After eating porridge, the two sat on the wooden bed and chatted.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Xiaoer why the soul could be seen?

Xiaoer wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide again. Why was she so honest and said that her soul had left her body? She thought for a while and said:

"That means that when you are in a coma, you can know what you are doing, and you can hear all the sounds outside. Your thoughts are trying to wake you up, but your body is not under your control. It's not like a soul has really left the body."

"That means you were conscious and knew that I was changing my clothes, but you didn't actually see me changing my clothes?" Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at the red tips of Xiaoer's ears. The girl was clearly panicking.

Xiaoer was silent. She saw it, but she would not admit it anymore: "Well, I didn't see it."

The tips of her ears turned redder.

"It's such a pity. Girl, if you feel that you are at a disadvantage, I can take it off and show it to you now." Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't help but want to tease her.

When did this person know how to tease people so well? Could it be that he is pretending to be crazy because he hasn't recovered his memory yet?

Thinking of this, she felt completely bad!

She stretched out her hand and pinched Shangguan Xuanyi's ears: "Tell me! You are so ungrateful. Are you my eldest brother Shangguan?"

Shangguan Xuanyi's ears hurt and he grinned: "Girl, it hurts, let go quickly. Do you want to murder your husband?!"

When had his girl behaved like this? This is unacceptable!

"Sure enough, he is possessed by some kind of evil spirit? I'm not married yet! Where did I find my biological husband!"

"My unmarried husband! Girl, if you don't believe it, let's verify it and prove it." Shangguan Xuanyi skillfully pulled down Xiaoer's hand and held her in his arms. He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her again. .

Xiaoer hurriedly stretched out her hand to block it and pointed at his pig intestine mouth: "No, after eating the roast chicken, your lips are bleeding again. And your lips are swollen like sausages. I really can't eat them!"

Shangguan Xuanyi glanced at her sadly, who caused this!

Xiaoer couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoer asked Shangguan Xuanyi about the love cup again, and he told the matter in detail.

"Is it possible that your love cup is different and nondescript because of the dream you had before you woke up?"

"I guess so!"

Different, neither fish nor fowl? The girl is really good at describing things.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer were talking, and sleepiness came over them.

"Girl, let's sleep, I'll hold you to sleep."

After hearing this, Xiaoer felt happy, was she finally willing to sleep?

She was starving to death if she only ate porridge! I really want to eat grilled chicken legs!

"Brother Shangguan, you should go to sleep first. I have been sleeping for several months and I am not sleepy yet."

"Okay, if you're sleepy, go sleep in the space. It's safe there." Shangguan Xuanyi didn't force her. During this period, he barely slept. He was really sleepy. Now Xiao'er woke up, and the killer suddenly He wouldn't get it back for a while, and he could finally sleep peacefully.

Xiaoer glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi who was already asleep. She originally wanted to take out a roasted chicken leg to eat. After thinking about it, she was worried that eating too greasy would cause diarrhea, so she took out a plate of fried steak from the space and ate it. stand up.

Shangguan Xuanyi raised his heavy eyelids, took a look, smiled and fell asleep again.

When I woke up, there was a little light coming in from outside the cave, but it was still a little dark inside the cave.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at the sleeping girl in his arms, her face flushed, and couldn't help but kiss her.

Originally I wanted to give it a try, but the other person was so sweet that I couldn't help it and deepened the kiss.

Xiaoer couldn't sleep the whole night last night. She went to bed just before dawn. Now she was deeply sleepy. She was stung by someone's stubble. She pushed him away and said, "Don't make trouble, I'm so sleepy. Your stubble It hurts me.”

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled and finally let her go. Alas, he couldn't let it go. His lips were bleeding again, and he could feel the smell of blood.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at someone's sweet sleeping face and smiled again. He really hoped to see her looking so sweet and cute every morning when he woke up in the future.

He reached out and touched the stubble on his chin, took out the razor, and started shaving based on the reflection in the water in the basin.

When Xiaoer woke up, it was already three in the morning. She woke up hungry.

Shangguan Xuanyi had already sent out a signal, and the two of them had eaten in the cave. It didn't take long for Yang Liu and the others to come over.

Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all of them were fine.

The others were very happy to see Xiaoer finally waking up.

Jingrui couldn't help but give Xiaoer a hug: "Xiaoer, you finally woke up."

"It makes my brother worried."

"Ahem!" Shangguan Xuanyi coughed with a dark face! What should I do if I really want to beat someone up!

Jingrui hugged Xiaoer for a while before letting go of Xiaoer, turning a blind eye to someone's dark face.

Don't think he doesn't understand what's going on with both of their red and swollen lips!

Zhao Yong saw that the atmosphere was not right and hurriedly said: "Girl, if you don't wake up, the master will not be able to live anymore. His sword was inserted into your body and died in his heart! Look, as soon as you wake up, the master He was cured without taking medicine! I asked him how could such a strong man fall ill! Sure enough, heart diseases still need heart medicine!"

Zhao Yong was still frightened when he thought of his master's slovenly and sick appearance.

His master has always been like a moving iceberg like snow in spring. After the girl fell into coma, he regretted it every day and looked miserable and miserable. He had had enough!

Several animals in the space all rolled their eyes after hearing Zhao Yong's words!

This sycophant is really enough, he will be cured without medicine! How can there be such a good thing in the world! That's because they are kind-hearted!

Xiaoer finally understood why Shangguan Xuanyi no longer spoke seriously. He probably learned it from Zhao Yong!

"Zhao Yong, if you don't mention it, I have forgotten that your master stabbed me. You said he almost killed me. How should I repay him?" Xiaoer said with annoyance on her face, She forgot one very important thing, and now she finally remembered it, that was settling accounts after the fall!

After Zhao Yong heard this, he glanced at Shangguan Xuanyi subconsciously. When he met his murderous gaze, he seemed to hear the sound of an avalanche again!

Suddenly he saw Xiaoer's slightly swollen lips and Shangguan Xuanyi's lips that were obviously bitten. He was already the father of two children. As soon as he understood what else he could do, he said in a hurry and wisely:

"Girl, you sacrifice your life to save the master and let him wake up. The kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by a spring of water. Let him pledge his life to you for this life-saving grace!"

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he felt that Zhao Yong could speak for the first time. He nodded seriously:

"Girl, then I will pledge myself to you and work as a cow and a horse for you!"

Shameless, so shameless! Someone obviously killed me, how could it turn into that I sacrificed my life to save someone?

"Zhao Yong, now I know that you are an ignorant white-eyed wolf! It's a shame that I gave you so many good things to eat! From now on, your food will be eaten back at the Sixth Prince's Mansion!"

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