Madam Li and Chu Die's expressions immediately turned ugly.

But this can’t be blamed on others. The identity of County Princess Rui’an is different now. After all, she is also the royal wife certified by God. The queen mother didn’t say anything more. They still wanted to slap her in the face, not just the royal family’s face. !

Mrs. Li, who dared not speak out in anger, could only sit there, maintaining a stiff smile.

The drumming and passing of flowers continued. The girls who started to go up would definitely not recognize all the vegetables on it, but they would indeed work hard to identify a few that were easier to identify, so they all guessed it right. The Queen rewarded the items based on the difficulty level. The degree of value is also different.

When the silk flower fell into Li Mingfang's hands, it was easy for someone to guess it.

She looked at the small dendrobium trees on the flower stand and walked around, but she didn't recognize them, and they didn't recognize her either.

How can she guess these things? Ask her to guess martial arts moves and she can guess them. Ask her to guess a vegetable. She is so full that she can hold on!

She could only pick one at random to guess, looked left and right, and found that she didn't recognize it.

She could only rely on guessing. She picked up the pink silk and took a look: a red rooster with a green tail and its head buried in the ground.

don't know!

Li Mingfang shook his head: "I don't know."

"You will be punished if you can't answer!" the queen said with a smile.

Li Mingfang nodded: "My daughter is willing to be punished."

"What do you think should be the best punishment?" The queen asked everyone's opinions with a smile.

"The spring is beautiful today, how about writing a poem with the theme of spring?" Di Junya suggested as she glanced at the bright spring scenery around her.

"Okay! Just write a poem! What do you think, County Master Ruian?" Fu Ranhui said with a smile.

"You can also write poetry! It's not difficult to write poetry."

Composing poems is not difficult, but Mrs. Li wants to vomit blood, but her daughter feels like facing a formidable enemy whenever she is faced with poems and songs.

For other women, writing poetry is nothing. Even if they are not proficient in poetry, music, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, they can definitely handle it.

But Li Mingfang has not liked red makeup since she was a child, preferring to be armed! These are the things she is most impatient with. She has not studied poetry, poetry, and songs at all, and everyone knows this.

Di Junya proposed this just to make things difficult on purpose! But wasn’t the relationship between the two of them very good in the past?

Why would Di Junya openly embarrass Li Mingfang today? The girls here were guessing in their hearts.

Could it be because of Prince Di's divorce? (After Di Shaowei got married, Marquis Zhongyong asked him to be crowned the crown prince, so now everyone calls him the crown prince.)

Could it be that Crown Prince Di's breakup of the engagement was not what Mrs. Li said about his reluctance to change his mind, so Di Junya was angry with the Li family and went around saying that Crown Prince Di's reluctance to marry him was not what Mrs. Li said?

Everyone's curiosity about gossip was aroused.

Di Junya would embarrass Li Mingfang, naturally because Mrs. Li always went around saying that Di Shaowei was ungrateful and had changed his mind!

The Li family is not satisfied at all that Li Mingfang wants to marry the third prince. It would be okay if he is the second prince or the fourth prince. No matter whether he will become a Dabao in the future, the fate of a prince will never go away! This is the worst, Li Mingfang is also a princess!

But the third prince is obviously destined to be cannon fodder!

But now, even if she is dissatisfied, she cannot show her dislike. She can only talk about Di Shaowei who broke off the engagement and vent her anger!

After all, no matter how unpopular the third prince is, he is still a prince. Being able to marry a prince is a great blessing in the eyes of the world! What a great grace!

Mrs. Li was so regretful now that her intestines were green. When the Admiral's Mansion sent someone to propose marriage, she ignored her daughter's crying and refused to agree! At that time, she was really dissatisfied with the Admiral's Mansion, which was lower than her own family.

Since ancient times, people have been paying attention to marrying high and marrying low. How could her daughter be inferior to other women? Naturally, she couldn't marry casually! Even the pheasant in the Shengping Marquis Mansion climbed onto the Sixth Prince, thus flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix!

My family has been loyal for generations, and my daughter cannot marry too poorly!

She originally fell in love with the fourth prince, and the fourth prince and her daughter were also childhood sweethearts. The two had fought side by side in the northwest, so it was the best thing to be a couple.

She asked the old lady at home to hint to the Queen Mother that Mingfang and the princes had grown up together in the military camp, and now they had reached the age when the male eldest son was getting married and the eldest daughter was getting married, and she didn't know where their marriage was.

The Queen Mother and Mrs. Li had been friends since they were young and had a good relationship. When the old sisters opened the door, they also thought that Li Mingfang was a good kid with a cheerful personality, and that she could win over the military by marrying into the royal family, so they agreed.

Who knew that the marriage proposal was indeed to the prince, but to the cannon fodder third prince!

On the day the imperial decree came down, the mother and daughter cried all night long!

Li Mingfang felt wronged and angry. She didn't eat for a day and was locked in the room for three days before going out!

Mrs. Li regretted pushing forward the marriage proposal of Zhao Youwei, the eldest son of the Admiral's Mansion.

Now I have so many choices to choose from, but I finally picked a crappy lamp!

"I can't compose poetry, Junya, don't you know that?" Li Mingfang looked at Di Junya with some dissatisfaction, her tone aggrieved.

"But haven't the punishments all along been writing poems, playing the piano, etc.? Or do you want to drink?"

"I'll punish myself with three drinks!" Li Mingfang said quickly after hearing this.

As long as she is not allowed to play the piano and compose poetry, anything will be fine! Just give her two whips!

"Miss Li is indeed a hero among women. Let me help you pour the wine!" Di Junya stood up and gave instructions to the maid behind her.

The maid looked at the Queen Mother, who nodded. She could tell that this girl from the Di family wanted to embarrass Li Mingfang. She also wanted to see how Li Mingfang would deal with it. After all, she was going to marry her grandson in the future. What a scene she would face. There are so many accidents, and a royal concubine cannot be a fool.

The palace maid soon came over with a jar of wine and a large blue and white bowl with mandarin duck patterns.

The ladies and ladies present were dumbfounded: How many cups can such a big bowl hold? Moreover, it is plum blossom wine. This wine is not the strongest, but it has great staying power!

And after three big bowls of it, even fruit wine with no alcoholic flavor will make you drunk!

Di Junya poured a large bowl herself and handed it to Li Mingfang.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li hurriedly said: "With such a big bowl of wine, isn't Miss Di deliberately making things difficult for Mingfang?"

"But Miss Li has always been a woman, and she can't get drunk after a thousand drinks. Wouldn't it be insulting if I gave her a drink from a small wine glass? Besides, for a person who has a good drinker, three glasses is still a punishment. ?"

Mrs. Li was choked and speechless! My daughter’s drinking capacity is indeed good, but she can’t stay drunk after a thousand drinks!

"Mom, there's no need to say anything. I'm drinking." Li Mingfang took it without even frowning.

After three large bowls of wine were down, Li Mingfang wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and sat back to his original position.

Everyone saw that her expression did not change at all after drinking three large bowls of plum blossom wine, and they all praised her for her good drinking ability.

Thank you Lantianbaiyun for the reward, and thank you book friends who voted.

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