Allure of a Country Maiden

Chapter 47 Liuli Essential Technique

Mrs. Liu wanted to refuse, but Xiao Fuzi seemed to have guessed that she would refuse and said, "Madam, my master said there are some things in the shop that he doesn't understand. He needs to discuss it with Miss Xiaoer again. Madam, please get in the car."

At this time, the curtains of the carriage were also opened, revealing Di Zhaowei's sunny and handsome face. He didn't even look at the people on the ox cart, and only said to Xiaoer, "Girl, get in the car quickly."

Di Zhaowei said this without being polite at all, as if Xiaoer was like his sister. In fact, he also liked this girl very much. Well, it would not be bad to treat her as a sister. That girl knew too much, so she considered her a sister. I also took advantage of myself.

Xiao'er was not a shy person, so she didn't refuse, "Mom, let's get in the car. If we don't go home, my little sister will be hungry again."

After a few people got on the carriage, the carriage drove away, leaving behind an ox-cart of people who were stunned.

Aunt Wang came back to her senses and sighed, gritting her teeth with jealousy. Mrs. Liu actually knew such a wealthy man. When she thought of that carriage, it was even more luxurious than the one she had seen from the magistrate's house before, and she felt sad in her heart. As if she had eaten a fly, she felt jealous when she thought of the young and handsome man talking to the smelly girl as if she knew him well. Then she thought of something else and sneered in her heart.

On the other side of the story, Xiaoer's family got on the carriage and found that the carriage was very spacious. Even with four more of them, it didn't feel crowded, but just right. There is a desk on the carriage, with a jade pot, two cups and a few books on it. Shangguan Xuanyi is holding a travel journal in his hand, indicating that he was reading a book before.

"Huh?" Xiaoer was surprised when she saw a copy of "Liu Li Yashu" on the table.

Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei looked surprised when they saw her staring at the "Liu Li Yao Shu". They were even more surprised and said in unison: "You know "Liu Li Yao Shu"?

Seeing their excited expressions, Xiaoer felt funny in her heart. Of course she knew it. It seemed like she had to start making up stories again. Well, she felt that in order to cover up, she came through time. Now she could tell lies almost casually, even if she thought about it. Don’t think, “I know, I heard my master mention it.”

"What did your master say?" Di Zhaowei straightened his back and prepared to listen.

"He said that he had been to a country overseas and had seen some people with blond hair and blue eyes. He had seen them making colored glaze, and he also said how beautiful the colored glaze was and how crystal clear it was."

That's right, he bought his book "The Art of Glazed Glass" with the yellow-haired, blue-eyed weirdo.

"Then has your master ever told you how colored glaze is made?" Shangguan Xuanyi and Di Zhaowei looked at Xiaoer with eager eyes, as if she was an oasis in the desert.

Under such eyes, Xiaoer was calm and calm. In her previous life in the shopping mall, she had experienced so many people and things. Being calm and calm had almost become instinct. She tilted her head deliberately and thought for a moment, "I have said , but I haven’t seen the master do it, so I don’t know if what he said is right. Do you want to make colored glaze? Have you made it yet?”

Di Zhaowei looked at the "Liu Li Yao Shu" and gritted his teeth and said, "No!"

He bought this book from a foreigner at a high price, but the translation was not complete, and many details were missing. They tried for two months but failed to finish it. They spent a lot of money to buy a piece of trash. Just think about it. Annoying.

"Girl, can you do it?"

"I haven't tried it yet, but I can definitely do it." Xiaoer raised her head slightly, her eyes full of sincere confidence.

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but shouted in a low voice after hearing this: "Xiao'er, please be careful when speaking. How can you say that you can definitely do it if you haven't done it before?"

Shangguan Xuanyi saw Xiaoer's arrogant look and couldn't help but tap her head with a paper fan, "You're such a loud girl! We need to discuss the matter."

Xiaoer raised her hand and stroked the area where it had been knocked, and pouted slightly. Her little daughter's posture was revealed naturally, and she didn't even notice it, "You will know when I make it."

Seeing her like this, Shangguan Xuanye didn't notice that his heart softened a lot.

"Okay, if you can make it, it can be considered as a technical investment. How about we share the profit just like a toy store?"

"It's a deal." With another way to make money, Xiaoer smiled with crooked eyebrows, and the brilliance of her eyes spread, spreading happiness to the people around her.

"When will Xiaoer girl be free to try making colored glaze?" Shangguan Xuanye looked at Xiaoer's charming smile and his mood improved.

"Girl, are you free tomorrow?" Di Zhaowei was driven crazy by the glass. He wanted to make it quickly. The most important thing was that he made a bet with someone. He once boasted that Haikou would be able to make it in three months. Now It's been two months. It's a small thing if I can't do it, but it's a big thing if I lose my face.

Xiaoer thought for a while and nodded, "No problem."

"Then I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow." Di Zhaowei felt that he was in a wonderful mood, and his intuition told him that Xiaoer would definitely be able to do it, and he would definitely win. He didn't know where he got his confidence from.

While the few people were talking, time passed unknowingly. The carriage had already passed Shen Chengyao's ox cart and sped away. Because the things on the ox cart were piled too high, the two drivers did not know that the ox cart belonged to Shen Chengyao.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, the four of them got out of the car, while the carriage continued to Dr. Luo's house.

As soon as they got home, they heard a burst of cursing coming from the upper room, and Xiaoer felt a little bored. These people lived too leisurely, and something happened every once in a while, which made people uneasy.

Mrs. Liu was a little worried: "What happened again?"

Jing Rui seemed to hear Jing Jie's cry, "It's grandma scolding Jie'er."

"Let's go and have a look too." The fourth brother's family helped him a lot, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to their affairs. Mrs. Liu was just about to go to the upper room when her younger sister was woken up by the noise and started crying.

"Mom, please go back to breastfeed first, and let's go take a look." Xiao'er felt that her little sister might be hungry after being down all afternoon, and she might not be able to go to bed that quickly.

Mrs. Liu nodded, but Mrs. Shen Zhuang heard her little sister's cry and shouted loudly: "The third family is back? Come to the upper room!"

Xiaoer and Jingrui looked at each other: What does it have to do with their family? What do you call them for?

Several people entered the upper room together, and Mrs. Liu said softly: "Father, mother, we are back."

Mr. Shen nodded, "Where is the third child?"

The little sister was crying in Mrs. Liu's arms, and Mrs. Liu coaxed her softly.

"My dad is still on the way, he will be here soon." Xiaoer replied when she saw her little sister crying non-stop.

"Let me ask you from the third family, did you give the puppet in Jie'er's hand to him?" Shen Zhuang said with a look on his face as if he was asking for guilt.

Mrs. Liu glanced at Mrs. Lu and Jie'er. She didn't understand what was wrong with giving a rag doll to her nephew. Mrs. Lu cast an apologetic look at Mrs. Liu.

Xiao'er felt angry when she saw the two elders completely ignoring her little sister's crying and still planning to make a fuss over the little puppet: "Nai, that's the puppet I made. Jie'er liked it very much when she saw it." , I gave it to him, my sister loves her brother, is there anything wrong with that?"

"You lose money, you have no right to speak here, go away!" After saying that, he scolded Mrs. Liu, "Look at the good daughter you taught. When adults talk, children will not interrupt. If this spreads out, it will not be punished. People say that our family is uneducated, and the old Shen family has been completely disgraced by you. There are no big or small families, no rules, and no rules. It has affected the reputation of other girls in our family. Can you afford it?"

This is too strong a statement.

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