Zhuge Meiyu became even more angry after hearing Xiaoer's words: "Are you saying that I have a bad character?"

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself." It turns out that this woman is not without merit, at least she has some self-awareness, Xiaoer thought to herself.

At this time, the staff put the two pieces of jade in two boxes and packed them with cloth. Shangguan Xuanyi took the bundles.

Seeing this, Xiaoer said: "Brother Shangguan, let's go! I'm tired after being out all day."

"Okay." Shangguan Xuanyi twisted the bundle with one hand, held Xiaoer with the other, and walked out.


"What? Do you still want to continue betting with me? I don't mind winning a little more money. How about betting three thousand taels this time?" Xiaoer turned around and looked at her provocatively.

"Just three thousand..." Zhuge Aiyu really wanted to bet again. Zhuge Jinquan grabbed her and covered her mouth. If they continued to bet, they would have no money to go home.

"Nothing, we just want to say goodbye." Zhuge Jinquan smiled at Xiaoer.

Xiaoer glanced at Zhuge Aiyu, who had a calm expression on his face, and nodded: "That's such a pity. If you still want to gamble next time, remember to come to me and say goodbye!"

After the two of them walked a short distance away, Xiaoer said to Shangguan Xuanyi: "It's been a long time since I met such a stupid person. It's like a prodigal!"

Zhuge Aiyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Not long ago, I felt that she was a prodigal, but I didn't expect that she would be ridiculed so quickly.

The news that Xiaoer spent one hundred taels on a piece of priceless imperial green soon spread in Yunshi County.

At night, the sound of two gongs was accompanied by the watchman's voice: "At the second watch of Haishi, close the doors and windows to prevent theft."

Xiaoer was sleeping in a daze. She glanced at the closed window, turned around, and fell asleep again.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of the gong and the watchman’s voice sounded again: “It’s three o’clock at midnight, all is well.”

At this time, many people had entered the deepest state of sleep and could no longer hear the sound of the clock.

Xiaoer turned around and covered her whole head with the quilt, blocking out the sounds from the outside world, and continued to sleep.

The worst part about staying in an inn is that because the house is right on the roadside, the sound of the night watch is particularly obvious, which is quite uncomfortable for a light sleeper like her.

I don't know how much time passed, but when Xiaoer was about to fall asleep again, a strange fragrance drifted in, and after a while there was a slight noise from the window.

Xiaoer's body stiffened instinctively when she smelled the fragrance. She quickly took an antidote pill, put on her coat, then quietly took out the whip and dagger from the space and released the golden python.

"Xiao Huang, if I can't handle it, you take action again. Just in time, I need to accumulate some practical experience."

The sleepy golden python nodded in Xiaoer's bed.

Two men in black jumped in and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets looking for things. Their movements were very light and they made only a little sound.

How not? During the day, I clearly saw them bringing things into this room.

Xiao'er looked at the two bold thieves, looking for things as if no one else was watching, and couldn't help teasing them: "What are you looking for? Do you need help?"

"We are looking for the imperial green. Do you know where to put it?" A thief heard this and replied subconsciously.

The thief next to him couldn't help but slap him on the back of the head: "Idiot! You've been discovered! Let's go!"

After saying that, she pulled him and ran to the window.

Xiaoer stood up: "The imperial green is in my hand! Don't you want it?"

After hearing this, the two turned around and saw a piece of jade in her hand.

Both men's eyes flashed with greed.

"Kill!" The two men looked at each other and said in unison.

Then he stabbed Xiaoer with his sword.

Xiaoer put the jade stone back on the bed, swung the whip, and was held by one of them.

She took advantage of the situation and mobilized her inner strength, and with a powerful wave, she prepared to imitate Shangguan Xuanyi and fly the person away.

It's a pity that his skills are still weak, and the man is not a vegetarian. He pulled Xiaoer over with a strong pull. If she hadn't grasped the window frame with her quick hands, she would have fallen out of the window.

Alas, I am overestimating my abilities, Xiaoer thought gloomily.

The other man in black threw himself on the bed.

After Xiaoer stabilized her body, two darts flew out at the same time, hitting the two of them respectively.

But another man used a knife to miss the flying knife.

Shangguan Xuanyi kicked open the door and appeared at the door.

The oncoming dart was about to sink into his eyebrows.

"Brother Shangguan, be careful!" Xiaoer exclaimed when she saw this.

Shangguan Xuanyi stretched out two fingers, caught the dart that had arrived in front of him, and then threw it towards one of them.

When the man saw Shangguan Xuanyi appear, he immediately said to the man beside the bed: "Get out!"

Then he raised his knife and struck at Xiaoer, who was still by the window.

Xiaoer dodged and left the window. Shangguan Xuanyi dodged over as fast as lightning and got entangled with him.

The other man took this opportunity to hug the stone on the bed and ran outside. Xiaoer swung the whip and hit his arm. He let go as soon as he felt the pain, and the stone fell down and hit his feet. The pain made him hug his feet and croak.

Zhao Yong, Yang Liu, and Jingrui also rushed over at this time.

Zhao Yong stepped forward and knocked him out with a palm.

Shangguan Xuanyi also caught another man in black at this time.

At this time, there were many people outside the door, and the shopkeeper also appeared. Shangguan Xuanyi asked the shopkeeper to find ropes and tie them up.

Immediately afterwards, the official officer also appeared, and one of the onlookers discovered that these two people were the criminal thieves who had been rewarded by the government for two years.

Anyone who catches these thieves will be rewarded one hundred taels of silver!

The guests at the inn also saw the notice on the bulletin board and knew about it. They all said that Xiaoer and the others were lucky.

Not counting the priceless jade he bought for a hundred taels, he was able to escape even thieves who came to steal things, and even captured people and received a reward of one hundred taels of silver.

"Brothers, come to the Yamen tomorrow to find me. I will take you to find the master to collect the reward." The head catcher said.

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

After the officials and the crowd dispersed, Jingrui immediately pulled Xiaoer forward and looked back and forth: "Are you injured?"

Xiaoer shook her head: "No, as soon as the fight started, Brother Shangguan came over. Well, the thief has been caught. There is still an hour before dawn. You all go back to sleep."

"The news that you got a piece of imperial green jade today has spread to everyone in the city. Money and silk are so touching. Who knows if there are still thieves who are concerned about it. Big brother is here to accompany you."

Xiao'er shook her head: "It's almost dawn, which thief would be so stupid to choose this time to commit a crime! Go back to your room and sleep."

"If you're not afraid of 10,000, you're most afraid of the worst." Jingrui was still worried.

"I'll stay here to accompany the girl." At this time, Yang Liu said.

"No, let's all go! If we don't leave, it will be dawn and we won't let anyone sleep anymore!" Xiaoer pretended to be impatient.

"Yangliu stays, let's all go back." Shangguan Xuanyi walked out first.

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