This year is destined to be a restless year!

Prime Minister You and Wenjie were both beheaded.

Another high-ranking official was dismissed. The men were sent to the army and sent to the frontiers, and the women were made official slaves.

It is rare for an emperor to replace both the left and right prime ministers during his reign!

Many officials were dismissed based on serious circumstances, some were beheaded, some were beheaded, and some were exiled from the army.

Shen Baoer was imprisoned in the government's dental office, and after becoming a slave, she couldn't stop hating Xiaoer in her heart!

Official slaves like them, who were demoted as slaves because of family crimes, remained slaves for the rest of their lives and could not escape from slavery.

Even future generations will need three generations to redeem their slave status!

It must have been the fault of that bitch Shen Xiaoer, she knew that nothing good would happen if she met her!

Fortunately, Shen Baoer sewed a fifty-tael silver note and a gold leaf inside the insole.

She gave the gold leaf to a boy in the dental shop. During the usual training, they also had the opportunity to use pen, ink, paper and inkstone. She secretly wrote a letter and asked the boy to help her deliver it.

The boy didn't dare to agree at first, but later she said that she just asked her biological parents to buy her back. The boy was also literate. After reading the content of the letter, he saw that the address on the letter was a small village. I was really jealous of that golden leaf, so I agreed.

Li Yuning, who was demoted as a slave, only hated Xiaoer more than Shen Baoer. She had been harmed by Shen Xiaoer all her life. Ever since Shen Xiaoer appeared, her life had been unsatisfactory, and in the end her family was ruined.

Sometimes she wonders, if she had not listened to Shen Baoer's words and set up Shangguan Xuanyi, but had followed her previous method and made friends with Shen Xiaoer, would she have been able to get her wish and marry Shangguan Xuanyi instead of ending up like this.

But no matter what, it was because of Shen Xiaoer that she ended up like this, and she would never let her go!

At this point, the storm of corruption and assassination came to an end.

The Zhongyong Hou Mansion is still favored by the Holy Spirit.

The officials did not dare to mention the abolition of the queen, but the queen mother had to seize the opportunity here. No emperor in the past dynasties had such an empty harem.

The Queen Mother issued a decree with thunderous force to start the draft after spring.

Many girls are looking forward to it and seriously study the rules and talents that they are usually too lazy to learn.

The New Year's bell has arrived in the anticipation of millions of people.

This year, many places have achieved their goal of producing nearly 1,000 kilograms per mu.

Some people's granaries are so small that they can't even hold the newly harvested grain.

Some people were so happy that they even slept on the grain!

Because of the imperial policy, some villages grew mushrooms according to local conditions, and some barren villages specialized in growing soybeans to improve the soil quality. Then the imperial court taught them how to make tofu, dried tofu and other soy products, and many people used the soybeans they grew to make Carrying a burden on the soybean products, I walked through the streets and alleys to sell them in various towns and villages. My life was finally much better.

Some people even left the county and joined relatives in other counties to specialize in the soy products business, and they also made a name for themselves!

There are also some barren counties where soybeans are grown, workshops are built, and soy sauce and bean paste are brewed, first from the local county and then to other counties, and then slowly sold to more and more places.

The days are getting more prosperous day by day.

The soil in some areas was very suitable for growing sweet potatoes. The imperial court supported them in growing sweet potatoes and gave them a recipe for making vermicelli. Then the villagers collected money to build a vermicelli workshop and began selling vermicelli, dried in the sun, to grocery stores in various towns. The vermicelli lasted a long time, and the resulting delicious food soon became popular among more and more people. By the second year, the supply of vermicelli in that workshop exceeded the demand, and the living standards of the entire village reached a qualitative leap. ! The magistrates of other counties with similar soil quality and climate brought many village chiefs and villagers to inspect the school. ********** looked at this year's taxes and read the memorials that mostly stated this. The results of the two-year campaign to encourage farmers and farmers to cultivate mulberry trees can simply be described as amazing. As a result, many people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Some counties and towns that plant fruit trees will not see results within a year or two, but the emperor believes that as long as God is kind, there will be more harvest memorials on his desk in the coming year!

His eyebrows finally relaxed, the smile returned to his face, and the depression caused by those major cases in recent days also dissipated.

The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs were specially commended, and Shen Chengyao, as the initiator, was even more rewarded.

He was also remembered for the New Year's Eve dinner, and he specially ordered the imperial kitchen to prepare an extra New Year's Eve dinner and send it to the Shengping Marquis Mansion!

What an honor it would be to have the same New Year's Eve dinner as the emperor!

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, only the Zhongyong Hou Mansion has had such an honor!

This year's New Year's Eve dinner is more abundant than in previous years, and the smiles are brighter than in previous years.

Most families in the South have bowls of rice on their dining tables.

Families in the north have a large bowl of steaming white flour steamed buns.

The number and types of meat on the table should also be more.

There are more children wearing new clothes in the New Year than in previous years.

The children also have more New Year's money in their pockets than in previous years.

Everyone’s face is filled with joyful smiles!

The laughter in every street and alley is louder than in previous years!

Happiness is very simple: a peaceful and prosperous age, good weather, plenty of food and clothing - this is what millions of people in this dynasty want.

It's simple, but it's also difficult.

in the palace

Chang Guiren's Changle Palace, Chang Guiren washed his face with tears, "It's all the fault of my mother and concubine that hurt you. If I hadn't been too impatient, you wouldn't have been abandoned by the father. Tonight's New Year's Eve dinner will also be held because of you." Unable to participate due to grounding!”

"It's just a meal. So what if we can eat together in the past years? Aren't we, mother and son, like invisible people, watching them? Wouldn't it be more heartwarming for us, mother and son, to have a quiet reunion dinner together?" the third prince comforted. road.

The excitement and joy of the New Year belong to the queen, mother and son, but they have nothing.

Chang Guiren sniffed: "Your father has always been partial. Not long after you started working, you were dismissed. What do you have to fight with them in the future? When your father is a hundred years from now, your mother and concubine will definitely be buried with him. , how could they let you go?"

"Don't worry, mother and concubine. My father is still young. This matter is not urgent. I will not let you be buried with him. You will definitely be the future queen mother."

"I'm worried that your father will treat you just like the eldest prince. First he was placed under house arrest, and then he became bedridden. In a few years, he may be gone."

"No." The eldest prince is just a bastard, so how can he compare with himself, the son of a dragon and a phoenix grandchild of his own.

"Concubine, don't cry. Tonight is New Year's Eve. These dishes are quite good. Let's eat quickly."

"Okay, don't cry, let's eat." Chang Guiren wiped his tears.

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