Xiaoer extended her jade hand to Zhuge Meiyu: "Girl, thank you for the thousand taels of silver."

"You must be a blind cat and a dead mouse! Let's play again!" Zhuge Meiyu has amazing talent in jade wool, and she never believed that she would lose.

"I'm willing to admit defeat! You haven't paid the money for this one, why should I bet with you for the next one!" No matter what, you have to take what you win first. People's hearts are sinister, and who knows whether they will be able to make a bamboo basket. All in vain!

After hearing this, Zhuge Meiyu took out two thousand taels from his arms and handed it to her, then picked up the cut piece of jade and handed it to her: "Here is three thousand taels! Let's play again! The prize is two thousand taels. The rough stone bought by the other party!"

Xiaoer handed the two pieces of jade to the boy on the side to pack.

The boy had already taken out two boxes and was waiting nearby.

Shangguan Xuanyi said to Xiaoer: "It's past dinner time, let's go eat first."

Xiaoer was also very hungry, but it was not her character to make money without making money: "Wait a minute, I'll buy a stone first, soon."

Two thousand taels is her supermarket's profit for a year!

Xiaoer walked to another piece of raw stone material: "I will choose this one."

The staff next to me asked if anyone had increased the price.

Because Xiaoer just randomly picked out a piece of imperial green, and this time she randomly picked it again, everyone couldn't help but guess whether it was imperial green again, but with this thought, they all shook their heads and denied it!

Imperial Jade Green is not just cabbage in the market, it can be seen everywhere.

Imperial green is very rare. How can there be so many imperial greens?

Although they didn't think it would be imperial green, Xiaoer's luck just now was so good that several people came to compete for this stone.

This resulted in Xiaoer finally buying the stone with a reserve price of 300 taels for 850 taels. This price made Xiaoer's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and stomach hurt all over again!

This time, no one came to compete with her for the woolen material Zhuge Meiyu picked out. In the end, she bought a piece of woolen material with a base price of 400 taels for 500 taels.

But she couldn't be happy!

Seeing that the stone picked out by Xiaoer is sought after by so many people, this proves that everyone thinks that the prodigal girl has more discernment than herself! Thinking of this, she was so angry that not only her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and stomach hurt, she felt like every cell in her body was about to explode with anger!

"You deal with me casually again! It's so abominable!" Zhuge Meiyu was extremely angry when she remembered that Xiaoer pointed to a stone very perfunctorily and several people fought for it, so she couldn't help but get angry at her.

"So what? I can beat you even if I choose!"

"You..." A simple statement without any shame!

Xiaoer interrupted her, thinking that what she said would not be a good thing: "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat first, and I'd better cut your piece of wool first! Excuse me!"

After Xiaoer finished speaking, she pulled Shangguan Xuanyi out. She was too lazy to argue with She Jingbing, she was about to faint from hunger.

"Brother Shangguan, let's go and come back after eating."

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi mentioned the two pieces of jade that had been packed, and the two of them walked out in front of everyone's disbelief.

This girl really left behind hundreds of taels of wool she bought and went out to look for food. People really don’t know what to say about her!

The most exciting time for betting on stones is when the wool is peeled off! Isn’t such an exciting and exciting scene more important than eating?

Seeing a piece of beautiful jade about to appear, I can feel full without eating! Why do you feel hungry?

I really don’t understand what young people think today!

The people present sighed and urged the craftsman to polish it quickly, as if the two pieces of stone wool were theirs!

They all forgot that they were here to gamble on stones and not to watch the fun!

Xiaoer's meal was a bit long, and when he came back from the meal, Zhuge Meiyu's piece of wool had just been peeled off.

It is also a piece of high-quality jadeite. Although it is not as good as the first piece, it is not bad. After all, that piece is favored by many people. It is recognized as good and the price has been raised to several thousand taels.

The most important thing was that the materials were cheap and good. Xiaoer had already asked Shangguan Xuanyi to strike first.

Everyone is praising Zhuge Meiyu for having such profound jade knowledge at such a young age. He is simply a master of stone gambling.

Zhuge Meiyu was so praised that she smiled all over her face. Her ability to identify jade has always been unrivaled among her peers, even better than many masters.

Seeing Xiaoer come back, everyone urged the craftsman to polish Xiaoer's piece of wool.

Everyone held their breath and looked forward to it.

When Xiaoer felt that the flowers had withered, she finally finished peeling them.

Sure enough...it lived up to expectations!

An old man couldn't help but pick it up and look through it carefully.

"What a jade! What a jade! Girl, you made a lot of money today!"

Xiao'er just smiled after hearing this, her expression didn't change much, she felt a little unfazed, as if everything was expected, quite like a master.

It turned out to be a piece of top-quality jadeite with the same quality as the wool Zhuge Meiyu bought for more than three thousand taels!

The best jadeite of the same quality, one bought it for more than 800 taels, and the other bought it for more than 3,000 taels. Who wins and who loses?

No comparison, no harm! This face really slapped!

It can be said to be an accident!

Two times is definitely a testimony of strength.

Many people regretted not buying it at a higher price just now.

"This girl looks like she just got hairpins! How did she develop such a sharp eye! It's so irritating that people are so different from each other!"

"This girl can pick out the best jade in the room at just one glance. It makes me feel ashamed. I've been looking here for a long time and I still can't see which one is the best."

"This girl is simply a master of stone gambling."

"That's right, Grandmaster Stone Gambling!"

"Today is really an eye-opener! Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead!"

Just now, these people said that they were stone gambling masters, and now they say that this witch is a stone gambling master!

Zhuge Meiyu's face turned red. She had never been so embarrassed or compared to someone before.

"How is it possible that you can tell the quality of the jade inside just by looking at it! Tell me, what kind of magic method did you use?" Zhuge Meiyu was so angry that he couldn't help but speak.

Xiao'er rolled her eyes at her, and this man's snake spirit broke out again: "If I had magic, I would turn your choice into stone. Wouldn't it be more glorious if I win?! Don't bet if you can't afford to lose!"

"No one can afford to lose!"

"Then why did you say those words to try to push me? Isn't it because you don't admit defeat and can't afford to lose?"

After hearing this, Zhuge Meiyu couldn't find the words to refute, and her eyes were red with anger.

"Girl, I would like to ask you how you can tell the quality of jade inside wool at a glance." Zhuge Jinquan came to Xiao'er and Shangguan Xuanyi and bowed his hands.

"Because I have a good character." This man's attitude was quite humble.

"What does this have to do with good character?" Zhuge Jinquan didn't expect her to say this.

"Good character means good luck! Doesn't this gambling rely on luck?"

This sounds like nonsense, but there is nothing to refute.

Gambling on stones does require luck.

Thank you Lantianbaiyun for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted~――

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