After Shangguan Xuanyi put on his clothes, Xiaoer realized that something was wrong.

Brother Shangguan is not going to help him change his clothes, is he?

If God doesn’t accept them, then hell won’t accept them! Can she report to the Lord of Hell herself? I really don’t have the courage to live anymore!

After Shangguan Xuanyi changed his clothes, he stopped the carriage and let Yang Liu go in.

Xiao'er breathed a sigh of relief, but just like this, Xiao'er didn't want to live anymore!

She never wants to wake up in this life!

She can't afford to lose face like this, what should she do!

After several people settled down in the inn, Zhao Yong went to find the county magistrate.

After a while, the magistrate of Hemu County rolled over in a hurry. The weather was so cold and he was sweating profusely, which showed how anxious and panicked he was.

"Your Majesty, please see the Sixth Prince. Good luck to the Sixth Prince!" The county magistrate knelt down with a plop.

Why did the sixth prince come to their small county and reveal his identity to see him? It couldn't be that something big happened in the county, he didn't know! The county magistrate was very worried.

"Get up!" Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

"Thank you, Sixth Prince." After hearing this, the county magistrate breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that nothing bad had happened.

"Sit down!" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the chair beside him and motioned for him to sit down.

The magistrate did not dare to refuse, and sat down carefully, but he did not dare to actually sit down. He only dared to squat half, but this posture was more difficult than standing, but he did not dare to show it on his face.

"This prince invites you here to inquire about Mr. Lu." Shangguan Xuanyi said straightforwardly.

When the county magistrate heard this, his heart skipped a beat. What happened to Mr. Lu? Is it the young master from the Lu family who has been in a coma for several years? The Lu family was a big family in the county, but it was only in Hemu County. How did the Sixth Prince know about him.

Could it be that the Sixth Prince was not talking about Mr. Lu who had been in a coma for many years? No, for a person who has been comatose for many years, no matter how amazing and beautiful he was back then, he cannot wake up. Why would the Sixth Prince come to inquire about him?

But the Mr. Lu mentioned by the Sixth Prince was not the Mr. Lu who was in a coma. Why didn't he know if there was any other big family in the county with the surname Lu?

"I wonder who the Sixth Prince is referring to, Mr. Lu?" Looking at Shangguan Xuanyi's cold face, the county magistrate couldn't help but feel horrified.

"Master Lu, who just woke up from a coma for many years."

"Master Lu has woken up?!" After hearing this, the county magistrate was so surprised that his voice rose a lot.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at him.

The magistrate's heart skipped a beat. Even the sixth prince knew about such an important matter. Why didn't he know? Thinking of this, he wanted to slap himself.

"Bring the head of Lu Mansion to see me. Don't reveal my identity." Seeing him like this, Shangguan Xuanyi knew that nothing could be asked from him, so he spoke.

After hearing this, the county magistrate quickly agreed and then withdrew.

But he was extremely shocked. Looking at the sixth prince's behavior, it didn't seem like he was dissatisfied with the Lu family. What kind of luck did the Lu family get in the eyes of the sixth prince?

The county magistrate thought again that the Sixth Prince knew something that even he, a local coward, didn't know yet. Could it be that the Sixth Prince's informants were all over the country?

He remembered that although he had not been corrupt or done anything to oppress the people in recent years, he would never be a breeze. He felt a little uneasy again and quickly summoned his attendants to ask him to find out the purpose of the Sixth Prince's visit. Although he also knew how to find out. Nothing comes out.

Shangguan Xuanyi returned to Xiao'er, touched Xiao'er's face, and murmured: "Girl, maybe you will wake up soon."

The county magistrate quickly brought Mr. Lu over.

The county magistrate did not dare to reveal Shangguan Xuanyi's identity. He just raised his hands and saluted, "Sir, Master Lu is here."

When Mr. Lu saw the county magistrate saluting so respectfully, he also followed suit, but he was more curious about Shangguan Xuanyi's identity.

Shangguan Xuanyi had no politeness, and with his status he didn't need any politeness. He asked directly: "Master Lu, how did Mr. Lu wake up?"

Although Shangguan Xuanyi's words were impolite, his impoliteness made people feel that he should be like this. Master Lu was made more and more respectful by the nobility in him: "Sir, my youngest son met a miracle doctor by chance. After doing him a small favor, the miracle doctor gave his eldest son a diagnosis and treatment in order to repay Quanzi. Then he said that the eldest son of the grass-roots people couldn't wake up because he was out of spirit. He just had to go to the top of the Kunlun Snow Mountain to find the Soul-Reviving Grass and bring it back. Just drink a bowl of soup and that’s it.”

Lost in spirit? Is this the same situation for the girl? Otherwise, even if the body is completely healed, the person will not be able to wake up! She needs to find that miracle doctor to help her! Shangguan Xuanyi's voice sounded a little anxious as he said, "What about the miracle doctor?"

"The miracle doctor left after treating Quanzi. He has no fixed abode and likes to wander around. The common people don't know where he is now." Mr. Lu replied honestly.

It seems that all miracle doctors like to travel around. Shangguan Xuanyi was a little disappointed: "What does the soul grass look like?"

I can only pick up the soul-reviving grass and try it.

After hearing this, the county magistrate finally understood why the Lu family had caught the eye of the Sixth Prince. He had already sent people to find out that a woman among the Sixth Prince's group was unconscious, and the soul grass should be used for her this time.

Mr. Lu described the appearance of the Soul-Returning Grass.

"Sir, Huihuncao likes to be extremely cold. It is best to freeze it in a jade box and take it within one day." Mr. Lu finally reminded.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked him to step back.

The county magistrate waited until Mr. Lu left before speaking: "If the Sixth Prince needs the soul-reviving grass, I will send someone to get it back."

It takes two days to travel from Kunlun Snow Mountain to here. This is based on normal travel. If you hurry up and collect the medicine, it will not be a problem to come back within one day.

"No need." Shangguan Xuanyi refused. He wanted to pick the medicine himself.

"It's inconvenient for people to come and go in the inn. If the Sixth Prince doesn't mind, why not move to the lower official residence?" He never thought that Shangguan Xuanyi would go to get the medicine in person, so he suggested.

He had to let the Sixth Prince come to his house to see it. His house was quite simple. Although he was not a breeze, he was still a breeze at least.

The magistrate of Hemu County is really scaring himself. How can Shangguan Xuanyi care about this now? Besides, how many officials in this world are really easy-going. As long as they don't go too far, they will turn a blind eye. It's over.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought that the girl would be safer in the inn than in the magistrate's house, so he nodded in agreement.

The county magistrate was overjoyed and hurried back and asked his wife to clean up the best yard.

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