Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 46 Encountering difficulties when returning home

Shen Chengyao returned to the street and found that the original location had been replaced by an old man selling puppies. Mr. Liu and his children didn't know where they had gone, so he decided to go to Tongde Tang to sell the herbs first, and then go to Tongde Hall to sell the herbs. Come back to them.

This time there were not as many herbs as last time, but because they had been dried and cured, they sold for 1,116 cash. He used to work outside as a part-time worker during the slack season, and was almost exhausted. He only earned 1,116 yuan a month. Three hundred to five hundred liters. Sure enough, knowledge is wealth. The more you know, the easier it is to make money. Labor is the least valuable.

Shen Chengyao thought in his heart, and he was determined to let his children study and be literate no matter what. He felt that he now understood why his father was so insistent on providing a scholar.

Jingrui saw Shen Chengyao driving a bullock cart from a distance, waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Dad!"

Shen Chengyao drove the ox cart to Jin Rui, "Where are your mother and the others?"

"Mom and the others are in the restaurant. Dad, let's go in first and talk." Jingrui pointed at the largest restaurant in the town, Shang Xianxuan.

Shen Chengyao drove the bullock cart to the entrance of the restaurant. The waiter inside stepped forward to take the bullock cart and took it to the backyard for safekeeping.

"Xiaoer is talking with the two young masters we met last time on the mountain about opening a toy shop together. My mother and brother are both upstairs." Jingrui explained briefly and led Shen Chengyao into the restaurant. In the private room on the second floor, there was a gentle knock on the door. Xiao Fuzi opened the door and let the two of them walk in.

When Xiaoer saw her father coming in, she quickly stood up and got out of the way.

Shen Chengyao cupped his fists and saluted the two of them, and Shangguan Xuanyi nodded slightly. In fact, what they didn't know was that it was very honorable for Shangguan Xuanyi to nod in response to his salute. There were many people in the world who could salute him, but There were only a few who could get him to nod in response.

Even so, no one thought Shen Chengyao was rude. He was so noble that it made people feel that it was appropriate for him not to respond. This was probably the superiority engraved in his bones.

Xiao Fuzi was very puzzled by his master's courtesy to this family.

"Senior, you are well." Di Zhaowei became more down-to-earth and greeted Shen Chengyao with a smile.

"You should not be called a senior by a young man." Shen Chengyao felt uncomfortable being called a senior by a young man from a wealthy family. This was probably due to the deep-rooted feudal thinking in ancient times.

"You shouldn't call me senior anymore. Now that we have a cooperative relationship, I'll just call you Uncle Shen. Don't call me son-in-law, just call me Zhaowei."

Shangguan Xuanyi wanted to have a good relationship with Xiaoer, so he nodded: "My name is Shangguan Xuanyi."

Although they said so, how dare they actually call them by their names.

The matter of the shop has been settled, and Shen Chengyao is back. Xiaoer is happy and ready to leave: "You two gentlemen, I will send over the first batch of toy design drawings and the shop's plan the day after tomorrow. Let's take our leave now. ”

"Brother Xuanyi."

Xiaoer: "What?"

"Call me Brother Xuanyi."

Dizzy, Xiaoer felt that she couldn't scream, so after thinking about it, she called out, "Brother Shangguan."

Shangguan Xuanyi frowned, but didn't say anything else.

After calling him once, he became more fluent the second time, "Brother Shangguan, Brother Di, let's take our leave now."

"Leave after dinner, Xiao Fuzi."

"Invite you here, a table of food has been prepared in another private room." Xiao Fuzi opened the door of the private room and made an invitation gesture.

Xiaoer: ...This man is too domineering. He is used to giving orders, but he is not his servant or subordinate, so why should he listen to him? However, Xiaoer does not dare to say it out loud. Dog bully, but I happen to be hungry, so if I don’t eat, I’ll get nothing.

Several people came to another private room. This private room was not as finely decorated as the one just now. The decoration in the private room just now was all made of huanghuali. It was decorated so that it could be used for entertaining guests and During the meal, a imperial concubine table was placed for resting. A desk and bookshelf were also placed, as well as pens, ink, paper and inkstones. Everything was prepared and could be used as a temporary office. And now this room is only for dining, and the table is indeed filled with steaming meals. Seeing a table full of hot meals and hot dishes, everyone feels hungry.

Xiao Fuzi brought the people over and said goodbye: "Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, the two young masters and young ladies, please use your time. If you need anything, you can ring the bell and ask someone to arrange it. I will take my leave now."

"Thank you." Shen Chengyao replied.

Their family didn't have the habit of not talking during meals and sleeping, so while eating, Shen Chengyao asked what happened, and Jing Hao told the story vividly. After hearing this, Shen Chengyao felt that such a big pie fell from the sky and hit him. His head was dizzy. Recently, his family has been doing a lot of good things. Then he remembered what Mr. Liu said to him about Master Yunfa. Is it true that he enjoys the blessing of children? It made him happy and worried.

"Dad, have you found the contractor?" Xiaoer asked, remembering what Shen Chengyao had done before.

