After the group settled in the magistrate's house, Guan Xuanyi asked Yang Liu to take care of Xiaoer the next morning, and he went to the Kunlun Snow Mountain alone to collect the soul grass.

Wen Shi, the wife of the magistrate of Hemu County, asked Magistrate Zhu: "Sir, who are the people living in Heyuan? Why do you treat them so nervously?"

Magistrate Zhu naturally did not dare to reveal the identity of the sixth prince, so he straightened his face: "This is not a matter that Madam should pry into. The person who comes here has a distinguished status. Madam has tried her best to arrange the people who will serve her, so there must be no mistakes." ! They must comply with any request they have, and they will leave in a few days. Please keep the servants from leaving casually in the past few days, so as not to bump into the nobles, do you understand? "

After hearing this, Mrs. Wen's mind turned around: "Leaving in a few days? Where do they come from? Are they of high status? Could it be that they are from the imperial capital?"

County Magistrate Zhu did not deny this time: "Anyway, just serve me with all your heart, and don't make any trouble, otherwise you will lose your official position and possibly your life. Okay, it's late at night, let's take a rest!"

After saying this, Magistrate Zhu fell asleep. He was a bit stimulated today and was already tired from running around.

Wen was shocked when she heard this. She was indeed a nobleman from the imperial capital. Seeing that her husband was so respectful, could it be that he was the eldest son of an earl from a certain family? She didn't dare to think in the direction of the prince. This status was too high and unattainable.

The eldest daughter in the family has reached the age of proposing marriage. She is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. The most important thing is that she has the appearance of a fish and a wild goose.

She was worrying about what kind of marriage she could arrange for them! Someone gave me a pillow when I fell asleep! If Yan'er can marry the prince, then the master will not be able to rise to prominence! Thinking of this, she said excitedly: "Master, Yan'er and Yan'er are both grown up. I think those two young masters are very good to me. Do you think it's possible?"

Magistrate Zhu, who was about to fall asleep, shuddered instinctively after hearing these words and lost all sleep: "Madam, please don't act recklessly. We can't reach for that kind of family background."

Now that the eldest son of the Lu family has woken up, he can consider it. He was an amazing talent back then, the county magistrate thought.

Wenshi pursed her lips after hearing this. Her husband was too cautious. She expected him to be promoted and make a fortune, but she didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

You still have to make plans on your own.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't dare to delay. Except for eating and going to the toilet, he rushed to the Kunlun Snow Mountain non-stop. It took him a day and a night to reach the foot of the Kunlun Snow Mountain.

It was already early morning, the sky was filled with brilliant morning glow, the sun was shining softly, and the entire snow-capped mountains were shrouded in the glow, which was sacred and beautiful.

Shangguan Xuanyi was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. He didn't feel tired after traveling for such a long time. He tied the horse to a tree, took out some grass from the space ring and threw it on the ground, then used Qinggong to go up the mountain.

The reason why Kunlun Snow Mountain is called a snow mountain is because once winter comes, the snow never melts all day long.

The Huihun grass is snow-white, with only five leaves, shaped like an orchid, and the flowers are shaped like daffodils, but the color is crystal clear without a trace of variegation.

It is not difficult to climb to the top of the snow-capped mountains, but it is extremely difficult to find a soul-returning grass that is integrated with the ice and snow on the snow-capped mountains.

If you look at it for too long in the vast white snow, you will get snow blindness.

Shangguan Xuanyi searched all morning, but still found nothing. He knew that this would not work. If Xue went blind, it would be even more troublesome! He climbed to the top of the mountain and sat directly on the ice and snow, closing his eyes and planning to take a rest.

After a short rest, he continued his search. Until a bright moon rose in the sky, I still couldn't find the soul-returning grass in my heart, but my hands were frozen.

Shangguan Xuanyi was a little reluctant and continued to search by moonlight. The night was getting darker and darker, and the North Star was alone and glowing in the dark blue night sky.

Suddenly, a white furry animal flashed in front of Shangguan Xuanyi. The dart flew out of Shangguan Xuanyi's hand, but only injured one of its legs, leaving a little bit of blood on the white snow, which was extremely eye-catching.

The fur of that little thing is so good. It would be good to hunt one before leaving and make a muff for the girl. I think she will like it, but now it is more important to find the soul-returning grass first, Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself.

He looked back from the direction where the little thing disappeared, but suddenly found a cold light flashing there.

With a glimmer of hope in his heart, he climbed over carefully.

A crystal plant with five leaves and one small flower, quietly glowing white in the moonlight.

Finally found! Shangguan Xuanyi took out a small shovel and carefully shoveled down the soul-returning grass.

As soon as the shovel touched the roots of the Soul-Returning Grass, ice began to form, and then it spread, finally freezing Shangguan Xuanyi's entire body.

Shangguan Xuanyi quickly mobilized the internal force in his body to try to melt the ice on his body. The ice could not melt, but at least with the blessing of internal force, he could move.

Although I heard Master Lu mention this, I didn't expect it to be so powerful. It almost sealed him in ice and made him unable to move!

The people from the Lu Mansion went to get medicine and took the Fire Heart Pill given by the miracle doctor. He didn't have this pill, but he had to pick the Soul Grass.

Shangguan Xuanyi shoveled up the Soul-Returning Grass stiffly and slowly, then took out the jade box and put the Soul-Returning Grass inside.

It took him two quarters of an hour to complete just a few simple movements.

Shangguan Xuanyi put the jade box into the space ring, and then his whole body felt less frozen, but his body was still stiff and his hands and feet were not flexible.

After gathering the Huihun grass, he had to rush back immediately. Shangguan Xuanyi did not dare to delay and climbed down the mountain carefully.

Since his hands and feet were not flexible, he climbed for a quarter of an hour but could not climb down much.

He slowly lowered his head and glanced down. It seemed that he was a little high and his body was unresponsive. If he fell straight down, he would be dizzy even if he didn't die. The loss of time to go back would be more than worth the loss, so he could only continue to climb.

Shangguan Xuanyi carefully climbed down while using his inner strength to warm his body.

Suddenly a white shadow rushed toward him. He instinctively raised his hand to block it, but found that he was unable to do so. Then there was a pain on the back of my hand, and my whole body fell down as soon as I let go.

Little Snowball bit Shangguan Xuanyi, and his whole body froze, and he also fell down.

Shangguan Xuanyi, who had fallen down, was caught by his clothes on a protruding sharp stone halfway up the mountain, and was hung up like this.

Although he was embarrassed, he didn't have to be broken into pieces at least, he comforted himself in his heart.

He was trying to grab onto the rock so that he was no longer hanging.

Unexpectedly, he was so slow that before his hand could reach the stone, he was hit by a white object, and then fell down gorgeously!

Grandma is a bitch! Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but became violent, was God trying to kill him?

Then he fell heavily to the ground. Before he fainted, he still thought to himself that he had to wake up quickly.

Thank you to Blue Sky and White Clouds for the reward, and thank you to the book friends who voted.

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