Xiaoer took a look and found that some officers and soldiers had already walked into the door of the inn.

"Zhao Yong, how are your injuries?" After taking two healing pills, you should feel better.

Zhao Yong could no longer feel the pain. He touched the deepest wound and found that it had scabbed. Other small wounds had returned to normal.

He once again deeply realized the magic of this healing pill!

"The deepest wound has scabbed over."

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"Tusple your hair a little and pretend like you just woke up. The guards are coming up." Xiaoer said as she stretched out her hand to mess up her hair, then looked back at the two people and the furnishings in the room, and saw that nothing was there. Abnormal, so he yawned and opened the door: "Shopkeeper, what's going on in your inn? It's so noisy in the middle of the night, and you can't let anyone sleep!"

The shopkeeper was carefully accompanying the guards, nodding and bowing. After hearing this, he looked over and saw Xiaoer with a sleepy look on his face. He hurriedly comforted him: "I'm sorry, sir. An assassin broke into the palace at night and has escaped now." , the guards are searching everywhere."

After listening to Xiaoer's words, the officials standing in the corridor all looked at Xiaoer.

Who is this person? Are you really awake or are you just pretending? How dare you shout with them!

Seeing so many official servants, Xiaoer was so frightened that she suddenly woke up and hurriedly said with a smile: "It turns out that the boss is here to do things! You are busy, you are busy! Pretend that I didn't say what I just said! Thank you all for your hard work! We haven't been here in the middle of the night Sleep, that damn assassin actually dares to break into the palace, there is nowhere else he wouldn’t dare to go! Sir, you must catch him, otherwise I won’t dare to sleep at night!”

The leading official came over to Xiaoer.

No one would close the door tightly when something like this happened, but this was the first time he saw someone opening the door to find out what was going on.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Zhao Yong and Yang Liu also came out at this time: "Third brother, what happened?"

"Uncle Chai is catching assassins. Brother, haven't you always wanted to be an officer or soldier? Go and ask them if they will accept anyone!"

"Third brother, don't make trouble, the uncle is doing business!" Zhao Yong said impatiently, pretending that his younger brother was ignorant.

"I heard that an assassin has appeared in the palace. Now is the time to hire people. The Yamen must recruit people! You go ask this eldest brother, maybe you can get an official position!" Xiaoer dragged Zhao Yong away. Come to the leading guard.

The leading guard's mouth twitched after hearing this. This is a weird thing that came out of nowhere!

"Uncle Chai, are you recruiting people? Look at my eldest brother, he is as tall as an ox and as strong as an ox. You can accept him! My dad said, it doesn't matter if the salary is less than a few cents, as long as he has enough food to eat! Five dollars a meal A bowl of white rice, three meals a day is enough!"

After hearing this, Zhao Yong almost couldn't continue acting. Girl, do you think I eat too much?

The shopkeeper and the officials all rolled their eyes after hearing this! Five bowls of rice a meal means fifteen bowls of rice a day! I also need to pay wages! Who can afford it?

If your family can't afford it, why would you want a government official to support it?

This forest is so big, there are really all kinds of birds!

"Get out of here, don't interrupt the work, or we will put you in jail!" The leading guard looked at the three of them carefully before saying.

"Why don't you go in and search to see if there are any assassins inside?" He motioned to the guards behind him to enter the house and search.

"Sorry, my third brother is joking. Four bowls are enough for me for dinner. I'm too full to sleep. Please help yourself." Zhao Yong quickly pulled Xiaoer away and let them enter the house.

"Hey, why does your house smell like burning!"

"I felt a little cold last night, so I asked the waiter to bring in the charcoal basin. My eldest brother didn't sleep well and kicked a sheet onto the charcoal basin and burned it." After Xiaoer said this, he voted for the shopkeeper. Sorry look.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper hurriedly ran to the bed and picked up the quilt and saw that there was indeed a big hole burned in it!

"This quilt can't be used anymore. You have to pay one or two silver coins!" The shopkeeper took the opportunity and opened his mouth.

"This quilt is half new but not old. I still have to pay one tael of silver. Sir, I want to report it to the official. I want to sue the shopkeeper for deliberately defrauding me of my money!"

"I bought that quilt not long ago! It cost me one tael of silver at that time!"

"One tael of silver, who are you cheating! I don't know how many people have used this old quilt! I don't know how much it has become! I'll calculate the depreciation value and pay you a hundred cents!"

"No, my quilt was newly purchased not long ago..."

The leading guard ignored what Xiaoer said. He turned his attention to Zhao Yong again. The assassin's hair was golden, while this man's was black. He shouldn't be an assassin, but he always felt similar in stature.

Could it be that the current disguise technique can even change the color of hair?

There are many talented people in the world, so this is not impossible.

Thinking of this, he quickly reached out and struck Zhao Yong on the left chest.

Zhao Yong did not hide, but received the palm. Under the influence of the force, his body took a few steps back.

"Hey, why did you suddenly hit someone!" Seeing this, Xiaoer didn't care to argue with the shopkeeper and quickly supported Zhao Yong.

"Brother, are you okay? Do you need him to pay for the medical expenses? Is one tael of silver enough? Let me see how badly you are injured! How much money do you have to pay?" After Xiaoer finished speaking, she reached out to pull Zhao Yong's clothes.

Zhao Yong quickly grabbed Xiaoer's hand.

Girl, have you ever acted? If the master knows that you took off my clothes in the future, will I still be alive?

"Third brother, big brother is fine, there are outsiders here!" Zhao Yong said with a bitter face.

"What are you afraid of? We are all men! If he is injured internally, we have to ask him to pay a few taels of silver! Dad said that all officials are very rich!"


Yang Liu lowered his head and couldn't bear to look directly.

The guards present twitched their mouths. Are they trying to trick even their leader? !

Xiao'er had already loosened Zhao Yong's coat, revealing the white undershirt underneath. The leading guard saw that there was no blood on Zhao Yong's chest, and he couldn't feel that he had been bandaged just now, so he withdrew his gaze and walked out: "withdraw!"

The assassin was seriously injured. He didn't use much force in the palm just now, but if he was really an assassin, the wound would definitely ooze blood after receiving his palm.

"Brother, are you really okay? Don't you need to see a doctor?"

"It's okay. You also know that big brother is strong. Just give him a beating. You don't need to see a doctor."

"Really!" Xiaoer's tone was full of regret.

The guards looked at Xiaoer as if she was mentally ill, and then walked out.

"Brothers, please pay back the money for the quilt first, or else you can't stay here!"

"Shopkeeper, how can your quilt be worth one tael of silver or two hundred coins? If you want it, we won't stay here!" Xiaoer pretended to pack up and leave.

Two hundred coins? Two hundred is two hundred! When I bought the quilt, it only cost 230 yuan.

Thank you book friend 20170510195752844 for the reward, thank you book friends who voted

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