"Needless to say, of course it's this piece! This is the most expensive piece of wool in the whole place. I've long been optimistic about it, but it's a pity that I don't have so much cash!"

"Why do I think this piece looks like a stone? This piece of wool has been there for several years and no one cares about it. One person may have misjudged it. There are hundreds of thousands of people coming and going to this gambling stone shop every year. So many people have missed it. , I really don’t believe it.”

"I guess this is mostly a piece of stone. After cutting it, there is probably nothing inside!"

"I also believe so."

"Stop talking nonsense and let's take a look first!"

A craftsman, holding a file, carefully cleaned and skinned Zhuge Meiyu's stone.

In this dynasty, the tools were not as advanced as modern ones, so the process was long.

With the first cut, Zhuge Meiyu's piece of beautiful jade turned green!

"You can tell the jade is good just by looking at the green color, right?"

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen such beautiful green in a long time!"

"This is definitely a good jade! It can't run away!"

"This piece of jade is definitely the best piece of jade that came out of this stone betting shop this year!"

"Girl, congratulations, you definitely won't lose the more than three thousand taels! If I had known, I would have been so cruel to buy it!"

One knife after another, and the people praised him one after another without stopping.

Zhuge Meiyu looked at Xiaoer proudly.

Xiaoer still had a smile on her face, without any trace of panic.

After all the epidermis peeled off, there were screams of surprise!

"Girl, you've made a lot of money this time! With my many years of experience, this jade, its quality, and its water quality, there must be no flaws in it!"


"What a jade!"

"Perfect, so perfect!"

Hearing these compliments, Xiaoer smiled even brighter. Like it! Like it! It would be best if everyone could praise this jade to the sky! This way she can sell it at a higher price in the future!

Seeing Xiaoer smiling so happily, Zhuge Meiyu thought she was just faking it, and snorted coldly in her heart, "Just wait and see, we'll see how you continue to laugh later!"

The jade craftsman picked up Xiaoer's piece of wool and began to polish it.

The first time I cut it, there was no green.

"Haha, what I said is right! This is a stone!"

"Maybe the skin is a little thicker and can't be cut with a knife."

"Look at it, it's definitely a stone!"

When the second knife went down, traces of miscellaneous rocks appeared.

"I said this is a stone!"

The others shook their heads and glanced at Xiaoer with some sympathy.

Xiaoer still had a smile on her face and watched calmly.

This made everyone take a new look at her calmness and calmness.

"Girl, you are calm at such a young age! Not bad!"

Hearing someone praising Xiaoer, Zhuge Meiyu pursed her lips and said, "She is the only one who knows how to pretend."

The jade craftsman was not affected by everyone's words. He still carefully polished it with a file.

Green appears!

"Huh? Is there really an emerald?"

"It looks pretty good."

"It won't be as good as the previous one."

Some people nodded after hearing this, but some people stopped talking.

To find out what is hidden inside the stone, you have to peel off all the skin.

The craftsman paused when he saw this small touch of green, and then his next movements became more cautious.

The stone has a thick skin, so the craftsman cuts even more slowly.

But no one present lost their patience. On the contrary, the further they got to the back, the more they looked forward to it.

As a small piece of skin peeled off, everyone had a vague guess, but they were not sure.

At this time, everyone's heart was raised!

Every time the jade craftsman cuts, their hearts will beat.

Some even clenched their fists.

Seeing that Shangguan Xuanyi couldn't handle the stone for a while, he lowered his head and asked Xiaoer: "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat first?"

"Okay." Xiaoer nodded, she was indeed a little hungry.

After hearing this, everyone present looked at the two people with angry eyes. They were still eating at such a tense moment!

How broad-minded are these two people?

Didn't you see that they were all clenching their fists with excitement and their hearts were lifted? !

Xiao'er looked at everyone's murderous eyes and silently changed her mind: "Well, let's wait until the cutting is done before eating! I'm not very hungry."

This is right! How else to witness this historic moment!

Everyone's eyes returned to the stone in the hand of the jade craftsman.

Xiaoer was speechless.

Looking at the growing green patch above, many people are silently reciting a name.

Time passed quietly. On this cold day, there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on the jade craftsman's forehead, but he didn't bother to wipe it away.

Except for the sound of the file rubbing against the jade, no other sound could be heard in the audience.

Xiao'er's stomach was silently singing about the empty city strategy, but luckily the sound was muffled in her stomach.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she took out another pack of biscuits from her bag and ate them silently.

The smell of biscuits brought everyone back to their senses and looked at Xiaoer.

Which alley did this girl come from? You can still think about eating at this time! Reincarnated as a hungry ghost? It’s so infuriating!

This is because the Yellow Emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is anxious!

wrong! Bah, bah, bah... I am not a eunuch!

No one is allowed to eat the biscuits either? Let no one live anymore! Seeing everyone's angry looks, Xiaoer silently wrapped the biscuits and put them back in her bag!

She glanced impatiently at the piece of jade that was about to be cut: For you, I have made a huge sacrifice! I was almost beaten by a group of people!

"Come out! Come out!"

"Oh my god! This is imperial green!"

"Emperor green without a single flaw!"

"Ah! I'm not dazzled, did you hear me right? Is it really imperial green?!"

"Oh my god! It turns out that the original imperial green stone looks like this. I really learned a lot today!"

Everyone looked at Xiaoer differently!

Imperial green jadeite is world-famous for its inner dignity, and its value is priceless!

Such a big piece! This is the rhythm of getting rich overnight!

How much money did this girl buy for this wool at that time?

One hundred taels!

Those present felt that their hearts were bleeding!

This stone is so cheap at a hundred taels, why don't they buy it and try it!

One hundred taels! You may earn tens of thousands of taels if you turn around!

Everyone feels extremely regretful and heartbroken! Some people even slapped themselves twice! There is no other reason. At that time, an old man persuaded him to buy it and spend a hundred taels to turn the thatched house into a city!

It's a pity that he just didn't believe it and missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

This is so heartbreaking that I can’t eat or sleep!

The piece of jade polished by Zhuge Meiyu was also very good, but because it had the imperial green color and was bought at a high price, everyone felt it was not worth it.

"How is that possible!" She looked at the piece of imperial green that she thought was a stone with disbelief on her face.

After hearing this, everyone present looked at her with sympathy.

Gambling on stones is such an exciting thing. Someone may spend a huge sum of three thousand taels to buy goods of poor quality, but in the end no one wants the thirty taels.

Some people may spend thirty taels to buy gems worth thirty thousand taels.

In short: anything is possible!

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