Jingrui was not a stupid person. What the two of them said was different from usual. He guessed that Shangguan Xuanyi suddenly asked to go shopping because he had something to do. He stood up and said, "There was a thief last night, which made me feel uncomfortable later." I don’t dare to sleep, so I’ll go back to my room and catch up on some sleep.”

"Yang Liu, you stay in the room and guard the jade stones, don't let anyone steal them!" Xiaoer said to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu nodded.

So several people went back to their rooms.

After Xiao'er changed her clothes, Shangguan Xuanyi also changed into a silver-grey robe and waited outside Xiao'er's room.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer and walked on the street. There were many stalls on the street, and a kebab stall was full of people. Xiaoer also lined up to buy two kebabs.

"This mutton kebab smells really good. It should taste good. Brother Shangguan, you should try it too!" Xiaoer handed the mutton kebab to him.

This was Shangguan Xuanyi's first time eating on the street. He hesitated for a moment before taking it and eating.

Not tasty at all! Compared with what the girl baked, it's so different! The smell was so strong that he wanted to vomit!

In fact, Xiaoer had never tried eating on the street in her previous life, but in her new life, she saw that she should live a more leisurely life! She is a teenage girl now, which is the time when she should be free and unrestrained.

Isn’t there a saying that says, when you are still young, you should do more crazy things, so that you don’t live up to the word “young and frivolous”!

Besides, it’s just eating on the street, so it’s not crazy! It’s just a little random!

Xiaoer specially chooses stalls with lots of people to buy food. Because there are many merchants coming and going in Yunshi County, there are people selling food from the north and south.

After eating all this time, Xiaoer felt that her belly was about to burst.

Xiaoer was full, and Shangguan Xuanyi was no exception. He felt that the junk food in his stomach had accumulated in his throat.

Xiaoer compensated for the bad food and gave it to him on the pretext of not wasting food. He regretted it. Why did he find an excuse to eat snacks when there were so many excuses?

The food at these stalls is not necessarily very delicious, it can only be said to be barely edible. He doesn't understand why so many girls of Yatou's age buy it to eat.

"Brother Shangguan, I'm very full and can't eat any more." Xiaoer held a bunch of half-eaten grilled bait pieces in her hand and looked at Shangguan Xuanyi pitifully.

Shangguan Xuanyi's mouth twitched, but he still took the roasted bait piece in her hand and took a bite. In fact, he really wanted to say: Girl, Shangguan brother is so full that he wants to vomit when he sees the food.

He bit the bullet, lowered his head and took a bite, then saw a yellow stray dog ​​in front of him, looking for food while walking towards them.

Shangguan Xuanyi's eyes lit up, he knelt down and handed the bait in his hand to the stray dog ​​that was walking towards them.

The stray dog ​​was probably very hungry. It waggled its tail fiercely as it ran over, then opened its mouth and bit the whole piece of roasted bait.

Shangguan Xuanyi looked at it with emotion: Why didn't you show up earlier to save my stomach!

Seeing Shangguan Xuanyi like this, Xiaoer felt a little embarrassed: "Brother Shangguan, are you too full?"

She almost vomited after eating so many stalls, why hasn't he handed over the news yet?

"Yes." Shangguan Xuanyi nodded.

He looked around the street and saw a man selling candied haws on a stick not far away, so he said, "Hawthorn helps with digestion. Let's buy a bunch of candied haws on a stick and eat it."

Xiaoer nodded after hearing this, even though she didn't like eating.

Shangguan Xuanyi asked for two bunches of hawthorn, and when he gave the money, a small note also fell into the other party's hand.

At this point, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The girl almost ate everything in the audience. Why didn't she eat the candied haws? !

Xiaoer: Why did Brother Shangguan’s people choose to sell her most hated candied haws!

After Shangguan Xuanyi returned to the inn, he immediately suffered from vomiting and diarrhea.

A person who suffers from diarrhea until her legs are weak decides not to take her to eat snacks in the next life. Those things are definitely not hygienic.

Xiaoer handed him a glass of space water: "Brother Shangguan, drink a glass of water first."

Shangguan Xuanyi felt much better after drinking water.

Mainly because I pooped out and vomited everything I ate.

In the evening, those who had been watching them all day returned to resume their duties.

"You said there was nothing unusual about them, they were trying all kinds of snacks along the way? Then when they came into contact with those snacks, were they more special to anyone?"

"No." The man thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Okay, I understand, step back."

In the middle of the night, a homing pigeon landed on the window sill of Shangguan Xuanyi's room.

He took out the letter paper from the bamboo tube, took a look at it, then clenched the letter paper tightly, and when he unclenched his fist, the paper ball in his hand turned into a pile of confetti.

The north wind howled by, picking up the confetti in his hands and flying all over the sky, as if it was snowing lightly.

This night passed peacefully.

The next day, Yang Liu went directly to the Yamen Prison to visit the prisoner.

"Brother Chai, I want to come and visit the person who was imprisoned yesterday."

The officer guarding the gate looked at her from head to toe without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yang Liu quickly took out two taels of silver and handed it to him: "Brother, it's freezing cold. I'll give you some wine to warm up with this silver."

The leading officer took it and squeezed it before saying impatiently: "Who do you want to see? Several people were imprisoned yesterday!"

"My eldest brother Zhao Yong."

The faces of the four gatekeepers changed after hearing the name, and they quickly waved her away: "Zhao Yong is so bold that he even dares to molest the county magistrate's concubine. Your Excellency is so angry that we don't dare to open the door and let you in. "

Yang Liu took out another ten taels of silver and handed it to him. He raised the food basket in his hand and said, "Brother Cha, just do it. I'll go in and give him some food. I'll be out soon."

Ten taels of silver, that’s a lot! Several people looked at each other, and then the leading official nodded: "It's time for a cup of tea."

An official opened the door, took Yang Liu to the cell where Zhao Yong was held, and left.

Zhao Yong saw Yang Liu coming with a food basket, quickly grabbed the food basket from her hand, opened it and started eating like crazy.

After being hungry all day and night, he couldn't care about anything anymore.

"Is there no food in this prison?"

"That rice was sour. I smelled it and couldn't eat it anymore!" Zhao Yong muttered vaguely while eating.

"Eat slowly and talk while eating. How could you be imprisoned? I only have time for a cup of tea."

Zhao Yong became furious when he mentioned this matter. He swallowed the food in his mouth and told the whole story without caring about his hunger.

The time for a cup of tea soon came, and an official came to urge Yang Liu.

"It's time, let's go!"

"Yang Liu, hurry up and redeem me. This ghost place is not for humans!" Zhao Yong looked at Yang Liu with reluctance.

Yang Liu put away the dishes and chopsticks: "Who made you so stupid and cowardly? Stay well and learn a lesson!"

Zhao Yong is about to cry but has no tears. Hasn't he suffered enough?

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