"Madam, please forgive me, I will give it to you now!" The old coachman handed over the reins with tears streaming down his face. He said he would no longer have to work for this month and was retired with honor! And there are only two days left in this month! Why is he so unlucky!

Shen Baoer didn't care if he was crying all the time! The desire to escape was so strong that she kicked the old coachman out of the carriage with one strong kick.

The poor old coachman broke his leg and had many bruises on his body. He shouted for help.

Shen Baoer then returned to the carriage compartment, took off the maid's purse and jewelry, and then pushed her out of the carriage.

The old cart driver waited for a long time before an ox cart arrived, saved his life and that of the maid, and sent them back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Fortunately, there were some herbs to stop bleeding growing at the place where the old coachman fell. He happened to know them, so he picked some, crushed them, climbed over, and applied medicine to the maid's wound, which stopped the bleeding. Otherwise, the maid would have died.

When the Prime Minister found out that Shen Baoer had escaped, he was furious and immediately sent people to find her and vowed to cut her into pieces!

When Xiaoer heard about this, she had to admire Shen Baoer. She was an invincible Xiaoqiang, and this allowed her to run away.

It's just that the Prime Minister has reached the first rank, so he doesn't have anyone under his command. If he is captured, who knows what will happen?

She was greedy for wealth and power and did not hesitate to become a concubine. She had evil thoughts and instigated Li Yunning to frame Shangguan Xuanyi and her family. In the end, she harmed herself. It was her fault that Prime Minister Li's sons fell into this state! It's impossible that Prime Minister Li didn't know, so how could he let her go so easily!

But how will Prime Minister Lee take revenge on his family? Xiaoer frowned.

The days passed quietly, and it had been more than two months since Shangguan Xuanyi left.

The people who fled outside the city also received the disaster relief money distributed by the government and went home one after another.

Xiaoer hasn't received a word from Shangguan Xuanyi for ten days.

The letters she sent were not answered by him.

This is inappropriate!

Xiaoer will receive a letter from Shangguan Xuanyi every other day.

Although there are only a few words, sometimes it is: Miss you; sometimes it is: What are you doing; sometimes is: Miss me; I even wrote: Have you eaten yet?

Xiaoer was dumbfounded by his few words, but at least she knew that he was fine.

A bad premonition surged in Xiaoer's heart.

"Xiao'er, has your father received a letter today?" After dinner, the family was still busy with their own work in the big study. Mrs. Liu asked when she remembered that she had not received a letter from her husband for two days.

"I came back and said everything was fine. My eldest brother also bought two shops and a village over there." Xiaoer came back to her senses, found the letter and handed it to Mrs. Liu.

Ms. Liu took it and took a look at it before she felt relieved: "I don't know if your father and your brother have eaten well."

"Mom, don't worry. Even if my father is hungry, he will not starve his brother. If he is here, he will definitely remind him to eat on time and he will not be hungry!"

"That's true." Mrs. Liu felt relieved after hearing this.

Shen Chengyao always said that it was the time when Jingrui was growing taller and he should not be hungry, otherwise he would not grow tall enough in the future.

He also said that he remembered that when he was at Jingrui's age, he was so hungry that he would go up mountains and rivers every day to find something to eat, and that's why he became as tall as he is now.

Xiaoer felt a little confused, so she found an excuse and went back to her room.

The weather was extremely hot that night, and it rained heavily in the middle of the night.

Xiaoer, who was restless and restless, lay on the space bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. She finally fell asleep, but she had a dream. In the dream, Shangguan Xuanyi looked at her with cold and ruthless eyes, and struck out with a sword without warning. Stab on her chest...

A very short scene scared Xiaoer to the point where she sat up from the bed. When she woke up, she realized that she was actually dreaming!

Unfortunately, instead of breathing a sigh of relief, she became even more worried.

The feeling was so real that she broke into a cold sweat and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Xiaoer took a set of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower before leaving the space.

It was about to dawn, and the heavy rain was still falling. The ticking sound made people's thoughts even more confused.

Something happened to Brother Shangguan! Xiaoer is determined!

Xiaoer opened the door and walked out.

"Girl, you got up so early? It's raining today, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Yang Liu couldn't help but said when he saw a dark shadow under Xiaoer's eyes.

"I'm not going to sleep anymore. Please help me call Zhao Yong over. I'll see him if I have something to do." Xiaoer stood under the eaves, looking at the strings of raindrops falling in trance.

"Yes." Yang Liu quickly bowed and left.

Zhao Yong came over soon.

"Girl, do you have a problem with me?"

"I'm going to find Brother Shangguan. You go and prepare. I will set off directly after I come out of the palace today."

Zhao Yong was so shocked when he heard this: "Why is it so sudden, girl?"

"Have the secret guards received any news from Brother Shangguan?" Xiaoer asked without answering.

"Yes, I just received the letter from the flying pigeon. All the people who were looking for treasure were rescued. More than 10,000 people were controlled by the cup worm. I don't know if the antidote they got is enough to survive until they come back." When Zhao Yong heard about this, he felt that those people were stupid. They were hunting for treasure and were controlled by others. This was the first time he heard of it!

"Just in time, let's go and help them lure out the cup worms. You go and get ready. Don't tell the lady about this. Just tell the queen to let me stay with her in the palace for some time."

Then Xiaoer told Zhao Yong to do some things and let him go down.

Zhao Yong nodded, bowed and left to make arrangements.

It happened that today Xiaoer accompanied Ming Jingya to the palace to meet the queen. After meeting the queen, she set off directly to find Shangguan Xuanyi.

Di Shaowei also entered the palace today. He was worried that Ming Jingya would be nervous when entering the palace for the first time, so he accompanied her.

After several people left the palace, Xiaoer asked them to help her hide the truth from the Liu family, and she wanted to find Shangguan Xuanyi.

Dishaowei frowned after hearing this: "Did something happen?"

Xiaoer shook his head: "Nothing happened. Those people were rescued. I will help lure out their night elves."

Di Shaowei is about to get married. If she says that she thinks something happened to Shangguan Xuanyi, he will definitely accompany her.

How could it delay the marriage that he had been looking forward to day and night?

Besides, this is just her intuition, and she doesn’t know whether it is reliable or not.

After hearing this, Di Shaowei felt relieved: "Come back as soon as possible, don't miss my wedding day! Otherwise, I will ignore you."

Xiaoer smiled and nodded: "Then farewell."

After Xiaoer said this, she jumped onto the carriage, waved to them, and the carriage drove away.

Xiaoer only brought Yangliu this time, while Yangmei stayed at home to help protect and hide Liu.

After lowering the curtain, Xiaoer immediately changed into men's clothes, thickened her eyebrows, and made her skin a wheat color.

Yang Mei also put on men's clothes, and then the three of them rode the horses prepared by Zhao Yong at the city gate, and quickly took a shortcut and headed straight to the border town.

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