

Those who had left the team just now because they were worried about taking the wrong medicine quickly ran back to the team, trying to get back to their original positions.

But how could the people in the team be so willing? It was so hard to save so many people and they didn't have to wait so long. They were very happy. Fortunately, they didn't leave just now.

So those people felt very regretful, but did not dare to cause trouble, because there were soldiers guarding in the distance, so they could only go back in despair.

The person who was originally at the front of the team became the person at the back of the team. He was full of complaints and couldn't help but say: "Is it the people from the Prime Minister's Palace and the First Prince's Palace who just said that the decoction is not effective? What kind of intentions does she have!" Why do you say the decoction won’t work!”

"What kind of intentions can they have? Of course they are bad intentions. They are probably the ones who want to gain fame and reputation. They also want to have a good reputation and are reluctant to give away so much porridge and steamed buns. So they deliberately said that the decoctions in Shengpinghou Mansion cannot cure diseases, and then If we all die from the epidemic, they won’t have to give out porridge anymore!”

"Why is there such a vicious person? Just don't do it if you don't want to, and no one will say anything to him!"

"Looking at the porridge and steamed buns, they contain meat and are made of white flour. I thought they had kinder intentions, but I didn't expect that they were just doing it for show..."

Xiao'er almost burst out laughing after hearing the words of these fleeing people. She didn't understand anything and was easily influenced by others. People who follow others' opinions can sometimes be very cute!

Looking at the faces of Shen Baoer, Li Yuning and Liang Yanli, Xiaoer sneered in her heart.

When Shen Baoer saw these stupid people, he was said to have turned against them in a few words, and he was very angry.

Look at those ladies and young ladies, all rushing over to ask for soup and medicine. It’s really embarrassing! If you are so afraid of death, why do you still come to give porridge?

Liang Yanli was in a panic at this moment and wiped her hands with a handkerchief. Just now, in order to appear more friendly to the people, she personally served several bowls of porridge and sent them out. The refugee who complained of a headache took the porridge from her hand. , his hand even touched his own hand, his hand was as black as ink! She felt so sick at the time that she almost vomited it out, so she remembered it!

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