Yang Liu has been serving Xiaoer, and Shangguan Xuanyi has been taken care of by Zhao Yong.

After Guan Xuanyi's body became less hot at midnight last night, Zhao Yong kept vigil and Jin Rui went back to sleep.

Early this morning, Jingrui came over to replace Zhao Yong and asked him to go back to his room to rest.

Zhu Yan personally carried a food box into the courtyard. A maid guarding outside the courtyard was about to step forward to take the food box, but she declined.

The weather was cold, and the doors of every room were ajar and the windows were closed to prevent the cold wind from blowing in.

Shangguan Xuanyi still didn't wake up. Jingrui touched his forehead and saw that he only had a slight fever. He went out and asked the maid to deliver the soup as soon as possible. Then he returned to the room and took out a book and sat in the outer compartment to read. .

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then a woman's voice came in: "Sir, the medicine and food are here."

"Bring it in." Jingrui ordered calmly.

Zhu Yan opened the door and walked in.

"Just put it on the table." Jingrui thought it was a maid who was sitting there and ordered directly without raising his head from the book.

"The weather is cold. The medicine and food have become a bit cold during this journey. Fortunately, there is still some warmth. I will give the medicine to the young man on the bed. Otherwise, the medicine will get cold when I put it down, which may affect the efficacy of the medicine." She is I made a special trip to see what the seriously injured man, who was said to be of high status, looked like. It seemed that he was not awake yet, so he could only use the excuse of giving him medicine.

After hearing this, Jing Rui raised his head from the book and looked over.

This maid is dressed better than the previous one. Could it be that she is the maid of the county magistrate's wife?

The county magistrate's wife should have sent her to see if the sixth prince was okay. Thinking of this, he said warmly: "Master Shangguan is fine. Thank you to the magistrate Zhu and the magistrate's wife for me. There is no need to give him medicine. The girl can leave." It's done! I'll just bring the medicine."

Zhu Yan blushed when Jingrui raised his head. This was the first time she saw such a gentle and handsome man.

The men in Hemu County were all relatively rough-looking, that is to say, they were mostly hunky-backed and bear-waisted types. She really didn't like them at all. What she liked was the elegant and graceful young man described in the book.

For a young boy to look so good, his master must be even more handsome!

When Zhu Yan heard that he had taken over the job of giving medicine, she mistook him for a boy.

I heard that the young man in front of the prime minister's house was a third-rank official. The young man's manner of speaking was not like an ordinary young man at all. She thought that the status of the young man inside was more noble than she thought.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart and became even more eager to see the people inside. She softened her voice a little more and said, "These things are all done by the girl's family. You can go down and eat! I'll be fine here."

Going down to eat?

How could Jing Rui hear this? It was wrong.

Where is he going to eat? He has been eating in this room these days!

And is it okay to just have her here? Didn't Zhao Yong tell Magistrate Zhu that the Sixth Prince didn't like strangers and women being close to each other, so they could just take care of the Sixth Prince alone? His people just need to send over what they want to use! These maids have been doing this all these days!

After Zhu Yan said this, she took the medicine bowl and walked around the screen to the inner compartment.

Jingrui came to his senses and stopped her quickly: "Girl, I'll just come, you better get out!"

"What's the matter with you, little boy? I've allowed you to go down to eat first, so what do you think you're still here and won't let me go?" Zhu Yan looked at Xing's hand in front of her, suppressed her dissatisfaction, and glared. He glanced.

Boy? him? Jingrui was dumbfounded. Are this person’s eyes just for decoration?

"Girl, I think you misunderstood, I don't..."

"You're not hungry, so you're just resting. I think you're tired after serving your master all night last night. How can you, a grown man with rough hands and feet, do such a delicate job as feeding medicine?" He twisted his waist and walked slowly towards the bed.

This is probably what Xiaoer said. Two people's thoughts are not on the same frequency, so it is difficult to communicate.

Jingrui looked at her deliberately twisted waist. After spending several years in the imperial capital, he instantly understood what she was thinking.

Thinking about the difference between her manner of speaking and her clothes and those of the previous maids, I no longer thought she was a maid!

Is this because you want to climb the dragon and follow the phoenix?

Is it really okay to try to seduce his sister's future husband-in-law in front of his brother-in-law?

Jingrui felt that he had practiced martial arts too much recently and his hands were a little scratched. What if he wanted to throw the girl in front of him out!

He stretched out his hand to stop her again and said coldly: "Get out!"

Zhu Yan's face turned dark when she was stopped. Her father was the biggest in this county, who would have dared to stop her!

Even if the person lying down was of noble status, he was just a servant. She didn't believe that a person would offend a lady from an official family like her for the sake of a servant!

And they still live in her house!

"How dare you! A dog slave dares to stop me! What's more, I'm here to care about your master!" Zhu Yan raised her hand and waved it towards Jingrui's face.

Jingrui grabbed her wrist and his voice became even colder: "Get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

She takes action at the slightest disagreement, what a shrew!

Shangguan Xuanyi was awakened by the voices of the two people. He opened his eyes, sat up with difficulty, and got out of bed: "Jing Rui, what's going on?"

Zhu Yan heard the sound and looked towards the source of the sound. She was tall and tall, with sword-like eyes and starry eyes. She was as beautiful as a crown jade. Although there was green stubble on his face and his face was pale, it did not affect the radiance of his body at all. Noble temperament.

After Zhu Yan was stunned, her face showed grievance and she cried: "Master, you have to make the decision for the little girl! He wants to molest me!"

indecent? ! After hearing this, Jingrui was so frightened that he quickly let go of her hand while still holding it!

It’s really a lot of walking and you can meet anyone!

Shangguan Xuanyi's lips twitched and he looked at Jingrui: "Where did you get that crazy bitch? You're old and ugly and you can do it? You should kick her away next time! Don't dirty your hands!"

Jingrui: "..."

With a "clang" sound, the bowl in Zhu Yan's hand fell to the ground, and the black concoction splashed all over the floor.

Crazy bitch? Old and ugly? After hearing this, Zhu Yan's face instantly turned the color of pig liver.

She was obviously as young as a flower, and was at her most youthful and beautiful. However, people who fell in love at first sight described her as an old and ugly crazy woman. Oh wow, she was too embarrassed to see anyone.

Zhu Yan couldn't stand the stimulation, so she hid her face and left.

Jingrui took a look at the fragments and medicinal juice on the ground and regretted not grabbing the medicine bowl first.

"Is the girl awake?" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at Jingrui hopefully.

After hearing this, Jing Rui came back to his senses, his face darkened, and he shook his head: "No."

"Aren't you awake yet?" Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't control his body, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Jingrui quickly stepped forward to support him: "Sixth Prince, are you okay?"

"I'm going to see her." Shangguan Xuanyi waved away Jingrui's hand, walked around the screen and walked out the door.

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