After Yang Liu returned, he told Zhao Yong's original words.

It turned out that Zhao Yong did not eat the food of the county magistrate at all, nor drank a drop of his wine. The county magistrate summoned him and asked him about the imperial green. He said that his term of office was up next year and he was about to take up a position in the capital. He was worried about this. I didn’t know what gift to give to Shangguan, so I asked Zhao You to give him an idea.

This is a subtle way to ask Zhao Yong for the imperial green!

Zhao Yong pretended not to understand what he meant and dealt with it casually.

Xu Zhongtian said that he knew that he had recently bought a shop, land and house in Yunshi County. The public security in Yunshi County was relatively poor. Many thieves, bullies and the like would be very troublesome without the care of the government. .

This is a naked threat!

Zhao Yong said that he was just a servant and could not make the decision and could not give you any advice. Then he took a hundred taels of silver notes and said goodbye and left.

The magistrate's house is behind the yamen. As soon as Zhao Yong walked out of the yamen, the magistrate's concubine came over. When the two passed by, she sprained her foot. Zhao Yong reached out to help her, and then The concubine tore off her clothes and shouted indecency, and Zhao Yong was caught by the officials.

This is really a typical fairy dance!

"It's really for the imperial green." It's not unreasonable to say that the money is not revealed, Xiaoer sighed in her heart, and at the same time she regretted that she was too high-profile that day and caused all these troubles inexplicably.

She should have kept a low profile that day, as this stone caused two troubles in just two days.

"Does the county magistrate still lack a piece of imperial green after so many years in Yunshi County?" Jingrui was confused. Although imperial green is rare, it is not impossible.

"Emperor green is relatively rare, and the one as big as the one we got is even rarer. With such a large piece of imperial green, if you find a good master and think about it carefully, you might be able to carve a treasure that will be handed down from generation to generation. Who don't you think? Rare." The county magistrate wanted to move up. Seeing such a suitable jade appear, how could he not seize the opportunity? Many things are rare.

Generally speaking, the people do not fight with the officials. If the county magistrate has extended such an olive branch, many businessmen will accept it directly.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yong is not an ordinary businessman. The backers behind him are big enough to offend everyone in the world, so the county magistrate has hit the wall this time.

"Yunshi County is a prosperous county, and the taxes paid every year are among the best among many states and counties. I think some people are confused by such a wealthy nest." Shangguan Xuanyi said lightly as his thoughts drifted into the distance. .

Even the person who once determined to be a good official and benefit the people at the Qionglin Banquet has also changed in this big dye vat.

Xiaoer nodded. In a world filled with materialistic desires, aren't people the easiest to lose their way and forget their original intentions?

The next day, Xiaoer and Shangguan Xuanyi came directly to the Yamen and said to the official: "We are here to redeem Zhao Yong from prison."

In this dynasty, as long as they were not major criminals, prisoners who could be released after being locked up for a few days could usually come to the Yamen with a ransom, but it was a bit expensive, and the ransoms were different in different places, so any department related to the word "punishment" , are all a lucrative opportunity.

The officer glanced at a few people before saying: "Wait a minute, he is teasing the county magistrate's concubine. We have to ask the county magistrate whether Zhao Yong can redeem her."

"Okay." Xiaoer smiled and nodded.

The officer signaled to a person next to him, and then the person left.

Soon he ran back: "Your Majesty, please come in and talk."

The two of them walked in.

Xu Zhongtian was sitting at the main seat drinking tea when he heard someone walking in without even raising his head.

Guan Xuanyi and Xiaoer stood there quietly, looking at Xu Zhongtian who was just putting on airs and not even looking at them. Xiaoer was looking forward to what he would do when he discovered Shangguan Xuanyi's identity.

Shangguan Xuanyi took Xiaoer and sat down directly on the chair beside him.

Xu Zhongtian, who was drinking tea, was very dissatisfied when he saw that the two people dared to sit down without saluting him!

He slowly put down the tea bowl, raised his head, and said in a calm and authoritative voice: "How dare you not kneel down when you see me!"

"Master Xu has such great official power!" Shangguan Xuanyi looked at him coldly, with no unnecessary expression on his face. He said these words in a calm tone, but it made people feel unwarranted pressure and chill from deep in their hearts.

Only then did Xu Zhongtian look at Shangguan Xuanyi, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help but rub his eyes with his hands.

He can’t be wrong! Six, why did the sixth prince appear here! !

Xu Zhongtian had met Shangguan Xuanyi at the Qionglin Banquet. In addition to the young seventh prince, he had the honor to meet all the older princes of the emperor. At that time, he also sighed: "Dragon sons and phoenix grandsons, every one of them is indeed talented, and they are worthy of it." Be a dragon and a phoenix among men!

Although now Shangguan Xuanyi has lost the childishness of the past, and his aura is stronger.

But those eyebrows are unmistakable!

Xu Zhongtian almost knelt down in front of the two of them, his hands and feet couldn't help but tremble: "I'm here to see the Sixth Prince, the Sixth Prince is lucky."

Shangguan Xuanyi said nonchalantly: "Get up!"

Xu Zhongtian stood up anxiously: "I am guilty. I didn't know that the Sixth Prince was coming. I missed the opportunity to welcome you from afar. I hope that the Sixth Prince will forgive me."

Shangguan Xuanyi gave him a meaningful look: "Mr. Xu, you are exaggerating. You imprisoned my people under pretexts and sent people to follow me. Don't you know that I am coming?"

After hearing this, Xu Zhongtian knelt down again, "Sixth Prince, please forgive me. I deserve to die. I really don't know that he is the Sixth Prince's person. It's all a misunderstanding! Otherwise, even if you give me ten courages, I will I don’t dare to do this! As for following the Sixth Prince, that is absolutely none of Xianguan’s business. Please keep an eye on it! Xianguan will send someone to release the Sixth Prince’s people immediately.”

He thought that a new merchant had arrived, and he was worried that he would secretly transport the imperial green away, so he was followed. If he had known that it was the Sixth Prince who was coming, he would not have dared to do this even if he had to give him a hundred courages! Xu Zhongtian greeted all eighteen generations of Wu Bufan's ancestors! It was because he told himself that two dandies with no roots got a piece of imperial green and bought houses, shops and land in the city, that he thought they wanted to settle in Yunshi County, so he became so greedy!

"Master Xu, please get up and speak! It is a state law. Since my subordinate has done something wrong, he must be punished according to the law. How can he be released at will just because he is my subordinate, Master Xu said?" Shangguan Xuanyi said this. It was so light, but it made Magistrate Xu break into a cold sweat.

Did the Sixth Prince mean anything? Is he implying that he also needs to be punished according to law?

Thank you to the book friends who voted~~

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