"Brother Shangguan, I want to drink water." Xiaoer's throat was a little dry, so she spoke, but found that her voice was like a duck's voice, hoarse.

Then she thought that she hadn't spoken in months. Wouldn't she have bad breath?

Thinking of this, she decisively closed her mouth and stopped talking.

"Okay, okay." Although Xiaoer's voice didn't sound as clear as before, Shangguan Xuanyi felt that it was like the sound of nature. He didn't notice anything strange about Xiaoer and just kept nodding.

"Girl, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Xiaoer didn't dare to speak and just shook her head.

Shangguan Xuanyi's face was still very hot. After knowing that she was not feeling uncomfortable, he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to look at Xiaoer anymore, and was a little afraid that Xiaoer would ask him what he was doing just now, "I'm going to get water!"

After saying this, he quickly stood up and walked out.

There is water in her dimension, so there is no need to go out to get it! Xiaoer stretched out her hand to stop it, but gave up after thinking about it. She should go into the space to solve the bad breath problem! Although she felt that this would never happen to her, she had always been very clean and had not brushed her teeth for several months. It was really unbearable to think about it!

The snow had stopped. Shangguan Xuanyi knew that there was a small river at the bottom of the mountain. He quickly went down the mountain and came to the river. Fortunately, the river water only had a thin layer of ice, which could be broken with a poke of his finger.

He took out the tub and the dirty clothes Xiaoer had changed from from the space ring, poured the water, and washed the tub and clothes. The cold river water made the heat on his face recede, but his heart warmed up.

He was very happy that his girl finally woke up!

He put the clean clothes back into the space ring, took out a wooden bucket, filled it with a bucket of water, put the whole bucket of water into the space ring, and then turned back.

Originally, there was drinkable water in his space ring, but he needed to find an excuse to come out, let the heat on his face subside, and wash his hands and the clothes he had just changed.

Shangguan Xuanyi has a very strong recovery ability. If Xiaoer asked, he decided to deny it firmly. It was one thing to be willing to do it, but it was a bit embarrassing to admit it.

Turning around and walking back, he suddenly saw a little fire in the distance, which seemed obvious in the dark night.

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the set of footprints he had left on the snow by the river. He quickly picked up a branch and stepped back while smoothing out his footprints, destroying all the traces he had left.

After Shangguan Xuanyi returned to the entrance of the cave, he asked Xiaoer to put the night pearl into the space to prevent the light from the entrance of the cave from attracting enemies.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoer quickly put Ye Mingzhu into the space.

The cave suddenly became invisible.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded, then remembered that it was suddenly dark and Xiaoer probably couldn't see him nodding, so he said, "I saw a fire, I don't know if it is an enemy or a friend."

Shangguan Xuanyi walked to Xiaoer and sat down, "Have you drank water?"

Shangguan Xuanyi knew that there must be water in Xiaoer's space ring, so she should be able to drink water after realizing it.

"Drank it. Brother Shangguan, how are your injuries?" Xiaoer originally wanted to give Shangguan Xuanyi some healing pills to take, but before she passed out, she said there were no more healing pills. If she takes them out now, she won't be able to explain the space upgrade. Things.

If she takes it out, I don’t know if Brother Shangguan will think that she didn’t take the healing pills at that time because she was deliberately trying to make her suffer. I don’t know if Brother Shangguan will think that her injuries were obviously healed but she didn’t wake up. It's intentional.

"It's okay, how did you know I was injured?" Shangguan Xuanyi was a little surprised. He thought he had concealed it well. Shangguan Xuanyi asked while packing up the things on the ground and entering the space.

"When I am unconscious, my soul can see!" After saying this, Xiaoer wanted to bite off her tongue! Why is she so honest?

Not to mention that this was too unbelievable. If she confessed like this, wouldn't she tell Shangguan Xuanyi that she knew that Shangguan Xuanyi helped her change her dirty clothes and wipe her body clean?

Oh, my god!

What is not asking for help!

God is simply going to kill me!

Shangguan Xuanyi paused for a moment.

Xiaoer's face turned red, and she spoke incoherently: "Well, I haven't seen everything. The soul also needs to rest. I, I also have time to sleep, so, so..."

Shangguan Xuanyi felt warm in his heart when he saw Xiaoer's helpless look. Was she afraid of being embarrassed?

Shangguan Xuanyi came up, hugged Xiaoer into his arms, rested his face on the top of her hair, and kissed her: "Girl, it's great that you can wake up! But you have to take responsibility for me in the future after you look at my body. !And we must be responsible to the end.”

Shangguan Xuanyi remembered how her clothes got wet and how he took off his clothes several times in front of her. It turned out that her soul could be seen!

Xiaoer: "..."

Why does this sound contradictory? Xiaoer didn't know how to react for a moment.

"What? Don't you want to take responsibility? That's not okay!" Shangguan Xuanyi's hand tightened, and their bodies became closer.

"No! Didn't you look at my body? Before I woke up, you were still wiping my body! You must be responsible for me!"

After Xiaoer said this, she wanted to bite her tongue off! How stupid she is!

God, please take her in! She felt that when she woke up, she was too stupid to face anyone!

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled, his voice as low as the music played by a cello.

"Okay, I'm responsible!" After saying this, he lowered his head and kissed her all the way down her forehead. He didn't stop until he found her lips, lingering on them. He kept stealing her sweetness and felt Nothing is enough.

Girl, it’s great that you woke up, no matter how embarrassed I was at the time.

The little fire in the distance gradually came closer.

"I clearly saw a dark shadow moving here just now. I can't be mistaken."

"But there are no traces on the ground!" The second man in black

"Idiot, won't you erase the traces on the ground? I remember there is a cave on that mountain. Let's go up and have a look." The man in black pointed in the direction of the cave.

The two of them tiptoed outside the cave.

It was pitch dark inside and nothing could be seen.

The man in black No. 1 pushed the man in black No. 2 and motioned for him to go in first.

Man in Black No. 2 rolled his eyes secretly, thinking he was stupid. If there was someone really hidden inside, wouldn't he be the first one to go in?

Man in Black No. 2 also pushed Man in Black No. 1. Man in Black No. 1 also didn’t want to be the first one to go in.

The two looked at each other: Go in together?

Both nodded.

Then they raised their feet together, each holding a torch. They both grabbed the swords in their hands and walked in together.

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