"Girl, I was wrong. I once heard Butcher Zhang, who sells pork, say that whenever he does something wrong, his wife will make him kneel on the washboard. How about you, girl, make the master kneel on the washboard too! But never Cut off my food supply! The Sixth Prince's Mansion does not provide three meals a day or five bowls of white rice per meal." Zhao Yong's face was full of pain.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Liu and Jin Rui both laughed.

"Definitely!" Xiaoer ignored his wailing and walked down the mountain.

Zhao Yong found a carriage from somewhere, and Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi got on the carriage.

Yang Liu and Jingrui rode on horseback, and the group started setting off again.

Shangguan Xuanyi hugged Xiaoer and buried his head in her neck: "Girl, thank you, don't blame me."

"Wrong! I'm weird, so you have to treat me well in the future, otherwise I will definitely stab you back!" Xiaoer admitted generously.

If it wasn't weird at all, then how could it be possible? Just because of that sword, she had to give up someone who really liked her and cared for her wholeheartedly. She would not do this loss-making business.

The days to come are long, the pain is temporary, but the happiness is lifelong. She is not stupid and will not cling to this matter and make him feel guilty for the rest of his life. She will be kind to herself for the rest of her life.

Life is very long, and she doesn’t know what will happen to everyone in the future, but at this moment, she sees that he is worthy of trust, and it is enough to believe, act and cherish for the time being.

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled: "Okay."

The carriage moved forward.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked Zhao Yongyue about the situation in the canyon and the killers. He felt relieved knowing that the government had sent people to rescue overnight yesterday.

As for the killers, there should be two groups of people, one group should be dead soldiers, and they also captured two men in black who were poisoned by snake venom. After interrogation, they admitted that they were sent by Deputy Lieutenant Zhaowu to hunt them down.

The landslide was also caused by Deputy Lieutenant Zhaowu's people.

The two people had arranged for them to fake their deaths, and then Shangguan Xuanjun's people would secretly escort them to the imperial capital.

It was windy and snowy all the way south.

On the way, they met another group of killers, but they found that there were many more people protecting them secretly. After all those dead soldiers were wiped out, the rest of the journey was peaceful.

Shangguan Xuanyi's injury has long since healed after Xiaoer added a small drop of Wuyou fruit leaf juice to his diet every day.

Staying in the carriage every day is boring.

Xiaoer simply learned the internal skills and mental methods under the guidance of Shangguan Xuanyi.

After Xiaoer's modified body, it was as if he was helped by a god when he learned it.

Jingrui learned earlier than Xiaoer, but Xiaoer already surpassed him after only a few days of learning.

"Young Master, I thought your qualifications were good, but I didn't expect that the girl is a genius!"

"My sister has been faster than others in everything since she was in elementary school!" Jingrui's face was full of pride.

Zhao Yong: Young Master, is it really okay for you to look so proud? Don't you think it's beneath a man's dignity to be compared with a woman in terms of martial arts? !

"Girl, why didn't I know you were a martial arts prodigy before!" Shangguan Xuanyi sighed as he looked at Xiaoer's growing internal strength.

"I also admire myself very much. Maybe one day, Brother Shangguan, you will become my defeated enemy!" Then you stab me again and see how I stab you to death, Xiaoer thought carefully.

Zhao Yong imagined the scene of the future girl beating his master to the ground, and actually thought it was very possible. He silently lit a candle for his master in his heart.

After Shangguan Xuanyi heard this, he felt a deep sense of crisis.

My wife is so powerful, being a husband-in-law is also very stressful!

When everything is being compared, why do you need him, your husband? !

So he practiced even harder and learned all kinds of knowledge.

It was cold and the roads were icy, so the walk was slow.

Shangguan Xuanyi is not in a hurry and can just return to the imperial capital before the Chinese New Year.

Along the way, several people would stay for a few days when passing through a certain county or state to buy some property and supplies.

Today they passed through Yunshi County. Yunshi County is a famous jade county. Xiaoer's family owns a jewelry shop. She decided to stay for two days and purchase more jade.

As the county that produces the most jade in the country, Yunshi County can be said to be the richest county in the country, so it is very wealthy. The streets in the city are all paved with bluestone roads, and its width and beauty are no less than that of the Imperial City.

The shops on both sides are brand new, and most of them are two or three floors. There is not a single shop on the first floor.

There are probably many merchants coming and going, and you can see several restaurants and inns on one street.

Zhao Yong found out that the best inn in the city was called Yuyu Qionglou.

Several people walked into Yuyu Qiong Building, and there happened to be six connected Tianzi rooms and one Dijihao room, and the other rooms were all full.

"Then let's have five Tianzi rooms!" Shangguan Xuanyi said calmly.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Please pay a deposit of one hundred taels first, and any excess will be made up."

After hearing this, Zhao Yong paused while taking the money bag. He thought he heard wrongly: "Shopkeeper, how much do you think the deposit is?"

"One hundred taels. This must be your first time coming to Yunshi County. The rent for the Tianzi room in our inn is 10 taels per night. Each room requires a deposit of 20 taels. You have requested five rooms in total, so it is one hundred taels. "

Zhao Yong felt dizzy, ten taels of silver a night for a guest room! His monthly silver is only ten taels of silver a month!

Xiaoer was also surprised when she heard the price. The presidential suite in her hotel in the Imperial City only cost ten taels of silver a night!

The shopkeeper looked at the surprised expressions on the faces of several people and did not urge them. All the inns in the county were full, and he was afraid that the six Tianzi No. 1 rooms would be unoccupied.

Sure enough, before Zhao Yong could recover from the feeling of being struck by lightning, two more men and one woman came in, all three of them well-dressed.

"The shopkeeper's three spacious rooms."

The shopkeeper looked at Zhao Yong: "Sir, do you still want those five luxury rooms?"

Yangliu pulled Zhao Yong.

Zhao Yong came to his senses, nodded, and then took out a banknote from his arms: "Yes, this is a banknote of one hundred taels."

The shopkeeper took the banknote, took a look at it to confirm that it was genuine, and then said to the three people who had just come in: "For the three guest officers, there is only one Tianzhao room and one Dizhao room left."

After Zhao Yong handed over the banknote, a clever waiter immediately came forward and took them to the Tianzihao room.

Zhao Yong stayed to register, and the four of them followed the waiter.

"Wait! Shopkeeper, they have five rooms, why don't we have three?" the woman who just walked in asked.

"Miss, there are only six Tianzhao rooms left in this inn. They asked for five, so of course there are none." The shopkeeper said apologetically, and then handed Zhao Yong a notebook: "Guest, please register here. "

"Two of the five of them are servants. You ask them to give up two high-end rooms!"

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