"Forget it, forget it! Don't burn the quilt again tonight, otherwise you will have to pay a tael of silver!"

Xiaoer threw him two coins.

The shopkeeper went out after taking it. He had to accompany the guards. What if the assassin was really found!

After all the shopkeepers went out, Xiaoer immediately closed the door and asked, "How is it? Why are you so seriously injured?"

Zhao Yong wanted to cry when he mentioned this matter. The guards of Xiyue Kingdom failed to do anything to him, but his master stabbed him!

When the master's sword pierced his body, he was so sad that he felt as if his parents had died.

"Girl, the master doesn't recognize me anymore, he was the one who stabbed me with this sword!" Zhao Yong pointed to his chest and said with great pain.

"Brother Shangguan stabbed him?" Xiaoer became even more worried when she thought of that dream.

Have you really forgotten them? What on earth happened? How could you lose your memory?

She denied the possibility of Shangguan Xuanyi becoming a puppet.

She almost fell into trouble last time, and there was no way that Brother Shangguan would make the same mistake.

"What's going on? How could the master lose his memory?" Yang Liu asked anxiously.

Xiaoer came back to her senses and looked at Zhao Yong.

"I don't know why I lost my memory." Zhao Yong told what happened during his night visit to the Xiyue Palace.

He sneaked into the Xiyue Palace, and the first thing he discovered was the place where the two fathers and sons of Marquis Shengping were imprisoned. The guards were not too tight. Then he became familiar with the terrain of the entire palace, and found out the rules of guard shift time. With his martial arts skills, everything went smoothly. Finally, he found the courtyard of Princess Xiyue and saw Shangguan Xuanyi coming out of a room. Just as he was about to call his master, his master discovered him and started fighting without saying a word.

How could his master's martial arts be compared to him? During the whole process, he only had time to say: Master, I am Zhao Yong!

Then he was beaten so hard that he couldn't speak, and he finally escaped.

"Are my dad and my brother okay?" Xiaoer frowned when she heard that Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui had really been arrested.

"The Marquis and the eldest son were not injured, they were just locked up."

"Brother Shangguan lives in Princess Xiyue's yard?" Xiaoer asked again.

"Probably so." Zhao Yong replied cautiously.

Isn't the girl still jealous at this time?

"Do you know what kind of person Princess Xiyue is?"

"Princess Xiyue is one of the Poison King's proud disciples. It is said that she is very good at the cup technique. It was she who led the people to raise the night elf cup." Zhao Yong said.

He had been in contact with people in the intelligence network before and knew more about it.

"Could the master have been hit by a cup? What kind of cup can cause amnesia?" Yang Liu raised his own question.

"Love cup!" Xiaoer and Zhao Yong said in unison.

If it is a love cup, it will be difficult to solve. I heard that the love cup worm has some intelligence. After completely controlling a person's thoughts, it will exhaust its energy and die. Therefore, there is no solution after falling into the love cup.

Xiaoer felt that the love cup could eat away at people's brain cells or secrete some hormones that inhibit brain cells, otherwise it would cause amnesia!

Xiaoer frowned. Is the worm in Shangguan's mind dead? Can he still be saved?

Xiaoer thought about the scene when she met Shangguan Xuanyi and Princess Xiyue during the day.

Brother Shangguan is not too affectionate towards Princess Xiyue, at least it is different when getting along with him. Does that mean that he has not been completely controlled by Qinggu? !

"Then what should we do? Can we just lure the cup worms out?" Yang Liu has no experience with cup poisons.

"It seems to be unsolvable." Zhao Yong has recently studied the Gu technique very much.

"I saw Brother Shangguan yesterday. Do you think he has a deep love for Princess Xiyue?"

After hearing this, Zhao Yong and Yang Liu looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"It feels a little alienated."

"When the master and the girl are together, they are deeply in love."

"Well, I think so too. Maybe Brother Shangguan can still be saved now! Zhao Yong, please draw the layout of the Xiyue Palace, and let's take a note of it. Let's discuss countermeasures, and then let's eat something quickly and have a good sleep! Today Please rescue my father and my eldest brother first in the evening, and then find a way to kidnap eldest brother Shangguan back, and then help him untie his love cup!"

After hearing this, Yang Liu and Zhao Yong looked at each other again. The two of them working together might, probably, be able to kidnap their master back!

It's a dark and windy night again.

"Girl, how about we go rescue the Marquis and the eldest young master, and you wait for us at the agreed place?"

Xiao'er looked at the two of them and looked like if you follow me, you're going to hold me back. After thinking about it, she nodded.

After Zhao Yong and Yang Liu left, Xiaoer blew a whistle, and a man in black appeared in front of Xiaoer.

"Your master arranged for four secret guards to protect me when he left the imperial capital this time?"

An Twelve nodded. He didn't expect Xiao'er to even know the number of people. He thought they hid it well.

"Well, you all go to the Xiyue Kingdom Palace together and kidnap your master back! Can the four of you defeat him together?"

An Twelve shook his head: "Our mission is to protect the girl's safety and not let her leave our sight."

"If you don't kidnap your master here, your master may be hopeless!"

The secret guard was unmoved after hearing this.

Xiaoer was very angry when she saw him like this! What a piece of wood that can’t turn! snort! The mountains will not turn, the rivers will turn!

If they don't go, she will! Don't they want to follow?

This night, the guards at the Xiyue Kingdom's palace were obviously much tighter, but they couldn't stop some brave people who were skilled in art!

Yang Liu and Zhao Yong acted separately. Yang Liu first set a fire in a cold palace in Xiyue Palace. No one lived in the cold palace, and the wind was strong tonight, so the fire spread quickly! Many palace maids and guards ran to put out the fire. Zhao Yong went to the kitchen to light a fire. There was no one in the kitchen at midnight, and soon the fire in the kitchen became bigger.

After Zhao Yong set the fire, he secretly killed a guard, put on his clothes, and began to take advantage of the chaos to save people.

Yang Liu was responsible for setting fires everywhere in some palaces in a planned manner. Regardless of whether they could burn or not, he tried his best to distract the guards and leave a safe escape route!

The entire palace of Xiyue Kingdom was in chaos.

There were reports of fire breaks out everywhere.

The maids and guards were running around carrying water to put out the fire.

Zhao Yong killed the guards guarding the door:

"Master Marquis, eldest son, I am Zhao Yong, quickly put on the clothes of a guard, let's take advantage of the chaos and escape!"

Zhao Yong took off the guards' clothes and handed them to them.

Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui recognized Zhao Yong and did as he asked without saying a word.

Zhao Yong threw the two bodies into the house, locked the door again, and set a fire.

He took Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui as if they were walking in his own backyard, familiarly avoiding the routes with many guards and escaping!

The cup mentioned in this book is purely fictitious, so don’t take it seriously.

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