"Okay! The two beloved ministers are really serious and meticulous in handling the case! I have some secret letters here. The two beloved ministers can take a look and see if there are any discrepancies in the numbers. Please circulate them to all the ministers' families!"

Secret letter? Officials, you look at me and I look at you. What secret letter?

The eunuch beside the emperor passed on a large bundle of secret letters.

When everyone opened it, their expressions lit up.

"How is it? Do you still think Master Di and others are greedy?"

"I am so ignorant that I don't know that these three gentlemen are noble and honest."

"Yes, high-spirited and upright, untainted by the sludge!"

"Wei Chen now knows that bribe money can still be used in this way. I really admire you!"

"The three adults are really admirable. I thought they were using their power for personal gain, but who knew they were using their power to benefit the public?"

The right prime minister looked at the secret letter in his hand, and his mind was buzzing!

The knuckles of the third prince's fingers turned white while holding the secret letter.

how so? It was obviously a battle that had been planned for many years to cut off the right and left arm of the direct lineage, but in the end it only served to highlight the loyalty of the loyal Marquis to protect the country!

One secret letter after another was like a raised palm, slap after slap, making his face crackle.

The contents of each secret letter were generally the same, with only the names and a few numbers differing.

It's all about how much silver, land, village, mansion, etc. someone gave to him on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, etc. How the minister wants to use the money!

But the emperor did it accurately, and rewarded them with a reward ranging from one hundred to several hundred taels for each payment of silver, depending on the amount!

Anyway, they were greedy for money, and they reported it to the Emperor and got the Emperor's approval for being "greedy"!

This method is really clever! Some upright and selfless officials feel regretful that they could not think of such a good way before!

For officials at their level, many people send money to their doorsteps, but there are also people who are unwilling to take it, not because they don't need it, but because they cherish their power and cherish their lives! Everyone's hearts were filled with excitement when they saw these memorials, and they will do the same in the future!

In this way, the two sleeves no longer have to pretend to be cool. They have money to take, and they can use the money to do some practical things for the people. They can also leave an impression in front of the emperor that they are not corrupt, take bribes, loyal, and upright. How did they do it before? I never thought of such a good way!

The third prince's face was pale. He had painstakingly arranged it for so many years and spent so much money, manpower and material resources. He originally wanted to support the downfall of the direct lineage, but he never expected that in the end, he would make wedding dresses for others!

No wonder his father didn't put them in jail, but only ordered a thorough investigation to make sure the evidence was conclusive. It turned out that the evidence they submitted before was not evidence at all, which made him think that the evidence was not weight enough.

Prime Minister Zuo spoke after being complimented enough: "Your Majesty, I have something to report."


"A major avalanche accident occurred in the Huangshangyue Canyon some time ago, which was accompanied by a landslide, causing over a hundred casualties. After verification..."

The third prince's expression changed after hearing this, and he soon returned to normal. Could it be that he was the one responsible for the incident.

No, it won't happen. All the people he sent out were dead soldiers! It won't be found out!

"...After investigation, it was found that when the mountain road in the Yue Canyon section was built, someone was corrupt and perverted. They did not spend most of the money for road construction and failed to prevent landslides in accordance with the design requirements. As a result, this happened in the first year after the road was repaired. A major avalanche accident. I believe that such acts of corruption, perverting the law, enriching one's own pockets, and disregarding people's lives and property must be severely punished!"

The third prince didn't know whether to cry or laugh after hearing this. It doesn't matter if there is no evidence to prove that those dead soldiers were sent out by himself. As long as others think it is you, they don't need evidence. They can still find an excuse to bite back!

The construction of that section of road was naturally made of real materials. The avalanche was a man-made accident. He sent people to ambush him, hoping to use a natural disaster to eliminate a powerful enemy!

Now he had to grit his teeth and admit it, because he had mentioned it to his father before that the avalanche accident there was a natural disaster.

The officials were all embarrassed at first. Prime Minister Zuo, Di Zhiyuan and others were corrupt and perverted the law. They made a fuss and even wanted to depose the queen. But the truth turned out to be such a slap in the face!

Now it turned out that there was corruption, perversion of the law, and fatal accidents. They plucked up their spirits and began to talk to the Confucians.

The emperor had a headache when he saw these people. In the past few days, he had been so noisy that his ears were ringing at night. He raised his hand to stop them who were about to move: "Who is responsible for the construction of that section of road?"

"It is my responsibility to return to my father. I did not supervise my son well and was deceived by the people below. I beg my father to punish me."

This is so well said! It's just poor supervision, not personal enrichment.

Shangguan Xuanyi tugged the corner of his mouth slightly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

Even if I can’t kill you, I’ll still make you lose your skin!

The expressions of the ministers became subtle.

In the end, the third prince was banned from office for one year because of poor supervision, and was given money to repair the mountain. He was also solely responsible for the pensions of the casualties! It seems that another concubine prince has withdrawn from the political stage!

The morning passed like this. The emperor looked at the civil and military officials below and said, "My beloved sirs, do you have anything else to say?"

"Father, I have something to tell you. I was almost buried when I was passing by the Moon Canyon. After I finally escaped from the natural disaster, another man-made disaster occurred. At that time, dozens of killers appeared to chase me. I was almost buried. He came back without his life. Later, two killers were captured alive, and I found a shoe from one of them." Shangguan Xuanyi motioned to Xiao Fuzi who was guarding outside the palace gate to bring up the shoe.

All the civil and military officials looked at the shoes on the tray: What's so special about this shoe? It's just an ordinary shoe! People all over the street are wearing these shoes, can they be counted as evidence?

"What can these shoes prove?" The emperor asked the question in everyone's mind.

"Xiao Fuzi!" Shangguan Xuanyi gestured to Xiao Fuzi to show everyone the special features of the shoes.

Xiao Fuzi held her breath and took out the smelly insole.

The originally white insoles had turned black, and the stench spread. The officials covered their noses and took a few steps back.

"Sixth Prince, this is the Jinluan Palace. How could you bring out such filthy things to insult the Emperor's eyes and nose!" The right prime minister covered his nose with disgust on his face.

"Dirty people naturally wear dirty things. If this filthiness is not exposed to the light, it will be my Sixth Emperor brother who will be harmed this time. Will he even dare to harm my father next time! No matter how dirty this thing is, it must be moved out so that he can't hide! Or does the Prime Minister You think that this dirty man should not be brought to justice?" Shangguan Xuanhao looked at Prime Minister You and meant something.

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