People with a love cup will obey the advice of the one they love deeply unconditionally.

But love cups are very difficult to cultivate. A common cup is fed with the owner's essence and blood for cultivation, and nine leeches will come out of one cup. But the love cup requires hard work to raise, and even if you take thousands of leeches, you may not be able to get one out of the cup, and few people who keep the cup can do it!

No wonder, the princess of Xiyue Kingdom turned as white as paper!

Shangguan Xuanyi could guess that their purpose for behaving in love with him was simply to control him and let him seize the throne. In the future, the entire Minze Dynasty would belong to the Xiyue Kingdom without even using a single soldier!

This abacus is really a snap!

This matter is over! If he didn't lead the troops and razed Xiyue Kingdom to the ground, his surname would not be Shangguan!

Shangguan Xuanyi really guessed it right, how could Yang Yong kill such a good chess piece! Yang Yong struck directly at his vital point, but he did not dodge. He stepped forward and attacked Yang Yong's vital point with all his moves.

Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't die, so Yang Yong could only withdraw his moves to avoid Shangguan Xuanyi's attacks. He was restrained everywhere, and soon his left shoulder was pierced by Shangguan Xuanyi's sword.

Black blood flowed out continuously.

The princess of Xiyue Kingdom and the woman came out at this time: "Stop!"

"You are despicable!" You actually poisoned me! Before Yang Yong could finish his words, he fell down!

Shangguan Xuanyi pulled out his sword and quickly left his hand, heading straight towards Princess Xiyue.

One more person can be killed! Shangguan Xuanyi thought.

But the next second he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Princess!" The woman immediately stood in front of Princess Xiyue and was stabbed through the heart with a sword.

Princess Xiyue pushed the woman away and came to Shangguan Xuanyi. She knelt down, stretched out her fair and bony hand, and traced the outline of Shangguan Xuanyi: "I like capable and handsome men!"

Xiao'er met Feng Xing and the others at a certain inn halfway.

"Where's Brother Shangguan?" Xiaoer asked eagerly without seeing Shangguan Xuanyi's figure.

"Master is going back to the imperial capital first." The master was anxious to see the girl, so he hurried back alone.

Unexpectedly, the girl was also anxious to see her master and ran to the northwest. They couldn't have missed each other on the way!

Seeing that the relationship between the two of them was so good, he almost wanted to marry a wife. It would feel good to have someone who cared about him all the time.

After hearing this, Xiaoer's heart sank.

"He's the only one?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Feng Xing saw that Xiaoer's expression was not right, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"He didn't return to the imperial capital." Xiaoer would send letters to Di Shaowei Feige every day, so he knew that Shangguan Xuanyi had not returned to the imperial capital yet.

"What, where did the master go?" Feng Xing became anxious after hearing this.

"I don't know, but don't worry, I have a way to find him. You should go back first according to Brother Shangguan's instructions."

After saying this, Xiao'er wanted to continue on her way, but the voice of the golden python sounded in Xiao'er's mind: "Master, use my blood essence to help these people lure out the cup worms!"

After hearing this, Xiaoer refused directly: "No, there are more than 10,000 people, so it will cost more than 10,000 drops of blood! If you put so much blood, you will become a snake!"

It turned out that the owner also cared about it, and the golden python was very touched.

But the master seems to have misunderstood.

"Master, I only need to put in half a bottle of blood to lure out more than 10,000 cup worms. I don't need a drop of blood from a cup worm. Saving these people can increase my cultivation, and the space can also be upgraded. ."

Damn, Xiaoer felt like she could be so stupid! Attracting cup worms is not feeding cup worms. How could she think that one person needs a drop of blood!

It must be that I have been traveling too much recently, and my mind is a little dazed.

"What are the benefits of space upgrade?"

"I don't know either, but the leaves on the Assaica and Assaica trees will definitely grow back."

The golden python looked at the almost bald Wuyou tree and sighed.

Xiao'er nodded immediately after hearing this: "Okay! Help!"

It doesn’t matter if the space is upgraded or not, you must have the worry-free fruit! It was only a little more than halfway through ten years, and her hair was almost turning gray.

Xiaoer asked Feng Xing to wait for her. She returned to the room, then went into the space to pluck all the leaves from the Wuyou tree, process them into pills, put them in a jar, and then made more than 40,000 antidote pills.

The worry-free tree is really bald at this time, with only one tree of flowers left.

The spiritual liquid in the pool has also bottomed out.

Xiaoer came out of the space and took out a dozen mirrors, a dozen magnifying glasses and a large box of luminous pearls.

Then let Feng Xing come in.

"This is half a bottle of blood essence, this jar is ice powder, and these are healing pills and detoxification pills. These are enough to lure out the more than 10,000 people. You have experience in this matter. Please arrange some reactions. Those who are more agile, please practice and then help them lure out the cup worms! Do you know how to do it specifically?"

"I know, don't worry, girl!" Fengxing Zhengchou's antidote has been used up. These people don't know if they can endure the pain tonight. Now I heard that the cup worm can be lured out. This is a timely rain.

"Just tell me that the Sixth Prince had prepared these things a long time ago and stored them in this inn to save them." Xiaoer once gave Shangguan Xuanyi some loyalty powder for his soldiers, so she didn't worry about his betrayal. Shangguan Xuanyi leaked his own affairs.

"You may not be able to help so many people draw out the cup worms in one night. There are only 40,000 detoxification pills. You can calculate them yourself and try to draw out the cup worms from everyone within four days, otherwise the detoxification pills will not be enough."

Feng Xing thought about it and realized that a total of 17,300 people had been poisoned, because people who did not attract the gout worm also needed to take detoxification pills to relieve pain, and those who had the gout worm come out also had to take detoxification pills to detoxify the remaining poison. Then 17,300 detoxification pills will be used on the first day. If it can help 5,000 people get rid of cup worms every night, then 12,700 detoxification pills will be needed on the second night. By analogy, 7,700 pills are needed on the third day, 2,700 pills are needed on the fourth day, and a total of 48,000 detoxification pills are needed! It seems that we need to attract more cup insects on the first day, otherwise the detoxification pills will not be enough.

That is to say, the girl has a kind heart and cannot bear to let these ignorant people suffer, so she is willing to take out such antidote pills to detoxify them. If it were him, he would have made them die of pain! Net trouble! But if they really can't help so many people attract bugs at night, then they can only endure the pain for a day or two.

After Xiaoer explained to Feng Xing, she continued to rush to where Shangguan Xuanyi was according to the instructions given during the day.

Alas, she is so miserable. Others are heroes saving beauties, so why does she always have to save heroes!

Four days later, the space was about to upgrade without any warning. Xiaoer had no time to come up with anything, so the space cut off all contact with her.

I've been falling asleep while typing words lately, it's driving me crazy! Crazy!

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