Shangguan Xuanyi saw that Xiaoer still showed no sign of waking up after drinking the soup made from the Soul-Reviving Grass, so he immediately set off back to the imperial capital regardless of his injuries.

Before Zhu Yan could get over her sweetheart's words about being an old and ugly crazy woman, her beloved left.

As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi and others left, someone from Magistrate Zhu's family arrived.

When Magistrate Zhu saw the visitor, he greeted him enthusiastically to the flower hall and then ordered the maid to serve tea.

"Why is Cousin Wen free to come here today?"

"With the Xiyue Kingdom destroyed, we generals stationed in the northwest will be free."

"I didn't expect that the Sixth Prince could directly choose Xiyue Kingdom at such a young age. The people here will finally be able to live and work in peace and contentment." There will be no war here in the future, and the people will be able to live and work in peace and contentment. After his term is over, he will definitely be able to mention it.

Wenjie pursed his lips after hearing this: "What can he accomplish by himself? Xiyue Kingdom was not defeated by soldiers. Besides, after the last war, Xiyue Kingdom is at the end of its war!"

"Those were also soldiers led by the Sixth Prince. It took more than three months to destroy a country. Even a small country is not easy. I think the Sixth Prince is quite good. Maybe he is the blessing of our Minze Dynasty." Magistrate Zhu thought of Shangguan. Xuan Yi stayed awake for three days, was seriously injured and had a high fever, but he was still able to insist on sending the Soul-Returning Grass back. This kind of perseverance is not something ordinary people can have, let alone a pampered prince!

"Look at the Sixth Prince? You have never been in contact with him, so why do you think he is a blessing to our court." Wenjie sneered.

"To be honest, the Sixth Prince just left my house." Magistrate Zhu said to Wenjie in a low voice.

He thought that Wenjie was the deputy lieutenant of Zhaowu who had attacked Xiyue Kingdom with the sixth prince. Now that the sixth prince had left his mansion, it didn't matter if he told him.

"What!" Wenjie stood up excitedly after hearing this, and even knocked over the tea on the table.

"Why are you so excited? If the Sixth Prince wins the battle, he will definitely return to the imperial capital. Don't you know that? It's not surprising that he passed by our county!" Magistrate Zhu looked at him with an incomprehensible look.

Wenjie suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried to keep his tone calm: "Why did the Sixth Prince leave your residence?"

Wenjie was his cousin. Magistrate Zhu felt that he was not a talkative person and had always been reliable, so he told the whole story.

"So the Sixth Prince was seriously injured?" Wenjie's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"No, Doctor Lin said that it will take half a month to recover." Thinking of the natural situation, he almost frightened him to death!

"Half a month, that's a serious injury. Why don't you let him recover from his injuries before leaving?"

"Is the Sixth Prince someone I can keep if I want?" Magistrate Zhu rolled his eyes after hearing this.

Besides, he has a seriously injured prince in his residence, and he is always on tenterhooks!

"I was wrong. I suddenly remembered that I forgot to tell my subordinates something. I wanted to come to you for a drink, but now I can only do it next time."

Magistrate Zhu waved his hand: "Business matters, go ahead! You can drink wine anytime."

"Then cousin, take your leave." Wenjie patted Magistrate Zhu on the shoulder, then quickly turned and left.

It started to snow on the first night that Shangguan Xuanyi and his party left. For several days in a row, it snowed heavily every day.

The weather was getting colder. Shangguan Xuanyi, who was sitting in the carriage, hugged Xiaoer and couldn't help coughing twice.

"Master, are you okay? How about we find a place to stay and recover from our injuries before going back?" Zhao Yong, who was driving, heard this and asked worriedly.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the master has actually started to cough in the past two days. This is the first time he has heard him cough in the years he has been with him!

"It's okay, no need!" It's winter, and it's starting to snow here. The weather will get colder day by day, and the roads will be icy by then, making it even more difficult to walk.

They were taking the official road, and not far ahead was the Moon Valley. If they took a shortcut, they would have taken the Moon Valley, which had experienced a bloody battle.

Many people traveling from north to south will rush home at this time to prepare for the New Year, so there are many cars and horses on the official road every day.

The road section of the Moon Canyon is relatively narrow, and only two carriages can barely pass side by side, and they still have to give way to each other, which leads to a large traffic jam on this section of the road.

Some of the more arrogant people, you won't let me, I won't let you, argued for a long time, or even fought, but the problem couldn't be solved. However, the people behind couldn't stand the wait anymore, so they stepped forward to persuade them, and the road started to pass again.

Shangguan Xuanyi and his carriage had just reached the middle section of the Moon Canyon when two more carriages accidentally collided and started to quarrel.

The people behind couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Those in front of you, whoever bumped into you should pay your money and leave! If the noise continues like this, we'll have to spend the night here tonight!"

"That's right! You don't want to leave, we have to rush home!"

"When we go out, you don't have to give in to me, and I give in to you. You block the road and don't care about others!"

"Damn it, it's such a cold day, are those people full enough to hold on! We didn't kill anyone, so hurry up and keep walking!" It took half a day to walk this section of the road, and Zhao Yong couldn't bear it. He couldn't help but be violent.

Shangguan Xuanyi was just about to ask Zhao Yong to go and persuade him, but suddenly his ears twitched, his face changed drastically, and he quickly jumped out of the carriage with Xiaoer in his arms.

"Avalanche! Run away!" Shangguan Xuanyi shouted.

After hearing this, many people raised their heads and looked towards the top of the mountain.

White snowflakes and yellow rocks are mixed together and rolling down, making it difficult to tell whether it is an avalanche or a landslide!

Now everyone panicked, the carriage driver abandoned his horse and fled, and the people in the carriage quickly got out of the carriage.

The man on horseback wanted to turn his horse's head, but found that there was no room at all, so he quickly abandoned his horse and ran away.

The scene was chaotic: the sound of wind, crying, and calls for help could be heard.

Shangguan Xuanyi held Xiaoer in his arms, performed Qing Kung Fu, stepped on the roof of the carriage, and left quickly.

Zhao Yong and Yang Liu supported Jin Rui and followed Shangguan Xuanyi closely.

In the blink of an eye, rocks mixed with white snow poured down.

There was a loud noise, smoke billowing, and a wail was instantly drowned out.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer ran far away before stopping.

Zhao Yong was hit by gravel and injured his shoulder. Fortunately, the injury was not serious.

The people who escaped panted and looked back.

The mud and snow on the mountain were still pouring, and then slowly stopped.

Snowflakes were still falling from the sky.

Those who narrowly escaped death were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Where is my son?"

Then there were calls and cries one after another.

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