"I found it. It just so happens that the job he is doing will be completed in two days. He will be able to arrive the day after tomorrow to help us build a house. We will try to finish it before the end of the year so that we can move into a new home for the New Year."

"Then there will be a lot of things to do next. Tomorrow, dad will have to hire someone to clear out the wasteland where the house will be built. He will also have to sell bricks and tiles, beams, and order furniture..." Xiaoer said the same thing.

"We haven't told our parents about buying land and building a house yet." Mrs. Liu suddenly remembered and said it.

The family was silent, and then hurriedly speeded up their meal. They had to rush home to do some work.

After dinner, Mrs. Liu also fed her little sister, and the family left the restaurant to go to the cloth shop. They had to buy some cloth and rags to make dolls. After hearing this, Ms. Liu said: "There are four cloth shops in the city. How about we collect all the rags from several cloth shops." This morning she saw that silk flowers and dolls made of rags are very profitable. , and it’s not tiring to do some needlework. Now that Xiaoer has signed a contract with someone, she needs more rags to make samples.

After hearing this, Xiaoer said: "Then my father and mother will drive an ox cart to a cloth store far away to collect rags. My brother and I will go to the cloth store last time to buy some cloth. You will pick it up there after you collect it." Are we okay?"

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao agreed and took Xiaoer's three brothers and sisters to the largest cloth shop in the county. Then he and Liu drove an ox cart to the other three cloth shops.

The three brothers and sisters entered the Jixiang Cloth Shop. Xiaoer looked at the cloth here carefully and picked a piece of thicker cotton to make a down liner. Then they made two medium-priced satin shirts for each of them. Xiaoer herself They chose rose red and lavender, purple red and autumn fragrance for Mr. Liu, navy blue and plain blue for Shen Chengyao, and silver gray and lake blue for the two brothers. Then they compared the colors of Mr. Shen and Mr. Shen Zhuang. The figure bought a set of ready-made clothes for each of them.

When the shopkeeper saw how much Xiaoer had bought, he smiled so much that his eyes narrowed. Business has been very good recently. As the New Year is approaching, many people come to buy cloth to make clothes. They have sold a lot of their own ready-made clothes, and there are more rags than usual. I knew a lot. When I heard that Xiaoer asked for rags, he only received 20 coins for five bags of rags. Xiaoer bought a total of 22,336 coins. When the shopkeeper saw that Xiaoer was happy, he also accepted less. Six articles.

After buying the cloth, after waiting for a while, Shen Chengyao drove over in an ox cart. There were ten bags of rags in the cart. Xiaoer thought that she still had five bags here, and couldn't help but think that this was too much, right? Forget it, it’s always useful! But it seems that they have to get a bullock cart to go home, and there is no place to sit.

The clerk at the cloth shop helped carry the things Xiaoer bought onto the ox cart. Shen Chengyao tied them up with hemp rope and asked Mrs. Liu to take the child to the city gate to take the ox cart home, and then left first.

There are usually some farmers with ox carts at the gate of the city, who come out to pick up customers on market days. Generally, it carries people back and forth between the town and the county seat. Each bullock cart can seat ten people, and each person costs 5 cents. That way, you can earn 50 cents.

When Xiaoer and his party arrived at the gate of the city, there was an ox cart waiting, but eight people were already sitting in the cart. There were four of them in total. Ms. Liu thought that three of them were children, so she wanted to ask if they could You can squeeze in a bit, and there happened to be two people on the oxcart who were from the same village, so I thought it would be okay. Who knew that no one else on the oxcart had any objections, including the young woman in the village who had a wealthy wife, but Aunt Wang from the same village disagreed.

"No, coachman, there are already eight people sitting here. You insist on squeezing in twelve. Do you want to squeeze me in? There are four of you in total, plus the ones on the back, but five people can fit in half a car. It's a bullock cart, won't you wait for the next one? What do you want to do if you insist on squeezing into this car? Are you responsible if there is a problem when I squeeze out?" Aunt Wang put her hands on her back and looked like a shrew.

Everyone looked at the city gate. At this time, the people going to the market had almost finished leaving. Where would there be another bullock cart?

"Aunt Wang, isn't it because this is the last bullock cart that I want to squeeze in?"

"If you don't have an ox cart, then just walk. Who told you that there are so many people!" Aunt Wang just saw Shen Chengyao driving by in an ox cart. He bought a lot of things on the ox cart. Although she didn't know what they were, she also saw She got the fabric, but she was extremely jealous, so now she deliberately made things difficult for Mrs. Liu and the others.

The coachman was also an honest man. Although he wanted to make more money, after all, it was Aunt Wang who got into the car first, and it was difficult to drive her out of the car, so he kept silent.

Seeing Aunt Wang's unwillingness to give in, Ms. Liu was about to tell Jing Rui that she would let Xiaoer and Jing Hao go home in a bullock cart while she walked back with him.

At this time, a carriage pulled over and was driven by Di Zhaowei's boy. Xiao Fuzi jumped out of the carriage and walked over. He saluted the Liu family and said, "Mrs. Shen, two young masters, Miss Xiaoer, my family Young Master, please ask some of you to get in the car and give you a ride."

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