At the end of the year, the corruption case of a small county magistrate named Xu Zhongtian caused an uproar. The two famous families, the Zhongyong Hou family and the Zuo Prime Minister family, as well as the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works were all involved.

This year's New Year's gifts, many people are much more cautious in giving them. They almost always give food produced in their own village and some delicious food bought from outside. They dare not give anything valuable, and the officials are stunned. Big eyes, watching closely.

As a result, the high-quality food in Xiaoer's supermarket and the exquisite pastries in Liu Jingshu's bakery have become hot commodities. The supply exceeds the demand every day. The supply is increasing day by day, and people are still placing orders until New Year's Eve!

Xiao'er looked at the name on the order form and sneered, wasn't it said that their high-quality food was deceiving the world! Why are you queuing up to buy it? It’s obvious that their family’s diet can cure diseases and strengthen the body if there is no disease!

It’s really stupid, criticizing and rushing to buy it at the same time!

These days, the food on every dining table has been saved a lot, and even fewer people are buying her exquisite blood swallows.

When will such turbulent days come to an end? Xiaoer sighed.

Mrs. Liu looked at the New Year gift lists and felt something was wrong. They were all food items.

"The New Year's gifts given by everyone this year are very different from those in previous years. Did your father offend someone in the court?"

"Mom, don't worry! Corruption has become serious recently. The emperor was furious and ordered to severely punish corrupt officials. Officials stare at other people's doors all day long to see which house is rich in wine and meat, so this year's New Year's gift, everyone Of course, I am prepared to be gentle." Xiaoer said what she could.

"So that's it, then let's send it to Qingli. Your father has a position in the Ministry of Industry and Household Affairs, let alone the facts!" Ms. Liu didn't think too much. She would not be involved in such a difficult job as corruption and perversion of the law. Her husband-in-law only knows how to farm honestly and takes the seeds from the family to plant the family's fields, so she is not worried at all that her family will be involved.

"It's natural. I finally have the opportunity to save some money. I don't hate money. I can get the New Year's gift without spending a penny. I'm so happy!" Xiao'er said naughtily.

"You kid dare to say anything to others. If outsiders hear this, won't they think our family is stingy?" Mrs. Liu gave Xiaoer an angry look.

"Be stingy just be stingy! It's better than having less money!" Yun'er added.

Mrs. Liu: "..."

This kid must have fallen in love with money again!

Xiaoer chuckled.

Ms. Liu had been feeling sleepy recently. She checked the gift list with Xiaoer for a while and then went back to bed after being too sleepy.

In the middle of the winter, with the chilly air, Xiaoer quietly checked the profits of various stores this year in the house.

Shangguan Xuanyi jumped in from the window wearing a cold air.

"Don't always jump out of the window. Can't you come to me during the day? If people find out, I will lose my reputation." Xiaoer knew who it was without looking, so she said without raising her head.

"You won't be discovered. Why are you still up so late?" Besides, it's not as convenient as night during the day.

Shangguan Xuanyi used his inner strength to get rid of the coldness on his body, and then walked to Xiaoer's side and hugged her into his arms.

"Reconciling the accounts. Are you done with your work?" Xiaoer put down the pen in her hand and rubbed her sore arm.

"We're done, the case can be closed tomorrow!" Shangguan Xuanyi put his hand on Xiaoer's shoulder to massage her.

"That's good. At least you can have a decent New Year's Eve dinner during the Chinese New Year! My restaurant has prepared a lot of goodies this year, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sell them!"

"You can eat whatever you want, don't worry."

"I'm not worried, it's just that everyone keeps their tail between their legs and behaves like a normal person. My dad said our family can't be special!"

Well, you still have to listen to what your father-in-law says.

"I heard that you missed me, so I came to see you as soon as I came back! Why didn't you express anything?" After pressing Xiaoer's shoulders, Shangguan Xuanyi buried his head on her shoulders. Take in her scent.

"When did I say I missed you!" That big-mouthed teal of Di Shaowei! There must be quacking everywhere again!

"Then I miss you." After saying this, Shangguan Xuanyi covered his lips!

The proud peacock of Di Shaowei said that even though his own children were ready for soy sauce, he could not bring the beauty back home!

It makes people want to burn his hair!

Di Shaowei sneezed twice in his sleep and quickly covered himself with the quilt. Then he couldn't help but worry that his wife would catch a cold if she kicked off the quilt.

So he got up, got dressed and went to climb the wall.

Shangguan Xuanyi had just jumped onto the wall when he saw a figure on the other side jumping off the wall. He quickly chased after him.

The two looked at each other and were startled when they realized it was each other.

Shangguan Xuanyi said with a dark face: "Why did you come to this girl's house if you didn't sleep in the middle of the night? Don't ruin my girl's reputation!"

Di Shaowei raised his eyebrows: "Who doesn't know that my wife is in Shengpinghou Mansion? Of course I came here to hold her to sleep, but you didn't sleep in the middle of the night and came to Shengpinghou Mansion. Don't ruin the girl's reputation. ! Leave quickly!"

Shangguan Xuanyi was choked. What's so great about having a wife!

"Bring your wife back to your house tomorrow! Don't stay here to be an eyesore!" Shangguan Xuanyi said angrily.

Is his wife an eyesore? His wife has no idea how seductive she is!

"I don't! This is not your Sixth Prince's Mansion, you still have nothing to do with it!" Di Shaowei said in anger.

It’s really unbearable! It just deserves a beating!

So the two started fighting!

The secret guard hiding in the dark had two big words in his mind: boring.

This day is the coldest day since the beginning of winter. Those who got up early poured the washing water on the patio, and it turned into ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In two days, it will be the annual vacation.

It was still dark, and one carriage after another was already parked outside the palace gate.

The ministers lined up in order to enter the palace for the morning.

In the Jinluan Hall of the Imperial Palace, the four words "upright and bright" shine brightly.

The emperor, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, listened to the Minister of Punishment and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple report on this major corruption incident.

Di Zhiyuan accepted bribes of gold, silver and treasures from lower-level officials, totaling 300,000 taels.

The former Minister of Industry and the current Prime Minister Zuo accepted a total of 100,000 taels of bribes.

The Minister of Household Affairs accepted a total of 150,000 taels of bribes!

There are also some small amounts that we don’t want to mention.

There are account books, lists of bribed persons, and confessions as evidence. The time is even recorded on them, and the evidence is ironclad.

The emperor flipped through several lists and account books page by page, then looked up at the Minister of Punishment and the Young Minister of Dali Temple: "Two beloved ministers, have you checked everything? Is there anything missing?"

"Back to the emperor, everything has been investigated clearly, and the bribers have been interrogated one by one. The confessions are consistent with the testimonies." The young minister of Dali Temple replied.

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