She came to this shop to buy a few high-quality rough stones. Although it was a bit expensive, there was a reason: firstly, it was to cover up others' eyes. After all, she didn't even buy a single high-quality rough stone. What she would take out later would be high-quality stones. The rough stones are too eye-catching; secondly, it can prevent the owner of this shop from vomiting blood after knowing the truth. After all, he bought several rough stones at a high price, right?

Zhuge Meiyu watched Xiaoer spend a lot of money to buy a bunch of high-quality jade stones, but she almost jumped with laughter because she got a basket of low-quality jade stones. She couldn't help but sarcastically said: "You are just a fool who spent a lot of money to buy them." You’ll be so happy if someone else gives you a basketful of rubbish for a few pieces of rough jade!”

Shangguan Xuanyi took out the banknote and prepared to pay.

Zhuge Meiyu couldn't help but stepped forward to stop her: "Master, this girl's taste in estimating stones is really bad. She is just wasting her money. These pieces of jade look good, but they are too expensive and not worth the price. If If you want to buy good jade, I will take you to buy it and I will guarantee you a huge profit."

The shopkeeper heard someone say that the rough stones in his shop were not worth the price, and wanted to block his way of making money. He was unhappy: "Girl, our Cuiyuxuan is a century-old brand, and you definitely get what you pay for. If you are not here to buy jade, , please leave and don’t hinder our business here.”

"I just draw my sword to help when there is an injustice. I can buy a rough stone of the same quality for five hundred taels! Master, I can help you save five hundred taels!"

"Shopkeeper, please take the cashier's note and ask the waiter to carry the rough stones we bought onto the carriage." Shangguan Xuanyi ignored her.

"Okay." The shopkeeper quickly took the banknote with both hands, and the clerk immediately went to load the car smartly.

"Young master, why don't you listen to me? This is really expensive. I followed you all the way and found that this girl really doesn't understand anything. What she picked was defective! Buy this back. Who will buy the things made?" Zhuge Meiyu reached out to hold Shangguan Xuanyi's hand to stop him from paying.

This girl has a good skin, but in fact she is a loser. Beauty is a disaster!

Shangguan Xuanyi avoided it: "Girl, please respect yourself."

Zhuge Meiyu blushed: "I can really help you buy cheaper and better jade."

"No need!" No matter how good she bought it, it was still not what the girl wanted.

"You really don't understand good people's hearts!"

Seeing that Shangguan Xuanyi could not be persuaded, Zhuge Meiyu turned to Xiaoer and said, "Hey, you idiot, why don't you pretend to understand! How come you don't feel ashamed at all to waste other people's money like this!"

"Girl, you are too lenient! What I spend is his money, not yours!"

When a gentlemanly man goes shopping with his girlfriend, he will definitely be the one who takes the initiative to pay.

Of course, whether the woman accepts his payment is one thing, and whether he pays is another.

Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi both contributed to each other in this regard, but they didn't care who paid more.

She had taken many precious exotic flowers and plants from the Sixth Prince's house. If she really wanted to sell them, each pot of flowers would be worth at least a hundred taels or even more. He accepted it calmly and did not say any money.

Besides, she didn’t even ask for the whole house of gold she got in the desert, she donated it all to his family, so what’s the point of using a little of his silver now!

"It's so shameless to use other people's money so naturally. This young master, she must be coveting your money. Don't be deceived by such a snob!"

Xiao'er looked at Zhuge Meiyu's indignant look and felt that she was now Shangguan Xuanyi's real wife, here to teach her mistress a lesson!

This girl likes to show off her presence in front of Brother Shangguan so much. Could it be that she has a crush on him?

It’s all in vain if you take a fancy to it!

Shangguan Xuanyi gave her a look that said, "You are an idiot." Then he was so angry that he said, "I just like to be deceived by her."

Zhuge Meiyu: "..."

Xiaoer took Shangguan Xuanyi's hand and said, "Brother Shangguan, let's go! Let's go to the front and have a look."

If you continue to argue with people who accuse others without knowing anything, I'm afraid you will become an idiot!


"You really treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs!" Zhuge Meiyu said angrily.

"Okay, Yu'er, you are indeed nosy." Zhuge Jinquan looked at the backs of the two people and said.

Xiaoer saw a banner hanging in front of the door of a rather wide shop with the words "Gamble on Stones" written on it.

"Brother Shangguan, let's go in and take a look!"


Zhuge Meiyu was moved when she saw the two people walking into Stone Gambling Square!

She thought of a way to prove that the girl was a idiot!

She quickly ran forward and followed the two of them in.

As the name suggests, Stone Gambling Square is a place for gambling on stones.

Jade is very mysterious when it is buried in the ground. No instrument can detect it. When it comes out, it is covered with a shell of rock. No one can tell what is inside the shell, so the industry The process of judging jade is called "stone gambling".

There is a saying in the jewelry industry: Gambling on stones is like gambling on life.

If you win the bet, you may become rich overnight; if you lose the bet, you may lose everything.

The rough jade stones sold in shops outside have already had their shells peeled off, so that people can at least tell whether they are good or bad.

The stones in the stone gambling field are really all made of wool. They are unearthed directly without any treatment. Whether they are stones or jade depends on everyone's luck and vision.

After Shangguan Xuanyi and Xiaoer walked into Gambling Stone Square, someone immediately came forward to greet them.

"Excuse me, are you here to gamble on stones?"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

The boy handed the two of them a sign: "Please follow me."

The waiter led them to an extremely spacious hall. On the floor were jade stone woolen materials of different sizes, with a reserve price marked on each piece of woolen material.

Many people are studying the woolen materials on the ground.

The hall was very bright. Xiaoer looked up and glanced at the ceiling. It was actually a roof made of colored glaze. Sure enough, he was rich, but he was so rich! Who let Liulichang have her shares!

The trading method of this stone-blocking field is similar to that of the modern jade stone-blocking and wool market.

Each piece of jadeite wool is marked with a reserve price. Whoever likes this piece of wool will get it with the higher bid!

There are hundreds of pieces of jade stone wool in the hall. In front of each piece of wool, in addition to the merchants who are studying the wool, there is also a staff member.

"Brother Shangguan, does he know how to gamble on stones?" Xiaoer looked at the hundreds of stones on the field and decided to be greedy and pocket all the good ones.

"Know a little bit about it."

"Let's bet on who can identify the jade that's good?"


"What's the point of gambling between you two? Why don't you and I gamble?" Zhuge Meiyu walked up to the two of them and said.

Shangguan Xuanyi felt impatient in his heart when he saw them entangled again.

Someone was willing to come to her door and give her money. How could Xiaoer refuse? She glanced at this arrogant girl, hoping that she would continue to be arrogant for a while.

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