Only then did Shen Chengyao react. He took back his hand with a silly smile and hurriedly chased the brothers and sisters away: "Go, go, go! Go back to your own room, why are you staying here?"

Xiaoer and the others went back to their own yards in a wise manner.

Dr. Luo came here on time for lunch, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Di Shaowei.

Ming Jingya fainted a while ago and was diagnosed to be pregnant. She is now almost two months old and has severe morning sickness. She vomits whatever she eats and has lost a lot of weight.

Ming Jingya couldn't eat, felt hungry, and couldn't sleep well at night. Ever since he found out that she was pregnant, Di Shaowei felt happy and worried. He was so worried that he couldn't eat well or sleep well, and he felt a little depressed. .

So when Di Shaowei knew Xiaoer was back, he came directly.

Originally, their family was in the midst of a storm during this period, and many people stayed away from them, not daring to have too much contact with them. He also knew that he should avoid suspicion at this time, but Ming Jingya's situation was really bad! Xiaoer's food was always delicious, so he could only come here with a shy face.

Xiaoer was shocked when she saw Ming Jingya. She glared at Di Shaowei fiercely, then took Ming Jingya's hand and asked: "Sister Ming, why are you so thin? Is it because Brother Di is bullying you?" , I have made you feel wronged, tell me if you have any grievances, and I will teach him a lesson and beat him to pieces! Now I am also a person with martial arts skills!"

After saying that, Xiaoer even clenched her fist on purpose, her bones rattling, full of threats!

Ming Jingya quickly shook her head after hearing this: "It's none of his business! It's just that I can't eat."

"Girl, am I such a person?" Di Shaowei looked at Xiao'er dissatisfied. When did he become a person who would make his daughter-in-law feel wronged in her mind?

"Then why can't Sister Ming eat?" Could it be that Di Shaowei created a concubine or something like that, which made Ming Jingya so sick that she couldn't eat.

"That's because she has it, and she will vomit whatever she eats!" Di Shaowei was very depressed when he mentioned this matter. When the brat or girl inside came out, he would have to spank him (her) hard!

"Yes? So soon?" It must have only been about two months since they got married!

"The imperial doctor said that she is almost two months pregnant." Ming Jingya blushed and nodded.

That’s right after getting married! This is too fast!

"Brother Di, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You are indeed a man among men." Xiaoer gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Of course!" Dishaowei said proudly.

Ming Jingya's face turned redder!

Looking at the entire imperial capital, there are not many people who let their wives become pregnant as soon as they get married.

In this dynasty, there were also particularities in choosing the day to get married: first, you must avoid the girl's young days. Second, try to choose the days when women are most fertile.

Under such conditions, it is still rare for newlyweds to get pregnant in the first month of marriage, so Di Shaowei also feels that he is very powerful.

Ming Jingya reached out and pinched Di Shaowei's arm quietly. This man was so shameless!

"Madam, be gentle, be gentle, it hurts!" Di Shaowei grinned.

Ming Jingya's face turned redder, and she decided not to care about him and walked straight to the backyard.

Xiaoer smiled when she saw this. It seemed that the relationship between the two of them was very good, so that was good.

She wants the good people around her to be happy.

"My mother is also pregnant. I am preparing to prepare some nutritious and healthy food for her every day to ensure that the baby will be smart and white after birth. If Brother Di is at ease, let Sister Ming stay in our house and I will take care of her. Bar!"

What's there to worry about? It's just what you want!

"If you don't tell me, I am planning to do this. You and Xuan Yi come back together. You must also know about my family's affairs. Our family is now in a troubled period. Before things come to the surface, the hard days are not over. I'm worried that Jingya will hear What kind of bad news would be harmful to the fetus, that’s why I came to you with a shameful face, otherwise I wouldn’t have come to you at this time, so as not to cause trouble to you. Your family has become prosperous so fast, which makes it easier for people to be suspicious. You have a lot of business dealings with me, so be careful of villains framing her." Di Shaowei looked at his wife in front of him and said this in a voice that only two people could hear.

Xiaoer nodded: "Don't worry! If you are upright, you won't be afraid of slanting shadows. Soon the rain will pass and the sky will clear up."

"I know, I've never been worried! I'm just worried about Jingya! I should be busy these days, but Jingya happens to be pregnant, and she can't eat or sleep well. I'm worried that she knows this. I will be more worried about things, so I worship you!"

"Okay, don't worry, it's just morning sickness. It can be easily solved. In a month, I guarantee you will see a fair and plump woman!" Xiaoer promised, patting her chest.

"Good girl! Then I'm going to help your sister-in-law. She is heavy and has difficulty moving!" After saying that, Di Shaowei left Xiao'er and caught up with Ming Jingya in a few steps, carefully supporting her forward.

You haven’t even shown your pregnancy yet! Xiaoer looked at Ming Jingya, who was so thin that she almost fell over, and then looked at herself, who was plump and plump, and wondered who was "heavier"!

This guy who values ​​sex over friends, abandons himself after using him, he is indeed opposite-sex and inhumane.

You need to take folic acid in early pregnancy to prevent congenital malformations such as neural tube defects.

Vegetables such as leeks, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and greens all contain high amounts of folic acid. Xiaoer cooks them in different ways every day for her two expectant mothers.

I wonder if morning sickness is contagious. Liu and his siblings had never had morning sickness after giving birth to Xiaoer. Ever since they saw Ming Jingya vomiting once, they would vomit whenever they smelled something special.

She couldn't help but joke to herself: "My life has been good, and my body has become delicate."

After hearing this, Shen Chengyao giggled and said, "It's good to be coquettish, it's good to be coquettish!"

This made Mr. Liu roll his eyes!

Xiaoer serves them every day for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and midnight snacks.

In addition to these five unbeatable meals, Xiaoer also prepared a lot of snacks, such as various nuts and educational foods, and baked some soda crackers and various cookies and pastries from the space kitchen to relieve morning sickness, so that they can eat them anytime and anywhere to avoid morning sickness. When the reaction is severe, the best thing to do is to eat smaller meals more often!

Now the daily work of these two pregnant women is to do nothing but eat!

The food in the space is full of spiritual energy. Coupled with Xiaoer's skillful hands, the food tastes very good. After a few days of eating, the symptoms of morning sickness for the two of them disappeared completely before they were three months old, and then they started to eat. Overeating.

This day, Di Shaowei came over to see Ming Jingya again. Ming Jingya was taking a nap, and he didn't wake her up. Seeing Ming Jingya who had gained some weight in less than ten days, he finally felt relieved.

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