When Xiaoer came outside the Xiyue Palace, she saw fires rising in several corners of the palace. The Xiyue Palace was in complete chaos.

Xiaoer naturally knew the layout of the palace and the safe escape route they created by setting fire on purpose.

She climbed onto a big tree, which was one meter away from the city wall, but Xiaoer still had the confidence to jump to the city wall.

The secret guards couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

This tree is a bit tall, and you can see part of the palace. At the fire place, many figures carrying buckets of water were coming and going. Did Zhao Yong and Yang Mei successfully save anyone? Xiaoer thought to herself.

Dark Fourteen glanced at Dark Twelve, it was even more unsafe for the girl to enter the Xiyue Palace.

The master ordered the four of them to only protect the safety of County Lord Rui'an, and not to worry about other matters, as someone else would take care of it.

Now that there is no one else available here, An Twelve has no choice but to appear on Xiaoer's tree and say to her: "Girl, I will lead the master out. Don't go in."

Xiao'er nodded after hearing this. The guards of the Xiyue Kingdom Palace didn't know how good they were in martial arts. If she didn't have internal strength, she believed she could handle it. If she had internal strength, going by herself would be a hindrance.

"Wait, wait until Zhao Yong and Yang Liu rescue my father and my brother, and then you can go and lure Brother Shangguan out."

First rescue Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui, and then concentrate on dealing with Shangguan Xuanyi who has lost his memory. If Shangguan Xuanyi is tied up first, it will be more difficult to save Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui. The people of Xiyue Kingdom are not stupid. Such a good hostage, not Hold on tight and use them to threaten yourself?

An Twelve had no objection. They looked at Xiyue Palace, waiting for a familiar figure to appear.

Xiaoer looked at a unique building in the distance. It was so annoying that she wanted to burn it down.

Xiaoer thought for a while and realized that the layout of the palace had no impact on the overall situation. She then said to An Twelve, "Twelve, have you seen that ugly building?"

Twelve nodded.

"Go burn it!"

Just as Twelve was about to refuse, Xiaoer said, "If you don't go, I will!"

In Twelve Hearts, a hundred thousand horses were galloping, with dark faces, quickly disappearing into the night.

Princess Xiyue knew that there was a fire in the palace, so she sent her maid to find out the news. Now when she heard the news from the maid, she was a little surprised. There were so many fires in the courtyard. This was obviously premeditated.

Are all the palace guards vegetarians? Princess Xiyue was extremely angry. An assassin appeared last night, and someone set her on fire tonight. When word of this spread to other countries, others would laugh their teeth out!

She took out a map of the palace and marked the location of the fire.

After looking at it carefully, I quickly understood what the other party meant. He set fire to create chaos and designed an excellent escape route. If it were not an enemy, Princess Xiyue would like to say: wonderful!

The person who set the fire was very familiar with Xiyue Palace! Did the assassin figure out the layout of the palace so quickly last night?

Princess Xiyue shook her head. He was seriously injured and had no life left. How could he still have the strength to draw the layout of the palace? Who leaked the layout of the palace?

"Princess, it's not good! The cup tower is also on fire! It's such a big fire!" A palace maid stumbled in.

What! Princess Xiyue was shocked when she heard this! Her darling!

"Put out the fire! Put out the fire quickly!" Princess Xiyue almost jumped up when she said this.

This is unreasonable, simply unreasonable! How dare you make a scene in the palace! Burn her cuphouse! This is damn good! The crime deserves death! Death ten thousand times is not enough!

Princess Xiyue hurriedly ran out to see, only to see the sky filled with flames, almost submerging the entire cup tower!

Gone! Nothing is left!

"What's going on! Why don't you put out the fire! Why is the fire so big! Put out the fire quickly!" Princess Xiyue is going crazy! All her hard work for more than ten years is in it!

Princess Xiyue thought of Shangguan Xuanyi.

If you dare to set fire to her cuphouse, she will make them kill each other and make them miserable! Princess Xiyue was furious.

It's time to see if she succeeds in love!

Princess Xiyue stood up angrily and went to the room where Shangguan Xuanyi was.

Shangguan Xuanyi was standing in front of the window at the moment, looking at the firelight outside, lost in thought.

Hearing the slightly hasty footsteps of Princess Xiyue walking in, he turned around and asked nonchalantly: "Do you need help asking for fire?"

"No, Brother Shangguan, two prisoners have been kidnapped. They are spies from the Eastern Jin Kingdom. They have been sneaking into the Xiyue Kingdom for many years and know many secrets. We cannot let them escape, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! Can you help me capture them? Catch it back?" Princess Xiyue looked very anxious.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded after hearing this, and then walked out.

A sinister look flashed across Princess Xiyue's face. After these days of indoctrination, Shangguan Xuanyi became very warm to her. Soon she would let the person who set her building on fire get retribution!

go to hell! I didn't want to kill them! Now she has to be buried with her beloved one!

Shangguan Xuanyi is already familiar with the Xiyue Kingdom Palace.

Things that Princess Xiyue can understand, he naturally understands too.

Although there are many memories of Princess Xiyue in his mind, he doesn't know why he can't instinctively get close to Princess Xiyue. No matter what, she has saved his life, and he has to repay it. He doesn't like to owe others. Favor.

Yang Liu soon joined Zhao Yong. Zhao Yong took Shen Chengyao, and Yang Liu took Shen Jingrui. The four of them dodged and avoided the guards and quickly ran towards the nearest palace wall.

After Xiaoer saw their figures, she hurriedly said to An Twelve: "Hurry and help Zhao Yong and Yang Liu bring my father and the others out!"

Dark Twelve and Dark Fourteen had no objections and flew over in a flash.

The two of them held one person up, quickly jumped onto the palace wall, and then jumped outside the palace.

"Run!" Xiaoer jumped down from the tree. She saw that the guards had discovered them and were chasing them.

After several people ran not far away from the palace, the footsteps of many guards got closer and closer.

Damn it, why didn't you put out the fire and instead came after them? Looks like I’ll have to set more fire next time! Keep them busy! Zhao Yong thought to himself.

"I'm going to lure those guards away. Girl, you and Marquis Yangliu and the others run away! Wait at the promised place!" Zhao Yong said in order to avoid wasting all his efforts.


The guards arrived quickly, and Zhao Yong made good control of it. Only a piece of his clothes was visible to the guards, and then he quickly used Qinggong to leave.

Yang Liu was carrying Xiaoer on his back, two secret guards were carrying Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui, and the other two secret guards were behind them. They quickly used Qinggong to leave.

Finally escaping to the dense forest on the outskirts, the four secret guards and Yang Liu were all sweating profusely. They were just about to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Shangguan Xuanyi, dressed in purple, looking at them with a cold brilliance under the moonlight, his eyes filled with ruthlessness. Ice cold.

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