"Okay, how about a hundred taels of silver as a bonus?" Alas, I am a conscientious person, so I won't defraud her of too much money!

"One hundred taels is too little. How about one thousand taels? Do you dare to bet?" Zhuge Meiyu looked at Xiaoer provocatively.

"One thousand taels is a bit much. What if the girl loses and can't get rid of the money?" She is very kind and only said one hundred taels, but some people think that the money is too little. Of course she would also like to earn more, so I'm sorry. Of course she would be extremely happy with the one thousand taels!

Xiaoer lowered her head to hide her too bright smile.

"What a joke! I can't get rid of just a thousand taels? Besides, I won't lose. If I lose, I will even give you the piece of wool I bought!"

"Really? Then I'll thank you girl in advance!"

"It's me who should thank you." Zhuge Meiyu was so angry that she fell down. How could this girl have the confidence to win against her? She was really overestimating her abilities.

"Young master, you can't help!"

Shangguan Xuanyi ignored her.

"Brother Shangguan, sit over there and wait for me?"

"I will accompany you. Don't worry, girl, I have no appreciation for beautiful jade. I only know that no matter how beautiful it is, it is still just a stone." Shangguan Xuanyi said the next sentence to Zhuge Meiyu.

Because Zhuge Meiyu had the word "Meiyu" in her name, she always felt that Shangguan Xuanyi meant something. She shook her head. She must have been overthinking it. How could he possibly know her name.

Xiaoer started from the first numbered piece of wool and walked all the way over, writing down all the numbers that Tianbai reminded her were high-quality raw jade.

From beginning to end, oh, my dear, there are more than fifty pieces of beautiful jade, and more than twenty pieces of pearls covered in dust, the price is pitifully low.

Wow haha, it’s such a rhythm that keeps people awake!

"Brother Shangguan, please help me buy these numbered jade stones first..." Xiaoer reported a series of numbers, all of which were materials that not many people were interested in or materials that were of great value for money.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded and walked away.

Xiaoer walked to a piece of jade in the middle and looked at it front and back, left and right, up and down, ahem, you have to pretend, right?

"Girl, this is the one I choose!"

Zhuge Meiyu sneered when she saw Xiaoer's appearance, and she said she didn't understand jade!

I have never seen anyone identify a piece of wool casually like this!



"Okay, just don't regret it then!"

"No, I always say what I say, and it's hard to catch up."

After hearing this, Zhuge Meiyu ignored her and began to study the jade in front of her seriously.

The staff member standing next to the piece of jade she selected was holding a thick stack of labels. On each label was written the number representing each person and the price he paid.

Obviously many people are interested in this piece of wool, and the price must be high.

The jade was indeed good jade, and it was really great that she didn’t have to buy it herself. Otherwise, with so many people competing, she, who was born in a poor peasant family, really couldn’t compare with those rich people!

The piece of jade that Xiaoer chose was the best in the whole show. Unfortunately, the pearl was covered in dust and weathered so badly that many people couldn't see it.

She successfully bought it for one hundred taels. She believed that by using this piece of jade to carve out several sets of exquisite heads and faces, she would definitely earn more than ten thousand taels of silver.

If you put it into the space for purification, tsk tsk... I can't even sleep just thinking about it.

Her Baoli jewelry is going to be blatantly popular again.

Shangguan Xuanyi also successfully bought the woolen materials Xiaoer mentioned, and then returned to Xiaoer.

"Bought them all."

"How much silver was used?"

"More than eight thousand taels."

"So many? Brother Shangguan, aren't you worried that what I picked is defective?"

"do not worry."


"As long as you are happy, we have money and can do whatever we want!"

Xiaoer: "..." This is a rich man again!

However, is it really a good idea to indulge yourself in squandering like this?

"Don't worry, you will make it back." Xiaoer comforted.

"I feel relieved and not worried at all."

Xiaoer really wants to hit someone, can we continue the conversation! He said that what you buy is naturally the best, and there is no excitement and fun in gambling on stones!

"My purchasing power is very strong. I may even use up all the money you need to marry your future wife."

"Girl, your future husband-in-law still has this little money, so you can continue to buy."

The two of them sat aside and chatted without answering.

Xiaoer came out today carrying a crossbody bag. She took out a pack of cranberry cookies from the bag, wrapped her fingers with a clean handkerchief, and fed Shangguan Xuanyi a cookie.

Shangguan Xuanyi lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth and ate the whole biscuit. He didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and lightly bit Xiaoer's finger.

Xiaoer glared at him, then ate by herself and stopped feeding him.

Shangguan Xuanyi smiled.

Zhuge Jinquan and Gong Qinghua also sat aside, watching the two people chatting happily.

"That girl must be too generous. She just picked a piece of wool and sat there eating it happily."

"Maybe he really has some ability." Gong Qinghua said thoughtfully.

"Brother Qinghua, are you kidding me?" He had grown up touching jade, and he really couldn't see that she was capable! If picking out defective products can be considered a skill, then she is really capable.

Gong Qinghua said nothing, lowered his head and drank tea, but his eyes couldn't help but catch someone.

Zhuge Meiyu finally made her choice, and with a wave of her hand, she bought the piece of wool at a high price of three thousand and five hundred taels.

Xiaoer felt heartbroken for her after hearing this, and at the same time she was happy for herself.

She was reluctant to part with 3,500 taels of real money to buy it!

This is definitely a woman who is even more prodigal than herself.

"Miss Zhuge picked a good piece of material."

"Of course!" Zhuge Meiyu raised her chin slightly and said arrogantly.

"But it's not as good as mine."

puff! Zhuge Meiyu wanted to vomit blood, how could this person have any confidence? It sure stinks and is shameless!

"It's a mule or a horse. You'll know if you take it out for a run!"

Xiaoer smiled and quite agreed with this.

The wool you buy can be cut on the spot, or you can take it home and process it yourself.

If it is cut and polished on the spot, the staff will take out the tools and process it. Of course, this will also require a processing fee of one or two silver.

And this cutting and polishing only refers to the first step of peeling, and the remaining processing steps are taken home for processing.

Since it was a bet, of course it was cut on the spot.

Many people came over to watch.

"Girl, are you ready with the banknote? I don't accept credit." Zhuge Meiyu said with the voucher in hand.

"This is what I want to say. After all, we are not familiar with each other. If you leave here on credit, who will I ask for money from?" Xiaoer retorted.

"You're a duck with a tough mouth. You'll know later what it means to slap yourself in the mouth! Which jadeite cut from these two pieces of wool do you think is better?" Zhuge Meiyu decided to let everyone undermine her self-confidence.

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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