"The fourth prince is joking. Of course he must be severely punished. Such a person who dares to murder the prince and grandson will be cut into thousands of pieces." The right prime minister's face stiffened, and then his face was full of indignation.

"The Prime Minister is really too kind. Is that person a relative of yours? Isn't it too easy for him to have his body broken into pieces? Shouldn't the nine tribes be killed?"

Baiguan: "..."

Is breaking a body into pieces considered a mercy?

But why are the fourth princes so naive to the Prime Minister? Could this matter be related to Prime Minister Right?

The people standing next to Prime Minister You quietly began to move, cherish life and stay away from filth!

Prime Minister Right was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. His voice was a bit stiff. No matter how he heard it, he felt like gnashing his teeth, but he tried hard to restrain himself from gnashing his teeth: "The fourth prince is joking. It is not an exaggeration to punish the nine clans for such a crime." !”

"That's what Prime Minister Right said."

"Okay, let's get down to business first!" The stench spread to the dragon chair! As the emperor, he had not smelled the smell for a long time. He felt a little nauseous, but unfortunately he had to maintain the power of the emperor and couldn't even cover his nose to endure it!

"Father, the bottom of this insole is embroidered with the word "文" and the number 42."

After hearing this, Prime Minister Right's eyes flashed.

"Does the word 'Wen' mean this person's surname is Wen?" someone asked.

"No, it means they are soldiers under Vice General Wen."

As soon as Shangguan Xuanyi said these words, the whole place was in an uproar!

"Vice General Wen? Which Vice General Wen? A deputy general's soldiers assassinated the prince. Isn't this the rhythm of rebellion?!" one of the officials said.

A soldier under a deputy general of the Northwest Army! All the officials shuddered! I broke into a cold sweat for the Sixth Prince! On the battlefield, the soldiers fought bravely in front of the enemy, leaving the back to their own people!

If there were some people in the camp who wanted to kill him, wouldn't he worry about whether someone stabbed his back at any time and at any time?

Shangguan Xuanyi continued to explain: "Wenjie, Vice General Wen! As for whether he wants to rebel, I don't know."

"If you don't want to rebel, Brother Sixth Emperor probably wants to kill you because you are so disgusting." Shangguan Xuanhao said.

Baiguan: "..."

If someone as handsome as the Sixth Prince is said to have a decent face, then they will not have the face to meet anyone!

"Speak nicely." The emperor coughed.

"Sixth Prince, how did you conclude that these were Vice General Luo's soldiers?" someone asked.

"These shoes are donated by the Shengping Marquis Mansion to the soldiers in the northwest."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Shen Chengyao.

Shen Chengyao stepped forward without hesitation and took a look at the insole. It was indeed embroidered with a text and the word 42.

Shen Chengyao nodded: "Yes, this is donated by my family. My daughter said that swords have no eyes on the battlefield. Many soldiers may have lost their heads when they died. In order to allow these soldiers to recover their whole bodies after they died, I put them on their shoes. , embroider some numbers and the surnames of their generals on the sleeves, and you can quickly know who he is!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this: "This is a good idea!"

The Minze Dynasty would make unified arrangements for the burial of fallen soldiers, but those who had lost their hands and feet were randomly buried together. It was really impossible to tell them apart, not because they didn't want to tell them apart!

With this method, it shows more respect for the soldiers.

At this time, people pay attention to resting in their graves. Such a heart-warming gesture will make the soldiers move forward even more courageously! Don't be afraid of death without a complete corpse!

"Just one shoe cannot prove that it is Vice General Luo's soldier. Maybe someone picked up the shoes of a soldier who died on the battlefield and wore them!" Prime Minister You couldn't help but say.

Everyone present is not a human spirit. A shoe that can prove your identity can explain a lot of things, okay? Why can't it be proven that they are Lieutenant General Luo's soldiers! How easy is it to check this?

If the Sixth Prince hadn't found out clearly, would he have brought these shoes to the court in the morning?

Since the Sixth Prince dares to come to the Jinluan Palace, it means that it is definitely the case!

"It is true that a shoe may have been picked up, but that group of killers, more than 20 people, each shoe has a number and a Luo character, all of these people picked up the shoes of the dead and wore them? Are they killers or not? Beggars on the street, do they need to be like this? Besides, it’s too easy to check whether they were picked up! I have already checked, and it is indeed the case!”

Shangguan Xuanyi presented another letter to the emperor.

After the emperor read this letter, he threw it directly in the face of Prime Minister You: "What's your explanation?"

This letter was written by Prime Minister You to Wenjie, asking him to get rid of the sixth prince if he had the chance.

When the right prime minister saw this letter, his face turned pale! Why didn't Wenjie burn such an important confidential document after reading it? How could such a letter fall into the other party's hands! Do you still want to live?

In fact, it was a coincidence that Shangguan Xuanyi got this letter.

This starts with the heartbeat of a homing pigeon.

Xiaoer uses a carrier pigeon to deliver a message to Shangguan Xuanyi who is in the military camp.

That carrier pigeon had been raised in the space by its great-grandfather. After several lifetimes, it was an extraordinary carrier pigeon produced by the space. It looked like an extraordinary carrier pigeon. It looked like an immortal. exist!

Prime Minister Right also sent a message to Wenjie using a carrier pigeon!

Two carrier pigeons met on the road. As soon as the right prime minister's carrier pigeon saw Xiaoer's carrier pigeon, there were only circles in his eyes, and he was so fascinated that he became dizzy!

Two homing pigeons traveling together had a great time chatting.

In the end, Prime Minister Li's carrier pigeon landed directly on Shangguan Xuanyi's desk, following Xiaoer's carrier pigeon.

Shangguan Xuanyi thought it was his letter, so he took it all down.

When he opened it, he was shocked beyond description.

He was good at imitating people's handwriting, so he wrote a letter with exactly the same handwriting, stuffed it back into the bamboo tube, tied it back to the foot of the bewildered carrier pigeon, and let it deliver the letter.

Wenjie had no idea that the letter was a fake product, so he burned it after reading it.

If he knew, he would understand why, on the battlefield, when he fired cold arrows behind Shangguan Xuanyi, his back looked like it had eyes.

Wenjie is a relative of the Prime Minister's wife and has always been attracted to Li Yuning. Now the Prime Minister tells him that Shangguan Xuanyi is the culprit who ruined Li Yuning. How can he not hate him! The hatred for destroying the one you love is irreconcilable! So there was an assassination later!

Having said that, after hearing the emperor's words, the right prime minister quickly knelt down and said, "The emperor is unjust!"

"Why are you being wronged? Wasn't this letter written by you? My dear, I have been reading your handwriting for decades, can I not recognize it? And this paper, this ink fragrance! You are all using my reward I wrote this letter with your pen, ink, paper and inkstone! Do you think I can’t recognize it?” The emperor walked down the steps and kicked him!

It’s a shame that I have trusted and reused him so much over the years! He actually wants the life of his own prince!

Even breaking his body into thousands of pieces would not be enough to vent his anger!

Baiguan stood there without daring to take a breath.

"Come here, throw Prime Minister You into the prison!"

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