The activity of “picking vegetables” started by beating drums and passing flowers around.

A woman beats the drum. When the drum stops, whoever's hand the silk flower falls into will step forward to "pick the vegetables."

The person who beats the drums in the first round is the person who wins the guessing game.

A total of twenty girls participated, and the others sat aside and watched the fun.

In the first round, Gu Qiqi played the drums. When the drums stopped, the silk flower just fell into Fu Ranhui's hands.

She stood up and walked in front of the flower stand, looking at it, and then picked one of the yellow dendrobium trees, with a vegetable that looked like grass but was not grass planted on it.

There are three vegetables that look most like grass, one is garlic, one is onion, and the other is leek!

She pointed at the grass and said happily: "This is a leek!"

"Congratulations, Princess, you guessed it right." A palace maid sang loudly.

The queen smiled and rewarded her with a pair of ruby ​​earrings.

This leek is too easy to guess. Seeing Fu Ranhui pick the easiest one to guess and get a pair of ruby ​​earrings, some people regretted it. When the silk flower was passed to her hands just now, she should have held it longer, so that she You can guess it if you are the first one up!

Not only can you get rewards, but you can also win a jackpot!

I didn’t expect that leeks would be put on it!

Fu Ranhui guessed correctly, and it was Fu Ranhui's turn to play the drums.

When the drumming stopped, the silk flower just passed into Zhao Minhua's hands.

Zhao Minhua was stunned, why was she so unlucky? She felt that vegetables with only two or three leaves all looked the same! Even vegetables with four or five leaves all look the same.

She has prosopagnosia and forgets unfamiliar people! Unexpectedly, the "face" that recognized Cai was also unrecognizable.

Zhao Minhua stepped forward bravely and looked at each tree one by one. Well, they all looked similar. She had been training in the greenhouse at home for a month and found nothing!

She walked to a corner and saw a Dendrobium plant planted with water, with its pointed tips curled up like leaves that had not yet grown.

What is this? It seemed a little familiar, and suddenly she remembered the scene in the lotus pond in the mansion in early summer. She suddenly thought and said loudly: "Lotus root!"

After saying that, she picked up the silk underneath and saw it written in small regular script with fine silk hairpins: Where there are holes, there are no insects; where there are nests, there are no peaks; where there are silks, there are no silkworms; where there are umbrellas, there are no people.

She smiled slightly, and it turned out to be lotus root.

"Congratulations to Miss Zhao for guessing correctly!"

The lotus root was planted in the water and had a sharp point when it sprouted. It was not difficult to guess that the queen also rewarded her with a pair of sapphire earrings.

Mrs. Zhao breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her stupid daughter could guess right and didn't make a fool of herself, at least she wasn't the first one to make a fool of herself.

Gods and Buddhas all over the sky are blessing me!

She has been almost worried to death recently. She wants to arrange a marriage for her, but there is no man whose face she can remember!

What if I get married in the future and marry into a family with many brothers, and my husband-in-law is mistaken!

Zhao Minhua didn't know what Mrs. Zhao was thinking. She stepped forward to beat the drum. The drum stopped and the silk flower fell into Xiao'er's hand.

Xiaoer stood up, walked to the flower stand, pointed to a plant with only two cotyledons and a little more buds in the middle and said, "This is Chinese cabbage!"

Chinese cabbage, mustard greens, and rapeseed look very similar when they grow out. These three are the most difficult to distinguish! As soon as everyone saw the three dendrobiums placed together like triplets, they didn't want to take a second look and just skipped them.

If County Lord Rui'an guesses it, then if anyone is willing to guess the remaining two, the answer is ready to come out, right or wrong. This will give one more chance to guess right, someone thought.

"Congratulations to County Master Rui'an, you guessed it right!" the palace maid sang loudly. Someone actually guessed the triplets right away. It's really amazing!

"County Master Rui'an is so awesome. I only think that these vegetables all look the same, but I wouldn't dare to guess them." Gu Qiqi said as if there was nothing I could do with them.

"Xiao'er, how did you guess that?" Ruan Weizhen was destined to be the royal daughter-in-law. Although her father's official status was not great, she had good horoscopes and was favored by the Queen Mother and the Empress to marry Shangguan Xuanhao, so she was lucky enough to participate. For this banquet.

"The more I look at them, the more I know who they are."

"I made up my mind to take a detour when I saw them. But if I had to guess, I would just guess!" Fu Ranhui stuck out her tongue.

"Maybe County Lord Rui'an just made a random guess and got it right!" Mrs. Li said at this time.

Xiaoer glanced at Mrs. Li, why didn't she go to Mengmeng!

Li Mingfang quickly glared at Mrs. Li: "Mother, don't talk nonsense! Rui'an County has been with vegetables since she was a child. Not to mention that she can recognize a cabbage, even the three dendrobiums that look the same. It won’t be a surprise to recognize him.”

He comes from a farming family and has been dealing with these things since he was a child, so it is natural for him to know them.

"Oh! I almost forgot that County Lord Rui'an is probably best at these. No, no, it's impossible to win like this! County Lord Rui'an, you have to guess all three pots correctly." Chu Die responded to this challenge. Vegetable banquet events are very disdainful. What’s so interesting about this dish? It’s not elegant at all!

In previous years, the emperor and his ministers plowed the fields on this day. This year, I don’t know why it was changed to “picking vegetables”. It’s really disrespectful!

What's the use of knowing these vegetables? They don't have to grow them!

"Yes, County Lord Rui'an, if you can name the dishes in those three dendrobiums, I will believe that you are really serious about it and not just blind." Mrs. Li also said.

"If the silk flower is passed to my hand again later, I will go up and guess! Then Mrs. Li will know if I am right!" Xiaoer replied lightly without being happy or angry, and then sat back on her own He smiled and talked to Fu Ranhui next to him.

The Queen Mother had to nod secretly when she saw it. County Lord Rui'an said it well. He did not act impulsively due to being provoked by others, nor did he admit that he was deceived. Anyway, you will know if it is reasonable and reasonable. Do I have the real stuff! Neither humble nor arrogant, neither happy nor angry, this calmness and calmness that does not take joy in things or sorrow in oneself, on the contrary, it seems that the person who just provoked was too rude and unreasonable.

With such an indifferent temperament, she was truly born to be a royal daughter-in-law!

This was the most difficult thing to guess, and County Lord Rui'an was in trouble again. The queen deliberately supported her and rewarded her with a set of rubies, red gold beads, and a emerald head face, and a gold wire inlaid with rubies, a double luan, and a green step.

Humph, it’s nothing to bully your daughter-in-law in front of you!

The Queen Mother also rewarded her with a pearl and jasper bracelet and a gold bracelet with double dragon patterns inlaid with precious stones.

"It's because the Queen Mother and Queen Mother have a keen eye for talents and know that Lord Rui'an is a true gold who is not afraid of fire, so they gave him such a generous reward! Right, mother?" Fu Ranhui asked the eldest princess.

"The Queen Mother and the Queen are naturally wise." The eldest princess smiled.

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