"Xiao Huang?"



"The ugly duckling?"

"Xiao Tian?"

There was silence in my mind.

oh! God wants to kill me! Forgot to release the golden python! How long does it take to upgrade the space?

Fortunately, she had been told where Shangguan Xuanyi was during the day. Otherwise, in this vast world, with a vast sea of ​​people, no technology, no trackers, and no electronic eyes, where would she go to find a person who disappeared halfway?

The Imperial Palace of Xiyue Kingdom.


Shangguan Xuanyi lay quietly on a bed, motionless.

Night falls quietly, and the round moon slowly rises in the sky.

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned with his eyes closed.

He came to a foggy place, and could see nothing but white smoke.

Suddenly, a smiling woman with crooked eyebrows ran up to him, stood up on her tiptoes, kissed her forehead, and called out with a sweet smile: "Brother Shangguan."

He could smell her scent: fresh and sweet.

He naturally stretched out his hand to wrap around her slender waist, lowered his head to kiss her, and called out tenderly: "Girl."

Before their mouths even touched, she was dragged away from her embrace by a strong force.

Don't go!

Don't go!

do not go!

In his dream, he shouted at the beautiful figure disappearing into the mist.

"Don't leave!" Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out his hand and sat up from the bed.

Then he realized that he was actually dreaming.

Shangguan Xuanyi sat up and instinctively held his painful head.

Who was that woman just now?

Why couldn't he remember it? He couldn't even remember what that woman looked like.

The pain passed quickly. Shangguan Xuanyi glanced around the room. It was a bit too clean and tidy. He instinctively felt disgusted. Where is this place?

who is he? Why can't he remember anything?

At this time, the door opened from the outside, and a woman with unusually fair skin walked in from the outside holding a tung oil lamp and a tray.

Facing the light, her face made people feel a little dazed.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at her, his head hurt again, and his eyes became confused.

"Master Shangguan, do you know who I am?" Princess Xiyue walked into the room and placed the tray on the Eight Immortals table aside.

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head.

"I am the woman you love most, Princess Xiyue, do you know?" Princess Xiyue's voice seemed to have a confusing power.

Favorite woman? A beautiful image of a woman flashed through his mind, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. Then his head began to hurt sharply again. Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes became confused again, and then he nodded.

"From now on, you must love me well and only listen to my words, you know?" Princess Xiyue looked at Shangguan Xuanyi's performance and felt a little surprised in her heart.

Why is this love cup a little different from what she knows.

Shouldn't he have had a soft spot for himself since the first time he saw her?

Why are you just confused?

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded with confused eyes.

"Brother Shangguan, you have been in a coma for more than ten days. You must be very hungry. Eat something." Princess Xiyue handed a bowl of porridge to him.

Shangguan Xuanyi was confused again when he heard this sound. He couldn't help but ask:

"who I am?"

Princess Xiyue smiled with satisfaction after hearing this. Sure enough, she had forgotten everything! Probably because this person is naturally introverted, his affectionate appearance is a little colder than ordinary people.

It is rumored that the sixth prince of Min Ze Kingdom has a cold temperament. Except for the head of Rui'an County, he doesn't get close to any women, and he always turns a blind eye to women.

Is he also so indifferent to County Lord Ruian? Princess Xiyue thought to herself.

However, I heard that Shangguan Xuanyi was very doting on County Lord Ruian, but the rumors could be wrong. Princess Xiyue shook her head.

"You are the sixth prince of the Minze Kingdom. I am the princess of the Xiyue Kingdom and your unmarried wife. We are intermarriage between the two countries. You were chased in the dense forest... and you were seriously injured. I happened to pass by and saved you. After that, I will take you back to Xiyue Palace. In order to save you, I blocked the knife for you. Don’t you remember, Brother Shangguan?"

The princess of Xiyue Kingdom made up a story that she saved his life when he was being hunted.

As Princess Xiyue described it, some pictures appeared in Shangguan Xuanyi's mind, but he didn't feel it was real.

Shangguan Xuanyi shook his head: "I don't remember."

"Maybe you hurt your head, so you don't remember anything."

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded. His head did hurt a little and he couldn't think of anything.

"It's very late. Brother Shangguan, please eat something and go to bed early!" She had to go back and check the information to find out what was going on with Shangguan Xuanyi's situation.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

Princess Xiyue stood up and left.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked away from Princess Xiyue and glanced at the porridge on the table. He was indeed hungry, so he picked up the spoon and ate it one bite at a time with graceful movements.

After eating the porridge, he lay down on the bed again with a dazed mind, and soon fell into the dreamy fragrance.

In his sleep, there were images of him being hunted and how Princess Xiyue sacrificed her life to save him.

Princess Xiyue returned to her room, checked some information, and then relaxed.

For a determined person, nothing can be accomplished overnight, especially things like manipulating other people's thoughts.

She has to slowly influence him!

The man she fell in love with at first glance was indeed different, which made it more challenging and made her want him even more.

The next day when Shangguan Xuanyi woke up, Princess Xiyue came to him.

He told him many things about the two of them being together. At night, in Shangguan Xuanyi's dream, the scene of him and Princess Xiyue getting along as mentioned by Princess Xiyue during the day appeared again.

Seven more days passed like this, and Shangguan Xuanyi's memory was filled with memories of him and Princess Xiyue.

Could it be that he is really cold-hearted by nature, so he instinctively resents the princess's closeness?

Every time Princess Xiyue wanted to hold his hand, his body reacted faster than his mind and instinctively avoided her.

"Brother Shangguan, let's go for a walk." Princess Xiyue stretched out her hand to take Shangguan Xuanyi's hand.

Shangguan Xuanyi avoided instinctively and walked out first: "Let's go."

Princess Xiyue bit her lower lip. Is this person a stone? After so many days, it’s time for the stone to be enlightened! Despite this thought, she still followed.

The two walked out of Caiyueyuan side by side, with guards saluting them all the way.

This feeling was somewhat familiar to Shangguan Xuanyi, and his expression warmed up a lot.

This place filled his heart with disgust. Could it be because the princess's courtyard was too feminine?

The two of them walked out of the palace and walked on the street.

Xiaoer, Zhao Yong, and Yangliu finally entered the royal city of Xiyue Kingdom after a long journey.

Thank you to book friend 20170510195752844 for the reward, and thank you to book friends who voted.

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