It's another sunny morning.

Xiaoer, Jingrui and Shangguan Xuanyi came to the auction house.

In fact, this auction house was established not long ago. It was inspired by the jewelry auction of Xiaoer's family.

This is the second year since its establishment, and it has already been known by many peers.

Many people who have high-quality jade on hand bring their jade to the auction, hoping to sell it at a high price.

The jade sold in the auction house is all jade that has been peeled off and has undergone preliminary processing.

At least everyone can see it.

As soon as the three people entered the room, a staff member came up to ask.

If you participate in the auction as an ordinary merchant, your position will be relatively low.

Xiaoer came to participate in the auction as the representative of her own jewelry store, Baoli Jewelry.

There are not many Baoli Jewelry stores across the country, only five in total. People in some state capitals and small counties have never heard of it.

But people in the industry know this name very well.

Because of Baoli Jewelry, new products every season have become imitations and learning objects for major jewelry stores.

Not to mention the quality of various gemstones, they all doubted where the owner of Baoli Jewelry found so many such incredible gems.

That is, the styles are updated every quarter, making many upper-class ladies rush for them.

The staff saw Xiaoer take out the official seal and stamp it on the registration form. The unique and unforgettable design logo appeared on the paper. Isn't this a sudden rise in the past two years? It suddenly surpassed many jewelry brands and took the lead. The logo of coquettish Polaroid jewelry?

Baoli Jewelry also came to participate in the auction?

This is definitely the biggest stunt at this year’s auction!

The staff was somewhat excited and gave the three of them a few number plates that had been specially left to prevent the presence of distinguished guests.

For convenience of arrangement. The number plate is also the seat number.

In addition to the VIP seats in the front rows, which have special arrangements, the seats in the back are issued number plates on a first-come, first-served basis. This arrangement is also more popular.

It is also because of this arrangement that many people arrived early.

The auction house was buzzing with people.

There was still an hour before the official auction. In a wide lobby, there were more than a dozen glass kitchen cabinets displaying the gems that would be auctioned today.

There are highly skilled guards standing in every corner of the entire lobby, and the outside of the auction house is also full of thugs. It can be said that a dragnet has been set, and anyone who is not afraid of death will come to snatch it!

Many people are taking this time to look at the items that are about to be auctioned.

Xiao'er and the other three walked around and looked at all the jade stones that were going to be auctioned.

The jade is a good jade, and the stone is a good stone, but Xiaoer is a little uninterested. The base price is not low, and with the bidding, it will become a high price.

She still felt that gambling on stones was more suitable for people with golden fingers like her.

The auction finally started.

Everyone is in the jade and other jewelry business, and the people in the VIP seats all know each other.

They had never met the three Xiaoer people before, but they sat in front of them, causing everyone to speculate on their identities.

In the face of everyone's eyes and whispers, the expressions of the three of them were calm and calm, as if they were used to being the center of attention.

It is this calmness that makes him even more mysterious. Everyone became even more curious, but unfortunately they didn’t know each other, so it would be too rude to come forward and disturb him.

Zhuge Meiyu saw Xiaoer and the others sitting so far forward, and couldn't help but ask Zhuge Jinquan: "Brother, what are the identities of those three people? Why are they located so far forward?"

"I don't know, maybe he is a young master or a young lady from a jewelry family." He was not from Min Zeguo, and he had never seen these people among the jewelers he usually dealt with, so he didn't know.

Someone nearby heard the conversation between the two. He happened to come in behind Xiaoer and the others and said, "It seems to be someone from Baoli Jewelry."

"Baoli jewelry?" Zhuge Meiyu thought of a set of jewelry she got for her birthday not long ago. It was exquisite in craftsmanship, dazzling and exquisite, and it was hard to put it down! And its box has the Baoli Jewelry logo on it.

"No wonder!" Gong Qinghua said, looking at the woman in front of him whose back was so beautiful that people could only imagine her appearance.

"No wonder?" Zhuge Meiyu felt extremely dissatisfied as she watched Gong Qingnian staring at the people in front of her.

"That girl has such eyesight at such a young age, and the owner of Baoli Jewelry has even more extraordinary eyesight. No wonder Baoli Jewelry has become a dazzling star right from the beginning. Major jewelry stores are rushing to imitate." Gong Qinghua believes that Xiaoer She is the future successor of Poly Jewelry. I don’t know that she is the real helmsman.

"With such a young and talented master of stone gambling, Baoli Jewelry may be able to survive for decades. The future dominance in the jewelry industry may be Baoli Jewelry." Zhuge Jinquan said objectively.

It is not difficult to make a set of exquisitely crafted jewelry, as long as you find a good master.

To make a set of jewelry with good gem quality and exquisite craftsmanship, you need a skilled craftsman and a stone gambler.

In addition to the above two, making one set after another of jewelry that makes the world flock to it and have peers imitate it requires a talent with a keen sense of trends, a unique vision, quick thinking and a proficient grasp of color matching. Simple It just requires a genius in jewelry!

People with such extraordinary talents are the hardest to find.

Zhuge Meiyu pursed her lips after hearing this. She always felt that the witch was too powerful to win!

Later she would like to see what she wanted to photograph, and she would have to raise the price! Let her bleed a little more

Xiaoer has been sitting there, watching everyone bid fiercely, without raising a card once.

The later the auction goes, the more valuable the items are.

Zhuge Meiyu was not surprised why Xiaoer didn't hold up a sign in front of her.

The final product is a piece of Tianhuang!

Tianhuang is known as the emperor's stone. Gold is easy to get, but Tianhuang is hard to find!

An inch of field yellow, an inch of gold!

Tianhuang has been favored by literati for hundreds of years, not only because Tianhuang itself contains cultural connotations such as elegance and taste, but also because of the scarcity of Tianhuang stone.

The people sitting in front all straightened their waists, clenched the number plates in their hands, and secretly geared up.

Tian Huang's auction base price is three thousand taels, with each increase of one hundred taels.

Xiaoer was most interested in this piece of Tianhuang, so when the price of Tianhuang reached 4,500 taels and no one raised the price, she raised the sign for the first time: "Four,600 taels."

A crisp and melodious voice rang out in the venue, making people startled and looked towards the source of the voice.

Many people recognized Xiaoer.

Isn't this girl the same girl who bought the priceless imperial green for one hundred taels in the stone gambling den yesterday?

Does she want to take a picture of this Tian Huang?

Could it be that Tian Huang is more valuable than he predicted?

Since ancient times, it has been said that Tianhuang stone is more difficult to solve than the blue sky. This is because it is difficult to tell whether the color of Tianhuang stone is consistent from the outside to the outside. When sawed, the value may increase several times, or the price may drop drastically.

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