The three of Xiaoer found an inn to settle down, then ordered some food and went to the inn lobby to eat together.

"Brother Shangguan is in the Xiyue Kingdom Palace. Zhao Yong, let's sneak into the palace tonight to investigate." Xiaoer whispered to the two people around him.

"Why is the master in Xiyue Palace? Is he under house arrest?" Zhao Yong couldn't believe it.

"How do I know why he is in the Xiyue Kingdom Palace?" Xiaoer was also confused about this, but the place he told her before during the day was the Xiyue Kingdom Palace.

"Then girl, how did you know that the master is in the Xiyue Kingdom Palace?" Zhao Yong was speechless. Girl, you have always insisted that the master is in the Xiyue Kingdom Palace. Why don't you know why he is in the palace? !


After hearing this, Zhao Yong was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

Just based on intuition, I want to explore the Xiyue Kingdom Palace at night!

Girl, that’s the palace!

No matter how small Xiyue Kingdom is, you may look down upon it, but its palace is not that easy to explore!

It's over, he is very likely to die in a foreign country tonight, just because of such an unreliable intuition.

"Look, that's the princess's consort, he's so good-looking!" A man at the next table suddenly said loudly.

After hearing this, Xiaoer and the other three raised their heads and looked outside, then turned to stone.

Isn’t that Shangguan Xuanyi!

Shangguan Xuanyi noticed three blazing gazes falling on him. He turned his head and took a look. Well, he didn't recognize him. Then he turned his head back and looked straight ahead.

There were so many people looking at him, but he didn't take it to heart. He continued to accompany Princess Xiyue to walk forward and get familiar with the environment. He instinctively felt that he needed to do this. In the past few days, with Princess Xiyue's company, he I have become thoroughly familiar with Xiyue Palace.

"I heard that the princess's consort is the prince of Minze Kingdom. After the princess gets married and the two countries intermarry, food, cloth and other materials from Minze Kingdom will be continuously sent to our country, so we don't have to worry about starvation."

After hearing this, Zhao Yong spit out a mouthful of rice.

Xiaoer came back to her senses and looked at him with disgust: "How can anyone eat this!"

"Girl, can you still eat it?" Zhao Yong's face was full of disbelief.

The master actually became Princess Xiyue's consort? !

"Why can't you eat?" Xiaoer called the waiter with a calm face, removed the food and served another one.

"Why doesn't the master seem to recognize us?" Zhao Yong glanced at Xiaoer and Yang Liu, and then suddenly realized: "We are all wearing makeup, the master must not have recognized us."

Xiaoer didn't make a sound, silently waiting for the food to be served again.

So what if I put on makeup? How could Brother Shangguan not recognize me?

Has Brother Shangguan become a puppet?

Last time, Concubine Yang wanted to turn herself into her puppet. Could it be that Guan Xuanyi was replaced this time?

Probably! If Shangguan Xuanyi becomes a puppet, if he ascends to the throne in the future, as a puppet emperor, the entire Minze Kingdom will belong to the Xiyue Kingdom. In addition, Princess Xiyue has become the queen, and she and Min Zeguo have been Xiyue Kingdom for generations!

Is it just that there are such powerful wizards in Xiyue Kingdom?

How should a person wake up after he has become a puppet?

Where is the space causing trouble this time? Xiao'er was depressed as to why the upgrade hadn't been completed for so long.

Yangliu didn't make a sound either.

Even if the master can't recognize himself and Zhao Yong, he won't be able to recognize the girl.

Could it be that the master has lost his memory? What should we do? !

"How did that master become the consort of the Princess of Xiyue Kingdom?" Zhao Yong asked again when the two of them remained silent. The atmosphere was a bit depressing!

Xiaoer: Silence.

She wanted to know this.

Yangliu: Silence.

How could she know this!

The food was served quickly, and Xiaoer started eating again in silence.

Zhao Yong stopped talking. He had to eat a little full, otherwise he would have no strength and would die in a foreign country tonight. He had already explored the palace of Xiyue Kingdom!

Soon Zhao Yong finished a bowl of rice. He stretched out his hand to greet the waiter: "Waiter, have another bowl!"

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

After a while, Zhao Yong finished another bowl of rice: "Waiter, one more bowl!"


"Xiaoer, have another bowl!"

In this way, Zhao Yong ate five bowls of rice in total before he stopped.

Waiter: Where did this idiot come from?

Zhao Yong's appetite attracted the attention of people at other tables.

"This man is so good at eating! Fortunately, my son is not like him, otherwise if he were full, the whole family would starve to death!"

Zhao Yong: "..."

Damn it, you are so mean-mouthed, you can eat a lot without him feeding you! The Bodhisattva bless his grandson to eat ten bowls at a meal in the future!

"Don't worry, you can eat whatever you want from now on! Our princess captured Min Zeguo's master farmer, the Marquis Shengping, and soon our country's grain output will reach thousands of kilograms per mu. By then, you can eat whatever you want! This is me Listen to what one of my cousins ​​who is a guard in the palace says, don’t tell anyone!”

Zhao Yong, who had finished his meal and was drinking tea, heard this and sprayed tea directly this time.

Xiaoer and Yang Liu quickly stood up.

So dirty! I won’t eat at the same table with him next time!

Others looked at their table.

Zhao Yong calmed down and apologized: "Little Master, I'm sorry, I was too full and couldn't help but burp, and I accidentally choked."

Xiaoer shook her head. She was also full, "Go back to your room and take a rest after you're done eating!"

That night

Xiaoer took out the hair dye she had prepared before from her bag and dyed Zhao Yong's hair yellow.

Yang Liu looked at Zhao Yong, who suddenly turned into a golden-haired lion king, and laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight.

"Does the girl have to dress like this?" Zhao Yong said with a dark face.

"This way you accidentally expose your whereabouts, and no one will recognize you after you escape!"

Of course no one can recognize it, and he himself can’t recognize himself! Zhao Yong pursed his lips impatiently, wrapped his hair in a black cloth, then quietly left the inn and sneaked into the Xiyue Kingdom Palace into the night.

Xiaoer and Yangliu waited quietly.

The nights are getting deeper and deeper, the temperature difference between day and night in the northwest is large, and the cold is getting more and more intense.

It was almost dawn, and Xiaoer and Yangliu sat quietly at the table for most of the night.

"Girl, why don't you go to bed and sleep for a while, and then I'll tell you when Zhao Yong comes back?"

"No need." Xiaoer's heart was a little anxious, how could she possibly fall asleep.

Just when they were getting more and more anxious, and Yang Mei even thought that Zhao Yong couldn't wait to come back, Zhao Yong jumped in!

Covered in wounds.

Xiaoer quickly took out a bottle from the bag, poured out the last two healing pills, and fed them both to him.

"Yang Liu, help him change his clothes quickly!"

Yang Liu quickly helped Zhao Yong change his clothes, while Xiaoer helped him dye his hair back to black, and then cleaned up the blood stains left by Zhao Yong in the room.

Xiaoer, who had thought of all the consequences last night, had already asked the waiter to bring back a carbon basin.

She quickly threw the bloody clothes into the charcoal basin, poured the oil from the oil lamp onto the clothes, and lit them. The red fire burned the clothes in an instant, and soon they turned into ashes.

Xiaoer quickly opened the window to let the smell of blood and the unique smell of burning clothing dissipate from the room as soon as possible.

Downstairs, many officers and soldiers searching soon came to the street.

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