When the two of them walked in, there was no one in the cave.

Hiss, hiss... The three venomous snakes spat out venom and quickly crawled towards the two of them, biting their feet in one fell swoop.

Their calves were hurting. They lowered their heads and found that it was a venomous snake. Their expressions changed. They swung their feet at the same time to throw the two snakes away. At the same time, they slashed seven inches of the other snake with a knife.

The two snakes that were thrown away quickly crawled towards the two of them.

They were killers, so how could they be afraid of two snakes and kill them in one go?

"It's winter, aren't snakes hibernating? Why do they come out and bite people?"

"I'm afraid they were woken up by us! Who knows! Let's go quickly, that's the King of Glasses! If you don't find a doctor to detoxify, you want to die here!" The second man in black regretted not thinking that there would be something hidden in the cave just now There are snakes.

After the two left for a while, Shangguan Xuanyi came out of the space and disposed of all the snake bodies in the cave before letting Xiaoer come out.

Xiaoer's face was red and white. The red color was because she was embarrassed, and the white color was because she was scared by the snake in Shangguan Xuanyi's space ring.

"Why did you put the poisonous snake in the space! It scared me to death!" The important thing is that if there is a snake in the space, don't drag her in! She also has space, right?

"Sorry, when I first entered the cave, I found them hibernating and put them into the space. I thought if someone found them, they could be used as weapons." Shangguan Xuanyi licked his lips that were bitten by Xiaoer, wanting to cry without tears.

His physical condition at the time was such that he couldn't guarantee when he would faint. Of course, the more killer weapons the better, so he thought of keeping the snake in the space for later use.

Who knew that girl would be so scared that she would bite someone!

The two were making out, and when they heard some movement outside, Xiaoer's instinctive reaction was to push him away. How could he let it go as he knew how to taste it? He fixed the back of her head with his hand to prevent her from escaping, and the hand around her waist held her tighter. Tightly, he brought her into the space while kissing her. When she resisted, Xiaoer had already opened her eyes. As soon as she entered the space, one pair of eyes met three pairs of snake eyes!

She was so frightened that she subconsciously bit Shangguan Xuanyi's lips, wrapped her hands tightly around his neck, and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, hanging on him.

So Shangguan Xuanyi was injured gorgeously!

Xiaoer saw Shangguan Xuanyi licking his lips, then glanced at the damaged, red and swollen lips. She moved her eyes away with a guilty conscience, and then looked around: "Are there no other snakes in this cave?"

"Don't worry, it's gone. I checked it clearly. If there's another snake, I'll have to worry about your tongue being eaten." Shangguan Xuanyi joked, and then took out things from the space to make the bed.

"If you don't let me go, can I bite you? You're bringing it upon yourself!" Xiaoer couldn't help but complain after hearing what he said.

"Okay, it's all my fault. I should have let the snake out first and then brought you in. Sure enough, a little impatience will mess up a big plan and I won't be able to kiss you for a day or two."

"Pervert!" Xiaoer couldn't help but cursed after hearing this!

After Shangguan Xuanyi made the bed, he pulled Xiaoer to sit down: "Okay, come sit with me for a while. I'll sleep here tonight. You can sleep in the space, so you don't have to worry about snakes."

In the space in Shangguan Xuanyi's space ring, once you enter, you cannot see or hear what's going on outside.

If both of them were sleeping in the space, Zhao Yong and the others would not know when they came, so Shangguan Xuanyi needed to sleep outside.

Xiaoer shook his head. We share blessings and hardships together. There is no reason for him to stay outside alone. Besides, his injury has not healed yet: "No, I'm just scared when I see it suddenly. I really have to face it. I can even kill them."

Of course Shangguan Xuanyi knew that apart from having no internal strength, this girl had very high martial arts values.

Xiaoer took out a big black cloth from the space: "Brother Shangguan, let's seal the entrance of the cave with a cloth. This way we won't be afraid of the light leaking out when we take out the night beads, and we can also block the mountain wind."

"Okay, let me do it!" Shangguan Xuanyi took the cloth from Xiaoer's hand, stood up, and walked to the entrance of the cave. He took out a hammer and wooden nails from the space, nailed the cloth to the wall of the cave, and sealed the entrance of the cave. Sealed.

He didn't seal it all tightly, leaving a small slit underneath for ventilation.

The two killers nearby have already searched and returned after being poisoned by snake venom. There should be no more killers coming for the time being. At least they are safe tonight. If he wasn't worried about killing those two people directly, more killers would come soon, and he wouldn't just release poisonous snakes.

After finishing everything, Xiaoer took out a basin of water from the space. After the two washed their hands, she took out a roast chicken and planned to share it between the two of them.

"Okay, hurry up and have a full stomach and go to bed! I'm almost starving to death!" Xiaoer broke off a chicken leg and handed it to Shangguan Xuanyi, then broke off another chicken leg and was about to eat it herself.

Shangguan Xuanyi grabbed her hand and took the roasted chicken leg from her hand: "You just woke up and your stomach hasn't eaten much for several months. If you eat such greasy food from the beginning, your stomach will not adapt."

After saying that, he took the chicken leg from Xiaoer's hand and took out a pot of steaming lean meat porridge from his space ring: "Let's eat some porridge tonight to avoid abdominal pain. I cooked this porridge myself." , put it in the space and prepare it for you to eat when you are on your way."

Shangguan Xuanyi's words made sense, so Xiaoer lowered her head and silently ate the lean meat porridge cooked by someone, without any taste in her mouth.

Shangguan Xuanyi was eating the fragrant roast chicken with relish.

Xiaoer looked at him with sad eyes from time to time.

Is that human being? He eats meat and drinks porridge by himself! Did we agree to share the blessings and hardships together?

Receiving someone's plaintive gaze, Shangguan Xuanyi said: "Hey, I've been cooking that porridge for a long time. Eat it slowly! When you're ready, I'll eat roasted chicken with you! It's been a long time since I've had such delicious roasted chicken. Chicken, is there any more?”

Shangguan Xuanyi threw away the last chicken bone and looked at Xiaoer expectantly.

After hearing this, Xiaoer became even more angry. She was well, so why did she need him to accompany her? She wouldn't eat alone!

After eating a chicken, I still want to eat it! Xiaoer wanted to pour the porridge in the bowl onto his head: "There's no more porridge. If you're still hungry, let's eat the porridge!"

"That's fine!" Shangguan Xuanyi held Xiao'er's hand and spooned it into his mouth, "It's very sweet. Could it be that I mistakenly took sugar for salt?"

"Where's the sweetness? There's no taste at all. I just wanted to ask you if you didn't add salt!" Xiaoer couldn't help complaining when she thought of the tasteless porridge.

"Really? That's probably because you fed me this porridge, so I think it's sweet. Maybe if I feed it to you, you'll also find it sweet. Come on, be good, open your mouth, and eat quickly!"

Shangguan Xuanyi took a spoonful of porridge and handed it to her mouth.

Xiaoer opened her mouth to eat, but there was still no taste at all. She couldn't help but said angrily: "Liar!"

But in the end she finished the bowl of porridge, she was really hungry.

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