What should we do now? Isn’t it possible that I am also infected with febrile disease?

Seeing the ladies and girls running over to ask for medicine, Liang Yanli felt a thousand knots in her heart!

Would it be too embarrassing if she also asked for a bowl of medicine? Or just slap yourself in the face.

If that doesn't work, she has to go back to her mansion immediately and ask the eldest prince to ask Imperial Physician Luo to prescribe some medicine for herself!

Liang Yanli couldn't lose face after all, and pregnant women were not allowed to take medicine casually, so she had no choice but to leave quickly.

Liang Yanli didn't know how many thousands of Jie Xiao'er she had in her heart. She told the ladies and ladies that she would send someone to deliver several packages of medicinal materials to their houses.

After hearing this, they all felt relieved, thanked each other, and left. They also praised each other for Liu and Xiaoer.

"I think Shengpinghou Mansion is the real home of good deeds. Whenever the people are in trouble, they are not the ones who go ahead of everyone and provide materials and efforts."

"Yes, and every time it is more than others. The donated things are all donated to the idea."

"In the future, I will have to learn from Mrs. Shengpinghou. Although she is from a low background, such a young couple started from scratch and created such a large family business without relying on the ancestors. Not only was Shengpinghou granted a title, he was also promoted to the Ministry of Industry. Minister, how much skill does it take to do this? There is no other family in the entire imperial capital."

Mingfu also came to give porridge today, right next to Xiaoer's shed.

The sun was getting a little brighter, and when Xiaoer saw that the medicine had almost been distributed, she planned to go back home first and leave the rest to her servants.

She walked over and asked Shen Nirui and Ming Jingya, "Sister Nirui, sister Ming, my mother and I are going back home, can you leave?"

Seeing that the porridge was almost done, Shen Nirui also thought about the baby at home, so she nodded: "Let's go, we'll take your family's carriage back. The carriage from the mansion hasn't come yet."

There is only one carriage in the Ming Dynasty. After the coachman sent them here this morning, he sent Mei Zhijie to the Yamen again. The carriage at home has not arrived yet.

"Okay." Xiaoer nodded.

Just as they were about to walk towards the place where the carriage was parked, Meijijie and Di Shaowei came over together.

"Your Darling is here, Sister Niri, Sister Ming, it seems you don't need to ride on my carriage." Xiaoer said when she saw the two of them strolling over.

Darling? What's the meaning? The two of them looked at Xiaoer without knowing why.

"What does Daring mean?" Di Shaowei strode over and asked just in time to hear.

"Darling means dear, which means the beloved one! You are sister Ming's darling! Brother Ming's husband is sister Niri's darling. This is a Western term, do you understand?" Xiaoer explained with a smile.

This is something you have to ask yourself. Don’t blame her if you blush later!

After hearing this, Shen Nirui and Ming Jingya blushed.

Di Shaowei was thick-skinned, and he thought Ming Jingya's face was not red enough, so he nodded seriously, "I understand, it's a good title, it's not explicit!"

Then he said to Ming Jingya seriously: "Darling, can you go home? I came here specially to take you home."

Ming Jingya was shocked by this title. She quickly looked around and saw many people focusing on their side.

Ming Jingya really wants to be blind and deaf at this moment! Then you don’t know anything!

It's so far away, so I can't hear it!

I am simply too embarrassed to see anyone! Ming Jingya blushed and lowered her head: "Don't call me that! Let's go!"

After saying that, he walked quickly to the carriage parking place, which was more like walking or running.

"Darling, wait for me!" Di Shaowei looked at Ming Jingya who was running away and chuckled.

Darling, you are so big! Ming Jingya roared in her heart, and then ran directly.

Mei Zhijie walked to Shen Nirui and took out a handkerchief to help wipe the sweat from her forehead, "Mrs. Darling, let's go back home too!"

Shen Nirui gave him an angry look. Mei Zhijie spoke in a low voice. They were husband and wife, so Shen Nirui was not too shy.

The two of them bowed to Liu and Xiaoer and left.

Shen Nirui's maid held an umbrella for the two of them behind to protect them from the sun. Meijijie flicked the hand holding the folding fan, and the fan opened. He held Shen Nirui's hand with one hand and gently shook the folding fan with the other. , driving away the heat wave and pushing coolness to her.

The two of them walked out of Shen Baoer's sight, talking and laughing.

Shen Baoer couldn't hide the jealousy in his eyes even if he wanted to.

That turned out to be her husband-in-law!

Shen Nirui's current happiness originally belonged to her!

It's all hers!

no! She can't go on like this! Today’s life is simply not a life for human beings!

Li Yunhua seems to have become a pervert since he became an eunuch. It's okay that Zhang is the first wife, but with the Prime Minister and his wife standing in his way, Li Yunhua won't do anything to her.

But Shen Baoer was not so lucky. Prime Minister Li felt that he was the reason why Li Yuning did not marry into the royal family because he instigated her! Therefore, not only was her daughter given to the Zhang family, Li Yunhua also played with her in different ways. If she was slightly dissatisfied, she would be punched and kicked if she said anything that did not go his way. She simply lived a life that was worse than a dog.

There was no way she could survive this day. She had to find a way to get out of this sea of ​​misery.

Mrs. Liu and Xiaoer also smiled and walked towards the carriage parking place. As soon as the two of them were about to get on the carriage, Shen Baoer chased after her, grabbed Mrs. Liu's sleeve and said pitifully:

"Third aunt, help me!"

"Madam, I am not your third aunt. You called the wrong person." Ms. Liu pulled back her sleeves and said calmly.

Time will dilute a lot of past hatred. Mrs. Liu is no longer as resentful as she was back then for what Dafang and her family did, but she still can't laugh about it.

Besides, what Shen Baoer said just now also reminded her that this is a white-eyed wolf that cannot be raised well.

Shen Baoer knew that what she just said had offended Mrs. Liu, but she had an excuse to round it off.

Now she doesn't have high demands, she just wants Mrs. Liu to help her get out of the misery of Li Mansion.

Li Yuning was worried about being infected with the epidemic, so she went back early. This was a hard-earned opportunity for her to go out, and she was still alone, so she couldn't waste it.

"Third Aunt, I know what I just said was too much, but I had no choice but to do so. Li Yuning felt that she was forced to marry Chen Jin because of Xiaoer's fault. She wanted Third Aunt's family to be infamous, so she let me Who said that. Not only that, Li Yuning also wants to take revenge on Xiaoer, and Prime Minister Li also wants to deal with Shengping Hou Mansion."

Ms. Liu was shocked when she heard this. She quickly asked: "How do they want to take revenge on Xiaoer and deal with our family?"

"If Third Aunt rescues me from the Prime Minister's Mansion, I will tell you how they want to retaliate against Xiaoer and deal with Shengpinghou Mansion, okay? Third Aunt, I don't want to exchange conditions with Third Aunt, but tell Third Aunt directly. . But in the Prime Minister’s Mansion, my life was really miserable, wuwu..."

Thank you Gu Guguai and Lan Tianbaiyun for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted.

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