Shangguan Xuanyi was unconscious for half an hour before being bitten awake by the little white ball. As soon as he woke up, he found that his body was not so cold. He reached out to grab the little white ball lying on his body and threw it away, ignoring the bone pain all over his body. He immediately got up, stumbled to the place where the horse was tied, untied the rope, turned over several times before getting on the horse, and then hurried to Hemu County.

He was worried that if he didn't rush back quickly, the soul grass would be ineffective that time.

In the winter evening, perhaps because the weather is too cold, the sun takes longer to rest than usual in the morning.

When Jing Rui had nothing to do, he practiced martial arts with Zhao Yong in the yard.

After this incident, he was even more determined to practice martial arts and to become the best! In the past few years, his daily morning training foundation has been quite solid, and now is the time to learn the moves.

After practicing all afternoon, the two of them finished their moves.

"Let's finish training today. The eldest son has made rapid progress. It seems that he has made a solid foundation in basic skills in the past few years."

After hearing this, Jingrui smiled and said modestly, "Brother Zhao taught me well."

Zhao Yong shook his head: "The eldest son must have high understanding."

Learning Kung Fu requires talent and understanding the most. You cannot become a top master without either of them.

The two of them talked and walked into the house.

Shangguan Xuanyi stumbled in at this time. He took out the jade box and handed it to Zhao Yong: "Quickly take it to make soup and medicine!"

After saying this, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell down!

As soon as Zhao Yong took the jade box, he trembled: "Master!"

"Brother Shangguan!" Jingrui reacted quickly and quickly caught Shangguan Xuanyi.

Yang Liu heard the noise and ran out. Seeing this, he hurriedly ran over and took the jade box. He was also trembling: "I'm going to boil the medicine. Please send someone to call the doctor!"

Zhao Yong came to his senses and ran out quickly.

Jingrui carried Shangguan Xuanyi into the house.

When County Magistrate Zhu heard that Shangguan Xuanyi had fainted and needed to call a doctor, he was so frightened that his legs shook to the point of knotting.

He quickly ordered people to go to the medical clinic to invite the best doctor, and then ran to see Shangguan Xuanyi.

The doctor arrived soon. Shangguan Xuanyi fell halfway down the mountain and was seriously injured and suffered severe frostbite. His face was flushed and he had a high fever.

The doctor checked his pulse and shook his head: "The injury is too serious and he has severe frostbite. The bumpy journey back has only made the injury worse. I will prescribe a dose of medicine. You can feed it to him and see if the fever can be reduced tonight. Is there any? It’s not getting better, and if not there’s nothing I can do.”

Magistrate Zhu almost knelt down after hearing this. If the sixth prince died in his home! Even ten thousand lives are not enough for him to die!

"Doctor Lin, you must find a way to save him! If he can't be saved, we will all die!" Magistrate Zhu held Dr. Lin's hand tightly and almost cried.

He now extremely regrets why he invited the Sixth Prince to live in his mansion! This is the rhythm that gets you into trouble! He never thought that the Sixth Prince would go to collect the medicine himself! If he knew, he would definitely send 18,000 guards to protect him!

Doctor Lin was horrified when he saw that Magistrate Zhu was so rude. Who was this man? If he couldn't be saved, everyone would be dead?

Does Magistrate Zhu want to kill himself? Such a person invites him over even though he knows he is hopeless! Does he think too highly of his medical skills?

Is it too late to not seek treatment now? !

Zhao Yong wanted to kick Magistrate Zhu, and then looked at the doctor coldly without gritting his teeth: "Hurry up and prescribe the medicine! You'd better do your best to save people, otherwise your whole family will be buried with him!"

How dare you curse your master to death! And what kind of doctor is this? The doctor who promised to be so benevolent! Zhao Yong clearly saw the flinch in his eyes!

Dr. Lin was so frightened by Zhao Yong's words that his hand when writing the prescription trembled.

I finally wrote the prescription, but the handwriting was crooked.

Magistrate Zhu quickly sent someone to get the medicine.

Doctor Lin wanted to leave, but Zhao Yong refused to let him go. He couldn't leave until the master woke up!

After Yangliu boiled the soup, he fed Xiaoer to drink it, but Xiaoer still didn't wake up.

Xiaoer in the space already knew that Shangguan Xuanyi was seriously injured and fell into coma while trying to collect the soul grass, and his high fever persisted.

Does this person want to be in trouble with him or does he want to give a life for a life? However, she really doesn't need him to be like this!

Although there were plenty of medicinal materials in the space, she couldn't wake up and couldn't help him.

The golden python and the three geese looked at each other and felt that they deserved it!

In the middle of the night, Shangguan Xuanyi's high fever not only did not go away, but his body temperature became even higher and his face became even flushed.

Zhao Yong caught Dr. Lin like an eagle catching a chicken and asked him to find a way to cool down.

Doctor Lin felt Shangguan Xuanyi's pulse with trembling hands, but for a long time he couldn't figure out the reason.

Zhao Yong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. After gathering the soul-reviving grass, he not only failed to save the girl, but also ended up killing Shangguan Xuanyi. God was blind! It's hard for two such good people to wake up!

"Hurry up and find a way to help my master reduce his fever! Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

Dr. Lin felt like crying after hearing this. Could he have thought that he would hide it and not say it out loud? He cherishes his life, doesn't he?

Jingrui helped Shangguan Xuanyi wipe his body and perform physical cooling. This method was taught by Xiaoer.

Suddenly he saw that the wound on the back of Shangguan Xuanyi's hand didn't look like a scratch, but like it was bitten by something. He quickly waved to Dr. Lin: "Doctor Lin, come here and see if this wound was bitten by some animal." Bite?"

After hearing this, Dr. Lin quickly ran over, grabbed his hand and took a look, and then remembered that there is a movement on the Kunlun Snow Mountain called a snowcat. After biting a person, it will cause a high fever. At worst, he will be burned into a fool, and at worst, he will be thrown away. life!

"It must have been bitten by a snowcat! No wonder the fever won't go away!" Dr. Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the hell is a snow civet? Since you know it, why don't you prescribe it quickly?" This quack doctor didn't find such an important wound!

"Don't worry, sir. I will refill the prescription right now. As long as the febrile disease is gone, the remaining injuries will be cured in half a month."

Zhao Yong almost vomited blood after hearing this! A quack is a quack, what a girl can fix with a pill! He actually needed half a month!

But there is no way. In this place where nothing matters, I heard that this man's medical skills are the best! He really feels sorry for the people in this county. Even the most skilled doctor can only do so!

After Shangguan Xuanyi took the medicine again, his body temperature gradually dropped.

After struggling all day and night, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Wen was originally scared to death, but now she knew that Shangguan Xuanyi would recover after half a month's rest. Early in the morning, she ordered the kitchen to make some light lean meat porridge, and then called her daughter and asked her to Send it to Shangguan Xuanyi to eat.

Zhu Yan had long known that the people living in the Harmony Courtyard were of extremely high status.

She heard last night that he might die, so she didn't dare to show up. Now that she knew he could still be saved, she got up early in the morning and dressed up, then went to her mother's yard, carrying the food that Wen had prepared. Walk to the courtyard.

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