"Girl, you still have a way with food. Even the chief steward of the royal kitchen in the palace is not as good as you!" Di Shaowei walked out of the room to find Xiao'er and sighed.

"Of course! By the way, how is the case going?" The news outside was kept from the two pregnant women at home. They happened to be less than three months old, their fetuses were not stable, and they did not go out for a walk, so what happened outside The two pregnant women didn't know what was going on.

"Come on, those officials are like mad dogs now, biting everyone they see. The real ghosts are watching the joke, and they don't know!" Di Shaowei sneered.

The Zhongyong Hou Mansion was not corrupt and perverted the law. They had no evidence, so they could only bite Di Zhiyuan and say that he relied on the power of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion and the Queen to be corrupt, pervert the law and act recklessly.

Di Zhiyuan is Di Shaowei's second uncle and the empress's biological second uncle. It is not wrong to say that he relies on his power. After all, whoever goes out will not give him a face because of this relationship.

"I heard that my father was also assassinated? Are you saying that our family's high-quality food is deceiving the world and making huge profits?"

"Don't worry about this. The high-quality food in your shop is all clearly priced. This is Jiang Taigong's fishing, and those who are willing to take the bait will take the bait! No matter where the quality is, it's expensive enough that people rush to buy it! Those people are just jealous because they have pink eye!”

Di Shaowei thought of the crowds of customers coming to Xiaoer's shop every day, and added: "But your shop is too ostentatious, including a jewelry shop, a clothing shop, a restaurant, an inn, a blacksmith shop, furniture, and a beauty salon! As soon as all the shops opened, they were so crowded that my colleagues had no place to stay! Even I would be jealous! I can’t teach you a lesson, but I can just use some words to bully you and make you feel aggrieved!”

This person must also be here to make himself unhappy! Is it their fault that the shop is doing well?

Xiaoer stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction of the door:

"Where is the door? Get out of here and don't get pink eye here."

How can that be done? He still has to stay and have dinner with his wife: "Girl, isn't it okay that I was wrong? Those people dare to make you feel uncomfortable. I will be the first to make them feel uncomfortable thousands of times!"

Xiaoer rolled her eyes at him: "Is the Queen okay?"

She also heard that hundreds of officials jointly wanted to depose the queen, and the memorials for the deposed queen were piled all over the table: some said that the emperor doted on the queen alone, which caused the queen's relatives to dominate, deceived the superiors and concealed the inferiors, and was corrupt and perverted the law. Robbery the women of the people and do all kinds of bad things! Anyway, I can’t wait to slap them with any crime!

It is also said that the Queen is the mother of the country and is not favored by the Holy Spirit. There are no concubines in the palace to compete with the Queen. This has caused the Di family to be unscrupulous and domineering! If this continues, the country will be unstable! Even if the emperor does not abolish the queen, he can no longer favor the queen alone. He should resume the draft and hire some concubines to serve the emperor every year and spread the branches and leaves of the royal family!

Some people say that the queen is too strong and does not have the mind to honor the world as a mother! She is also jealous, even though she is not convenient to serve the emperor during pregnancy, and she does not know how to draft for the emperor! The emperor was too fond of one and ignored the prince who was a concubine.

In short, the words in those memorials have the same meaning. The emperor can no longer favor the queen alone. He should accept all his concubines to prevent the queen's relatives from being dominant and arrogant due to their favor.

One memorial after another made the emperor so angry!

Over the years, the queen has doted on the harem. In addition to the late Yang Guifei, there is also Chang Guiren in the palace. Chang Guiren was born as a palace maid, and the emperor's first wife before he got married. Because of the third prince, he was named a nobleman. Although he is a nobleman, But he is not favored! The two mothers and children in front of each other always give people the feeling of being a human being with their tail between their legs.

The emperor's harem is more peaceful than his own backyard. With so many vacancies, how many people want to take this opportunity to fill them in.

A concubine can bring a lot of benefits to a family, just look at Prince Zhongyong and you will know it! ,

"It's okay. The real purpose of those people is just to take this opportunity to let the emperor have more concubines, preferably girls from other families! I heard that doting on concubines and destroying wives is the root cause of harm to the family. I haven't heard that there is something wrong with doting on wives. . Besides, it’s the emperor’s backyard. The emperor can pamper whoever he likes. It’s none of their business! It’s too lenient! How many ministers have a lot of dirty things in their own backyards, but the emperor doesn’t care about them!” Di Shaowei! He got angry when he mentioned this and snorted coldly.

"The emperor is in his prime. Who wouldn't want to send a girl to the palace? Maybe one year there will be a grandson who will become a great treasure! Then he will skyrocket to ninety thousand miles away, right?"

The current emperor is only in his early forties, and the average life expectancy of people in this dynasty is more than fifty years. When the emperor ascends to heaven in more than ten years, there will be an adult prince in his teens to compete for the world!

"Thinking about it is a waste of time! The Zhongyong Hou Mansion has behaved properly and stood upright. My family has guarded the Minze Dynasty for generations and shed blood! As long as we don't fall, we will be the Queen's strongest backing!" Di Shaowei said in a strong tone. !

In this world, their ancestors still had a share in defeating them!

"Is your second uncle okay?" Xiaoer remembered what Xu Zhongtian said. This incident was also caused by Xu Zhongtian.

Di Zhiyuan is Di Shaowei's biological second uncle. He is the most serious embezzler this time. The evidence is conclusive.

"It's okay, there is an inside story about this matter. Xuan Yi is already planning, and he will be able to counterattack soon." Di Shaowei shook his head, just bearing the humiliation for a moment, and the truth will be revealed soon.

"No wonder I haven't seen him for so many days."

After hearing this, Di Shaowei looked at her with a half-smile: "Girl misses him, don't worry! When he comes back, I will tell him how you miss him and let him come to you as soon as possible!"

Xiaoer responded to Di Shaowei's joke: "You don't need to tell me, he will come to me immediately!"

At this time, Ming Jingya woke up from her nap and came over. Xiaoer stood up when she saw this: "Brother Di, look at Sister Ming. She knew you were coming and rushed over as soon as she woke up. Usually she would eat something first when she wakes up. Things come out again! On the days when she doesn’t see you, she eats three times a day on time, always worrying about whether you didn’t eat on time and whether you kicked the quilt when you slept..."

After hearing this, Di Shaowei looked at her with a tender smile.

Ming Jingya's face turned red after hearing this: "Xiao'er, how can I be like this!"

She just thought in her heart, but didn't say it out loud! How did Xiaoer know!

"No? Then you don't miss Brother Di anymore?"

Ming Jingya blushed with embarrassment. No matter how she responded to these words, she didn't even think about it, and she didn't even think about it.

"Girl, don't bully your sister-in-law, she is thin-skinned!"

"Then you just bullied me for being thick-skinned again? I can only bully your thin-skinned wife!" Xiaoer said roguely.

"Auntie, I'm afraid of you. I promise not to make fun of you next time, okay?"

"You know what's interesting!" Xiao'er dropped these words and left, leaving space for a pair of lovers.

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