Under the leadership of Feng Xing, Shangguan Xuanyi led 500 personal soldiers and mobilized 30,000 elite troops to wipe out the place.

That secret training base was razed to the ground overnight.

Zhao Feng'er died under Shangguan Xuanyi's sword! Before he died, he was still in disbelief. How could Feng Xing not die? How could he cure his poison?

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Feng Xing to lead the soldiers to escort the treasure-hunting people who were controlled by the night elves from the border town.

He went back to the imperial capital first.

The accident happened on the way back to the imperial capital.

In order to rush back to the imperial capital as soon as possible, Shangguan Xuanyi always took the small road back instead of taking the official road.

While passing through a mountain road, dark clouds covered the roof, strong winds blew, and soon heavy raindrops began to fall from the sky.

This was not his first time on this road. He knew that there was a thatched hut in front of him where hunters lived while hunting. He quickly rode over there, preparing to escape the rain before continuing on his way.

The door of the thatched cottage was unlocked and ajar. Shangguan Xuanyi asked aloud: "Excuse me, is there anyone inside?"

When no one answered, he opened the door and went in.

There is no one in the thatched house, but it is very clean everywhere. The whole thatched house is like a new one, spotless everywhere.

The house where Orion temporarily stayed was so clean? Shangguan Xuanyi frowned, does this house have an owner? And she's still a woman.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought about this and was about to walk out.

At this time, several more people ran over to take shelter from the rain.

A man dressed as a servant opened the door and said loudly: "Sir, come into this house quickly to get out of the rain!"

Then he realized that Shangguan Xuanyi was standing directly inside the door, looking at them.

"Uh, sir, excuse me, can you borrow a place to take shelter from the rain? My master and young master are weak and cannot be exposed to the rain."

"Do it yourself." Shangguan Xuanyi looked at these people without leaving a trace, then walked out and stood under the eaves to hide from the rain.

These people are disguised as a family.

"Dad, please sit down quickly. You have cold legs. Rainy days are the most uncomfortable." The middle-aged man helped an old man to the table and sat down.

Shangguan Xuanyi felt inexplicably familiar with the old man.

The servant went to help another young man into the house.

Behind them was a girl and a woman whose faces were as fair as if they had never seen the sun. They entered the house at the end.

The girl glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi and couldn't look away.

Is this the sixth prince of Min Zeguo? What a handsome and extraordinary man! It’s not like I’m wronging myself anymore! She decided to make him her consort!

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed that eyes were falling on him. He glanced down and saw the familiar look of a nymphomaniac with disdain in his eyes. He immediately looked away.

How dare you look down upon yourself! Princess Xiyue lowered her head and sneered!

Wait! Before long, she would be the only one in his eyes and heart.

"Sir, it's raining so hard, why don't you go inside and take shelter from the rain!" the middle-aged man said.

Shangguan Xuanyi turned around and glanced at the three letters on the door frame before focusing on the people in the room: "No, I have to hurry."

After Shangguan Xuanyi finished speaking, he walked into the rain curtain, took the horse, and prepared to leave in the heavy rain.

"Master, please take it and use it." The middle-aged man came out and handed it to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"No need!" Shangguan Xuanyi did not take it, got on his horse and left directly.

Shangguan Xuanyi left not far away and confirmed that no one was following him before he put the horse into the space ring, then used Qing Kung alone to return to the vicinity of the thatched cottage and carefully hid in a tree.

Just now he saw the three letters SOS left on the door frame.

It should have been left by the rainwater on the hands of the "old man" when he held the door frame and entered the house.

Now there are no traces on the door frame.

SOS is a Western text. Xiaoer girl said that this is an international distress signal!

This is what she told herself when she was wandering at sea.

Not many people know.

From the beginning, he saw that the old man and the young master were being held hostage by them.

The SOS on the door frame further proved his suspicion.

He took another look at the "old man" and saw a ring on his finger, which confirmed his guess.

Those are Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui!

That ring was a space ring, and he would not admit it.

Who are these people, and what is the purpose of arresting Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui?

After the rain stopped, the people in the thatched house started on their way again.

We arrived at a town in the evening and stayed in a private house.

At night after the storm, the moon sneaked out to play for a while, but was caught back by the dark clouds.

Shangguan Xuanyi put on his night clothes, came outside the courtyard wall, jumped and landed silently in the courtyard.

The yard was kept clean and every corner was spotless.

It feels exactly like that thatched cottage.

Shangguan Xuanyi suddenly remembered that the place to hide the poison must be in a clean and tidy house with no dust!

It seems that the girl who is as white as a ghost is the princess of Xiyue Kingdom!

The princess of Xiyue Kingdom has a special hobby. She hides in the dark dungeon all day long, leads thousands of maids, and has fun raising a cup!

She is one of the Poison King's most proud disciples!

Shangguan Xuanyi's expression changed. He stretched out his hands and saw a small wound on the middle finger of his right hand. It hurt and there was a little blood.

This should be the result of being bitten by a cup worm while pushing the door of the thatched cottage and worming its way into the body.

Yang Yong came out at this time and said with a smile: "Sixth Prince, you are fine!"

"Hand them over!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Yang Yong coldly and said.

"As expected, he is calm at all times! He found out that he had been hit by a love cup, and yet he could still be so calm. There is no one else in the world besides the Sixth Prince. But even if I hand them over, you can't save them. Because you have been hit by a love cup, no. In a quarter of an hour, you will fall into a coma!"

"What is your purpose of arresting them?" Shangguan Xuanyi was indifferent to the matter in the cup.

"Of course the reason for arresting them is for the treasure on County Lord Rui'an! Sixth Prince, do you know what treasures are on County Lord Rui'an?" Yang Yong said with a smile on his face.

Last time he was beaten to the point of running away, but this time he didn't kill them all.

The treasure on the girl’s body? A space ring? These people cannot stay! Shangguan Xuanyi flew a dart towards him, then raised his sword and stabbed him.

"Do you think you can kill me in just a quarter of an hour?"

"Then try it!"

The two of them fought in a dizzying manner in an instant.

Shangguan Xuanyi was desperate for his life. He fell into the love cup. Yang Yong would never kill him, so he went to kill him without any scruples!

The person who is in the love cup will not feel anything at first, but on the first day of the new year, he will fall asleep, and the cup insect will take the opportunity to control the person in the cup. Half a month later, he will wake up on the night of the full moon. The first woman I saw when I came here was a very affectionate person.

Thank you Ning Xin for the reward, and thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes.

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