The cave was very dry. Shangguan Xuanyi took out two bed planks and a quilt from the space ring and spread them out. After doing this, he felt that his strength was almost exhausted.

I really want to lie down and rest, but I can't. The girl is still lying outside in the ice and snow. What should I do if I lie down for a long time and the root of the disease is revealed?

He held on and almost climbed out of the cave.

Shangguan Xuanyi struggled to carry Xiaoer on his back, holding on to the cave wall, and walked into the cave. The two of them fell down on the "bed" he had just made.

Before falling asleep, Shangguan Xuanyi thought to himself: The snow was falling so hard that it should soon cover up the traces he made when he went up the mountain! Let the snow fall heavier! He really didn't have the strength to do all this anymore.

The soul also needs to rest. Seeing that the two of them were in peace, Xiaoer went back to the room in the space to sleep.

While their master was sleeping, a snake and three geese gathered around to discuss countermeasures.

"Xiao Huang, do you think the person outside should be saved or not?" During the day, he looked at the man who fell asleep without forgetting to hug his master, and was confused.

The golden python gave Shangguan Xuanyi a rather disdainful look, "No help!"

"But if we don't save him, who will take care of our master's body? We can't get out!" It was quite contradictory during the day!

"Hurry up and wake him up. While the master is asleep now, wake him up and let him take care of the master. The master always loves to be clean, how can he resist having dirty things on his body. If the master wakes up, look at that man helping After he cleans himself, it’s time to think about going to the West or going to hell.”

The golden python remembered the last time its master stayed in bed for several days and did not dare to come out to see anyone, causing him to eat dozens of delicious roast chickens. It also felt that it was necessary to save him, "In this case, then Just save it!”

During the day, I thought that the owner has been taking care of the space by herself recently. If she has no face to see others, she is still the one who has to do the hard work, so she might as well save the owner while he is asleep, "Save him, save him, it will be easier for him."

"Rescue him so that he can make cows and horses for his master. How can he be considered an advantage? He caused his master to become a vegetative state. Shouldn't he atone for his sins?"

"It's better to save Tian Bai. Don't save Tai Xing. Let him continue to be sick and unable to make the journey. Take care of the master for a few more days."

"Okay!" So Tian Bai went to the space processing workshop in person, processed a bottle of pills, and took one pill in his beak, about to spit it out to Shangguan Xuanyi.

"I'll do it!" When Bai Tian saw this, he grabbed the pills, took a pill in his mouth, aimed at Shangguan Xuanyi's mouth, and spit it out.

Things that have been kissed by your wife cannot be eaten by your foreign man!

The pill melted when it met Shangguan Xuanyi's lips. The medicinal juice went down the throat and entered the esophagus, where it began to be digested and absorbed.

Night fell quickly, Shangguan Xuanyi quickly opened his eyes, and saw Xiaoer lying quietly beside him, he breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

After having a good sleep, Shangguan Xuanyi felt that his body was much better. His injuries were still there, but his illness was almost healed.

He was a little surprised and didn't think much. He sat up and looked outside. It was already dark.

He took out the Night Pearl from the space and checked Xiaoer's condition. Sure enough...

There were only two of them here, and although it was embarrassing, he had to do it. Anyway, they would be husband and wife sooner or later. Shangguan Xuanyi safely took out the charcoal stove, iron pot, water basin,...

Shangguan Xuanyi went outside to pack some clean snow and boiled a pot of hot water. Then he poured the hot water into a basin and placed it beside the bed. He took out a clean cloth, then turned around and looked at the unconscious man. Xiaoer glanced at her, lowered her head and kissed her forehead: "Girl, I'm offended."

Then he closed his eyes and untied the belt around her waist... then turned around, picked up the cloth from the basin, wrung it out, and began to carefully wipe her body clean.

In this era, women's status was not high, and perhaps no man had ever done such a job, which was considered dirty and devoid of man's dignity.

But in modern times, there are still husbands who take care of their bedridden wives like this. This has nothing to do with dignity, but just cherishing.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't dislike her at all. He was very happy to see Xiao'er being able to eat, drink, and defecate every day. At least this proved that she was still alive. She just fell asleep and was now like a baby, unable to take care of herself.

Xiaoer's soul, who fell asleep in the space, was slowly returning to her body bit by bit without her knowing it.

After Shangguan Xuanyi wiped Xiaoer's body clean, he took out a set of clean clothes from the space ring for her to put on. When he finally put on the belt, Xiaoer's hands moved and then he opened his eyes.

Xiaoer looked at Shangguan Xuanyi who was lowering his head and helping her tie her belt seriously. She instantly remembered the scene in the carriage before. Could it be...

She rolled her eyes and saw a basin of water and the clothes she had changed on the ground...

Then her whole body became bad! She closed her eyes and her face turned red instantly!

God, I wouldn’t let you play with me like this! Can't you let me wake up a minute or two later or wake up earlier? Xiaoer screamed in her heart!

Why do you want her to know this?

How did that soul leave the body? Who can tell her that she called him daddy!

Shangguan Xuanyi, who was helping Xiaoer tie her belt, stopped for a moment. He seemed to have seen the girl's hand move just now!

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his head to look at Xiaoer with disbelief on his face, and then found that her face was red and her face looked like she was looking forward to death. He was ecstatic in his heart!

"Girl, you're awake!" Shangguan Xuanyi's voice couldn't hide his excitement.

Then he quickly thought of the reason for Xiaoer's blush. How long has it been since this girl woke up? She probably didn't know that he helped her change her dirty clothes and wipe her body clean. Thinking of this, his face turned red unconsciously.

He put the water basin and dirty clothes behind him into the space without leaving a trace.

Shangguan Xuanyi didn't think it was anything wrong to take care of Xiaoer like this when she was unconscious, but after she woke up and she found out that she had done such a thing, Shangguan Xuanyi felt very embarrassed, and he felt like he wanted to find a hole in the ground. .

It is not Xiaoer's character to escape. Now that Shangguan brother knows that she is awake and keeps his eyes closed, the two of them are even more embarrassed.

She opened her eyes and saw that Shangguan Xuanyi's face was so red. Well, she felt balanced in her heart.

Although she felt very embarrassed, she simply had no shame in living!

But someone also feels shy. Why is he like this? ! It wasn't him who caused it! So isn’t it right for him to take care of himself? Thinking of this, Xiaoer felt relieved!

It's not a big deal, just treat the two of them as an old couple on the verge of death, and he is the one who happens to be bedridden. As the other half, he is the unlucky one and has to take on the responsibility of taking care of himself! This is really nothing to be ashamed of! Xiaoer succeeded in comforting herself.

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