Seeing Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes looking at them without any emotion, Xiaoer suppressed her heartache. Knowing that Shangguan Xuanyi had lost his memory, she didn't say much nonsense. It would be useless. She said to the secret guards: "Put him away." Tie them up and take them away together!"

The secret guard naturally knew about Shangguan Xuanyi's amnesia, and naturally wanted to save his master, so without saying a word, Dark Thirteen and Dark Fourteen attacked Shangguan Xuanyi. Their purpose was to tap acupuncture points.

The three of them started fighting quickly. Shangguan Xuanyi always used all his moves to hit the enemy's vital points. The master is the master, so how could the secret guard be willing to hurt him? This fight was simply unmanageable!

Zhao Yong also arrived at this time.

Xiaoer made a quick decision: "Yang Liu, Zhao Yong, take my father and my brother and leave first."

"No, let's go together." Shen Chengyao was unwilling after hearing this.

"Dad, please leave quickly, otherwise no one will be able to leave!" Xiaoer said anxiously.

What else are we doing together at this time? Of course, you can go one by one!

An Twelve felt that if Xiaoer stayed here, they needed to look forward and backward, so he said to Xiaoer: "You all go together, we will take the master back!"

Not far away, Princess Xiyue came over with a few soldiers.

Xiaoer didn't want to be held back. Her whip was in space and it would be difficult to protect herself, so she nodded.

Zhao Yong and Yang Liu quickly took Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui to the carriage not far away, with Xiaoer following closely.

Shangguan Xuanyi was a little surprised when he heard them calling him master again. He could feel that they seemed unwilling to hurt him! Is this really what Princess Xiyue said was just to confuse him? But just now the girl who was disguised as a man said that she was tied up. If she was his master, how could she dare to say that!

No matter what, he wanted to capture Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui to repay his kindness, and he must not let them escape.

Shangguan Xuanyi released a big move, and An Twelve and Fourteen quickly avoided it.

Shangguan Xuanyi took the opportunity to jump in front of Xiaoer and the others, and attacked without saying a word.

Eleven and Thirteen quickly stopped Shangguan Xuanyi.

Zhao Yong was so depressed that he couldn't help but said loudly: "Master, wake up! You were tricked by Princess Xiyue and deceived by her. If you don't wake up, none of us will be able to leave!"

Princess Xiyue arrived at this time. After hearing this, she loudly said: "Brother Shangguan, don't be deceived by them. They are extremely cunning. Those two people are spies. Kill them all! Leave no one alive." !”

"Brother Shangguan, can't you tell the difference between true love and falsehood?" Xiaoer couldn't help but said.

Shangguan Xuanyi was shocked when Xiaoer called him "Brother Shangguan".

He seemed to have heard this voice before. Where had he heard it? Why couldn't he remember? Shangguan Xuanyi's head began to hurt violently again.

It was as if something was eating away at him in his mind.

He couldn't help but put his head in his hands.

Xiaoer and Zhao Yong looked at it with worried faces: "Brother Shangguan, are you okay?"

At this time, Twelve quietly came up behind Shangguan Xuanyi and wanted to take the opportunity to tap Shangguan Xuanyi's acupuncture points.

"Brother Shangguan, be careful! They are going to kill you!" Princess Xiyue shouted!

After hearing this, Shangguan Xuanyi ignored his headache, his murderous intention reappeared, and he stabbed in the direction of Twelve based on his intuition.

"Brother Shangguan, don't you remember how I rescued you? I risked my life to save you, do you want to fall into the hands of the people who put you to death again? If you don't want to, kill them all." The confusing voice of the Moon Princess sounded again.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was fighting, looked confused.

When Xiaoer saw this, she was extremely anxious. Princess Xiyue could not stay!

"Fourteen, kill her! Quick!"

Dark Fourteen had already picked up the soft sword without any instructions.

The guards of Princess Xiyue drew their swords and faced each other, and the two parties started fighting.

"Brother Shangguan, help, they are going to kill me. Kill them all! Kill them all!" Princess Xiyue's anxious voice sounded.

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his head, his eyes bloodshot, raised his sword, and swung it out sharply.

At this moment, Shangguan Xuanyi's mind was filled with the images of him being stabbed that Princess Xiyue had instilled in him.

Twelve were beaten and retreated steadily.

Shangguan Xuanyi seized the opportunity and raised his sword to stab Shen Chengyao.

Xiaoer was so shocked that she didn't even want to stand in front of Shen Chengyao.

The sword was so fast and sharp that when it penetrated Xiaoer's heart, she didn't even feel the pain. It wasn't until Shangguan Xuanyi pulled out the sword that she felt the pain.

Sure enough, the scene in the dream appeared.

"Xiao'er!" Shen Chengyao shouted loudly.

Shen Jingrui was so frightened that he forgot to react.

"Brother Shangguan, I don't have any medicine to heal...the injury." Xiaoer reached out and grabbed Shangguan Xuanyi's arm. After saying this with difficulty, she spat out a mouthful of blood. Then her body softened and Shangguan Xuanyi fell down. go.

Shangguan Xuanyi was so stunned by her words "Brother Shangguan" that he instinctively reached out to catch her body.

The fresh and sweet scent mixed with the thick scent hit his nostrils, giving Shangguan Xuanyi an infinite sense of déjà vu.

"Girl." He breathed out unconsciously.

Xiaoer's hand slipped from his arm.

The face of the woman in the dream gradually became clearer. Isn't the girl with crooked eyebrows and sweet smile his girl? !

Then the scenes from the past flashed through Shangguan Xuanyi's mind like a movie in fast forward.

Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head stupidly and looked at the bloodless person in his arms.

Although she has put on makeup, her eyebrows are thicker and thicker, her curved willow eyebrows are gone, and her complexion is no longer rosy, but this is his girl!

How could he forget! How could he forget!

"Brother Shangguan, I don't, I don't have any medicine to heal my injuries." Xiaoer's final words were fixed in his mind.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the woman with her eyes closed in his arms in disbelief, and then at the bloody sword on the ground!

No more medicine to heal the injury!

He also has no healing medicine!

He couldn't help but tremblingly put a finger on Xiaoer's nose.

No breath!

He must be too nervous to feel his breath. With such a serious injury, it's not surprising that his breath is weak!

"Pills!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui and spoke with obvious trembling.

Shen Chengyao and Shen Jingrui's pills ran out during disaster relief in the south.

Shen Chengyao stretched out his trembling hands, trying to hold his daughter back.

"Pills!" Shangguan Xuanyi yelled again.

"No, no more!" Jingrui said with red eyes.

Why did he give the last pill to someone else!

Jingrui slapped himself hard.

"Zhao Yong! Yang Liu! Pills!" Shangguan Xuanyi put his hope in them.

Zhao Yong and Yang Liu who were fighting also saw the scene just now. They were so frightened by the sound that they almost dropped their weapons.

"Master, there are no more pills!"

No more pills! His girl had saved so many lives with that pill. Why was there no pill when it was her turn to need help?

"Ah!" Shangguan Xuanyi shouted, hugged Xiaoer, and stabbed Princess Xiyue with his sword!

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~~

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